Java 完全数查找器

Java 完全数查找器,java,Java,我有一个任务是创建一个完美的数字计算器,但我真的不知道如何去做。我在这里找到了一些示例,但显然我不想只是复制,但我很难弄清楚每个部分的用途 我知道第一个For循环意味着当min小于或等于10000时加1,但是为什么下一个变量在循环中声明,以及“e”代表什么。“e”应该是完美数字的支票吗 public static void main(String[] args){ int min = 1; int max = 10000; for (min = 1; min <



public static void main(String[] args){
    int min = 1; 
    int max = 10000;

    for (min = 1; min <= max; min++) { 
        int sum = 0;
        for (int e = 1; e < min; e++) {
            if ((min % e) == 0) {
                sum += e;
        if (sum == min){           


public static void main(String[] args){
// The lowest number we will check to see if it's perfect
int min = 1; 
// The highest number we will check to see if it's perfect
int max = 10000;

// A loop to go over all numbers in the range to check which of them are perfect
for (min = 1; min <= max; min++) { 
    // The sum of proper positive divisors for our number
    int sum = 0;
    // A loop to calculate the sum of positive divisors for our number, here 'e' will
    // go from 1 to 'min-1' (because a perfect number excludes the number itself)
    for (int e = 1; e < min; e++) {
        // This if is true if the number if a proper divisor of our number ('min')
        if ((min % e) == 0) {
            // The number is a proper divisor so we add it to the sum of proper divisors
            // for our number
            sum += e;
    // We finished checking all of our proper divisors for the number 'min'
    if (sum == min){           
        // If this is is true, that means that the sum of all proper divisors
        // for 'min' equals to 'min' -> 'min' is a perfect number, so we
        // print it

以及“e”的意思。你认为int e=1是什么;e