Java 休眠:实体上的多个筛选器

Java 休眠:实体上的多个筛选器,java,hibernate,hibernate-filters,Java,Hibernate,Hibernate Filters,我想在一个实体上有多个Hibernate过滤器,我尝试了所有符合逻辑的方法,但运气不佳,Google在这方面做得不够,Hibernate文档也是如此。我无法想象这是不可能的。使用 目前,我有: 这就是我试过的 我尝试像这样向TestCase添加多个@FilterDefs,但没有编译: @Entity @Table(name = "TESTCASE_NEW") @FilterDef(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_F





    @Table(name = "TESTCASE_NEW")
    @FilterDef(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER", defaultCondition = "TESTRUNID in (:IDS)", 
parameters = { @ParamDef(name = "IDS", type = "int") })
    @FilterDef(name = "TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER", defaultCondition = "TESTCASENAME like :TESTCASE_NAME", 
parameters = { @ParamDef(name = "TESTCASE_NAME", type = "string") })

    public class TestCase implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        @Column(name = "TESTCASEID")
        private int ID;

        @Column(name = "TESTCASENAME")
        private String name;


    @Table(name = "CATEGORY")
    public class Category implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        @Column(name = "CATEGORYID")
        private int ID;

        @Column(name = "CATEGORYNAME")
        private String name;

        @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
        @JoinColumn(name = "CATEGORYID")
        @OrderBy("TESTCASEID desc")
        private Collection<TestCase> testCases;

    @Table(name = "TESTCASE_NEW")
    @FilterDef(name = "TESTCASE_FILTER", parameters = { @ParamDef(name = "IDS", type = "int"), @ParamDef(name = "TESTCASE_NAME", type = "string") })
    @Filters({ @Filter(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER", condition = "TESTRUNID in (:IDS)"), @Filter(name = "TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER", condition = "TESTCASENAME like :TESTCASE_NAME") })
    // @FilterDef(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER", defaultCondition = "TESTRUNID in (:IDS)", parameters = { @ParamDef(name =
    // "IDS", type = "int") })
    public class TestCase implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        @Column(name = "TESTCASEID")
        private int ID;

        @Column(name = "TESTCASENAME")
        private String name;
        public List<Category> getCategories(List<Integer> testRunIDs, String category, String testCaseName)
            Session session = getSession();
            if (testRunIDs != null && testRunIDs.size() != 0)
                session.enableFilter("TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER").setParameterList("IDS", testRunIDs);
            if (category != null && !category.equals("0") && !category.equals(""))
                session.enableFilter("CATEGORY_FILTER").setParameter("CATEGORY", category);

             * Hibernate wants to do an (left) outer join be default.
             * This bit of HQL is required to get it to do an inner join.
             * The query tells Hibernate to do an inner join on the testCases property inside the Category object

            Query query = session.createQuery("select distinct c from Category c inner join c.testCases tc");
            List<Category> result = query.list();
            return result;



事实上我已经解决了,但谢谢您的帮助。下面详细介绍的解决方案是在@FilterDefs注释中包装多个@FilterDef注释。奇怪的是,我没有在任何地方或Hibernate文档中找到这篇文章,我看到了这篇文章,并认为hey maybee@FilterDefs确实存在

@Table(name = "TESTCASE_NEW")
        @FilterDef(name = "TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER", defaultCondition = "TESTCASENAME like :TESTCASENAME", parameters = { @ParamDef(name = "TESTCASENAME", type = "string") }),
        @FilterDef(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER", defaultCondition = "TESTRUNID in (:IDS)", parameters = { @ParamDef(name = "IDS", type = "int") })
public class TestCase implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name = "TESTCASEID")
    private int ID;

    @Column(name = "TESTCASENAME")
    private String name;


public class Category implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name = "CATEGORYID")
    private int ID;

    @Column(name = "CATEGORYNAME")
    private String name;

    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "CATEGORYID")
    @OrderBy("TESTCASEID desc")
            @Filter(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER"),
            @Filter(name = "TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER") })
    private Collection<TestCase> testCases;


public List<Category> getCategories(List<Integer> testRunIDs, String category, String testCaseName)
        Session session = getSession();

        if (testRunIDs != null && testRunIDs.size() != 0)
            session.enableFilter("TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER").setParameterList("IDS", testRunIDs);

        if (testCaseName != null)
            session.enableFilter("TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER").setParameter("TESTCASENAME", testCaseName);

         * Hibernate wants to do an (left) outer join be default.
         * This bit of HQL is required to get it to do an inner join.
         * The query tells Hibernate to do an inner join on the testCases property inside the Category object

        Query query = session.createQuery("select distinct c from Category c inner join c.testCases tc");
        List<Category> result = query.list();
        return result;

+1.用户发布了他尝试的内容。+1。hibernate reference中有一个引用:我也错过了。仅供参考
@Table(name = "TESTCASE_NEW")
        @FilterDef(name = "TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER", defaultCondition = "TESTCASENAME like :TESTCASENAME", parameters = { @ParamDef(name = "TESTCASENAME", type = "string") }),
        @FilterDef(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER", defaultCondition = "TESTRUNID in (:IDS)", parameters = { @ParamDef(name = "IDS", type = "int") })
public class TestCase implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name = "TESTCASEID")
    private int ID;

    @Column(name = "TESTCASENAME")
    private String name;


public class Category implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name = "CATEGORYID")
    private int ID;

    @Column(name = "CATEGORYNAME")
    private String name;

    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "CATEGORYID")
    @OrderBy("TESTCASEID desc")
            @Filter(name = "TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER"),
            @Filter(name = "TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER") })
    private Collection<TestCase> testCases;

public List<Category> getCategories(List<Integer> testRunIDs, String category, String testCaseName)
        Session session = getSession();

        if (testRunIDs != null && testRunIDs.size() != 0)
            session.enableFilter("TEST_RUN_ID_FILTER").setParameterList("IDS", testRunIDs);

        if (testCaseName != null)
            session.enableFilter("TESTCASE_NAME_FILTER").setParameter("TESTCASENAME", testCaseName);

         * Hibernate wants to do an (left) outer join be default.
         * This bit of HQL is required to get it to do an inner join.
         * The query tells Hibernate to do an inner join on the testCases property inside the Category object

        Query query = session.createQuery("select distinct c from Category c inner join c.testCases tc");
        List<Category> result = query.list();
        return result;