Javascript 如何在GSAP和ScrollMagic中设置底部和不透明度属性的动画?

Javascript 如何在GSAP和ScrollMagic中设置底部和不透明度属性的动画?,javascript,css,gsap,scrollmagic,Javascript,Css,Gsap,Scrollmagic,使用下面的代码,我能够交错动画的位置和淡入文本。但我想完成的是移动、淡入,然后在滚动结束时将所有副本淡入0。所以搬家很好。我只希望相同的标签在滚动结束时淡入淡出 // init controller to hold all commands/animations const controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller({ addIndicators: true }); const tween1 = TweenMax .staggerTo('#parall


// init controller to hold all commands/animations
const controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller({ addIndicators: true });

const tween1 = TweenMax
  .staggerTo('#parallax p', 1, {
    bottom: $('#parallax').height(),
    opacity: 1,
  }, 0.06);

// All commands/animations live in a scene
new ScrollMagic.Scene({
  // Element to watch
  triggerElement: '#parallax',
  // Point at which animation starts, default is center of screen
  triggerHook: 0, // 1 onEnter, .5 onCenter (Defualt), 0 onLeave
.duration('100%') // Percentage of full screen or hard-wired number of pixels
.addIndicators({ name: 'FADES' }) // Indicators marked on screen
.addTo(controller); // Add this scene to controller



// init controller to hold all commands/animations
const controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller({ addIndicators: true });

var timeline = new TimelineMax();
var tween1 = TweenMax.staggerFromTo("#two p", 1, {bottom: 0},{bottom: $('#two').height()}, 0.1);

var tween2a = TweenMax.staggerTo("#two p", 0.5,{ opacity: 1 }, 0.1);

var tween2b = TweenMax.staggerTo("#two p", 0.35,{ opacity: 0 }, 0.1);

timeline.add(tween1, 0)
    .add(tween2a, 0)
    .add(tween2b, 0.5);

new ScrollMagic.Scene({
   triggerElement: "#two",
  triggerHook: 0,
.addIndicators({ name: "FADES" })