Java spark sql问题:第一个匹配行上的联接表:rank()不工作

Java spark sql问题:第一个匹配行上的联接表:rank()不工作,java,apache-spark,apache-spark-sql,spark-dataframe,Java,Apache Spark,Apache Spark Sql,Spark Dataframe,我必须使用spark java API编写以下查询 select * from ( select u.*, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY u.imsi,u.[uplink_ip_string] ORDER BY u.uplink_start ASC) AS [RANK1] , from uplinkonly u,downlinkonly d where u.imsi=d.imsi and u.[uplink_ip_string]=d.[uplink_ip_string] a

我必须使用spark java API编写以下查询

select * from (
select u.*,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY u.imsi,u.[uplink_ip_string] ORDER BY u.uplink_start ASC) AS [RANK1] ,
from uplinkonly u,downlinkonly d
where u.imsi=d.imsi
and u.[uplink_ip_string]=d.[uplink_ip_string]
and u.[downlink_port]=d.downlink_port
and d.downlink_start!='0'
and (cast(u.uplink_start as bigint) -cast(d.downlink_start as bigint))< 25000
and (cast(u.uplink_start as bigint) -cast(d.downlink_start as bigint))>-25000
)a  where  RANK1=1"


"Could not resolve window function 'rank'. Note that, using window functions currently requires a Hive Context"