Javascript 如何使用Soundcloud API获取播放列表的每首曲目?

Javascript 如何使用Soundcloud API获取播放列表的每首曲目?,javascript,api,stream,soundcloud,Javascript,Api,Stream,Soundcloud,我正在使用Soundcloud API创建自定义播放列表(与原始Soundcloud播放器不同的外观)。见下图。我正在为一位艺术家开发一个网站 借助Soundcloud的API,我想将他的音乐从Soundcloud导入网站。有不同的标签页应该代表所有上传到SC数据库中的相册(你可以在图片上看到)。这是我用以下代码完成的: SC.get('/users/' + USER + '/playlists', function(playlists) { $(playlists).each(func

我正在使用Soundcloud API创建自定义播放列表(与原始Soundcloud播放器不同的外观)。见下图。我正在为一位艺术家开发一个网站


SC.get('/users/' + USER + '/playlists', function(playlists) {
    $(playlists).each(function(index, playlist) {

    $('.list-of-links').append($('<li></li>').html('<a href="#">' + playlist.title + '</a>'));
//$('#cover').append($('<li></li>').css('background-image', "url('" + track.artwork_url + "')");
    $("#cover").append('<div><img src="' + playlist.artwork_url.replace('-large', '-t500x500') + '"></div>');





var track_objects = {};

SC.get('/users/' + USER + '/playlists', function(playlists) {

  $(playlists).each(function(index, playlist) {

    // Let's say you have divs with class 'playlist', adhering to the structure of the markup you imply in your question.
    // Store reference to the current playlist
    var $playlist = $('.playlist').eq(index);
    // Populate with values
    $playlist.find('.list-of-links').append($('<li></li>').html('<a href="#">' + playlist.title + '</a>'));
    $playlist.find('.cover').append('<div><img src="' + playlist.artwork_url.replace('-large', '-t500x500') + '"></div>');

    // Maybe you would have a ul in each of your playlist divs with a class of tracks...
    // Store reference to the track ul
    var $tracks = $playlist.find('ul.tracks');

    $(playlist.tracks).each(function(i, track) { // Use 'i' so there's no conflict with 'index' of parent loop

      // Your count var is unnecessary, i is 0-indexed so just add 1 to get the track number
      // Note use of here, and different classes for start / stop
      $tracks.append($('<li data-id="' + + '"></li>').html('<a href="#" class="start">Start</a> / <a href="#" class="stop">Stop</a>' + (i + 1) + ' / ' + track.title + ' - ' + track.playback_count));




var track_objects = {};

SC.get('/users/' + USER + '/playlists', function(playlists) {

  $(playlists).each(function(index, playlist) {

    // Let's say you have divs with class 'playlist', adhering to the structure of the markup you imply in your question.
    // Store reference to the current playlist
    var $playlist = $('.playlist').eq(index);
    // Populate with values
    $playlist.find('.list-of-links').append($('<li></li>').html('<a href="#">' + playlist.title + '</a>'));
    $playlist.find('.cover').append('<div><img src="' + playlist.artwork_url.replace('-large', '-t500x500') + '"></div>');

    // Maybe you would have a ul in each of your playlist divs with a class of tracks...
    // Store reference to the track ul
    var $tracks = $playlist.find('ul.tracks');

    $(playlist.tracks).each(function(i, track) { // Use 'i' so there's no conflict with 'index' of parent loop

      // Your count var is unnecessary, i is 0-indexed so just add 1 to get the track number
      // Note use of here, and different classes for start / stop
      $tracks.append($('<li data-id="' + + '"></li>').html('<a href="#" class="start">Start</a> / <a href="#" class="stop">Stop</a>' + (i + 1) + ' / ' + track.title + ' - ' + track.playback_count));



// Depending on jQuery version, you may need 'live()' here
$('a.start').on('click', function(){

  var track_id = $(this).parent().attr('data-id');

  if( typeof track_objects[track_id] !== 'undefined' ){
    // We already have this one, no need to make another call to
    var sound = track_objects[track_id];;
    // First play requested - we need to load this one'/tracks/' + track_id, function(sound){;
      // Store sound object
      track_objects[track_id] = sound;

// Depending on jQuery version, you may need 'live()' here
$('a.stop').on('click', function(){

  var track_id = $(this).parent().attr('data-id');

  // In case a user clicks stop accidentally on a track that hasn't been played yet, check for undefined here too
  if( typeof track_objects[track_id] !== 'undefined' ){
    var sound = track_objects[track_id];
