Javascript Chrome扩展img.onload函数持续执行

Javascript Chrome扩展img.onload函数持续执行,javascript,image,google-chrome,onload,Javascript,Image,Google Chrome,Onload,我正在编写一个Chrome扩展,它可以阻止可能具有攻击性的内容。我正在实施的一种方法是扫描所有图像,看看有多少皮肤显示出来。我创建一个新的图像对象,将crossOrigin标志设置为“”,然后创建一个onload函数,将图像绘制到画布上,从画布读取数据,然后执行分析,为调用函数设置一个布尔标志。定义onload函数后,我从网页的源列表中为图像节点分配一个src。 image_scanner函数在for循环内调用,for循环通过网页上的每个图像节点,并执行各种阻止操作。这是我执行的最后一个操作。以

我正在编写一个Chrome扩展,它可以阻止可能具有攻击性的内容。我正在实施的一种方法是扫描所有图像,看看有多少皮肤显示出来。我创建一个新的图像对象,将crossOrigin标志设置为“”,然后创建一个onload函数,将图像绘制到画布上,从画布读取数据,然后执行分析,为调用函数设置一个布尔标志。定义onload函数后,我从网页的源列表中为图像节点分配一个src。 image_scanner函数在for循环内调用,for循环通过网页上的每个图像节点,并执行各种阻止操作。这是我执行的最后一个操作。以下是调用图像扫描仪的代码:

                if (image_scanner(options.scanner_sensitivity, images[i]))
               // Replace the image with a blank white image
               images[i].src = chrome.extension.getURL("replacement.png");


    function image_scanner(sensitivity, image)
       // Sensitivity is a number and image is an image node.

      // Declare a variable to count the number of skin pixels
      var skin_count = 0;

      if (image.width == 0 && image.height ==0)
       // This means the image has no size and we cannot block it.
       return false;
      } // end if

      var return_value = null; // set bool flag
      // Create an HTML5 canvas object.
   var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');

      //window.alert("Created Canvas."); // used for testing.

      // Get the context for the canvas.
      var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); // This is what we actually use to draw images and pull the data from them.

      context.canvas.width = image.width; // Set the canvas width to the width of the image
      context.canvas.height = image.height; // Set the canvas height to the height of the image

      img = new Image(); // Create a new image node to circumvent cross-domain restrictions.
      img.crossOrigin = " "; // Set crossOrigin flag to ' ' so we can extract data from it.

      img.onload = function(){
          window.alert(img.src); // This always gives the same src until Chrome ends the function
          context.drawImage(this, 0,0); // Draw the image onto the canvas.

          var pixels = context.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height).data;

          // Now pixels is an array where every four entries in the array is the RGBa for a single pixel.
          // So pixels[0] is the R value for the first pixel, pixels[1] is the G value for the first pixel,
          // pixels[2] is the B value for the first pixel, and pixels[3] is the a (alpha or transparency) value for the first pixel.

          // This means that pixels.length/4 is the number of pixels in the image.
          // Now we calculate the number of skin pixels we can have before blocking the image.
          var limit = ((pixels.length)/4) * (sensitivity/100);

          // Now we go through the array of pixel data, checking if each pixel is a skin colored pixel based on its RGB value (the first 3 entries for that pixel in the pixels array)
          // Each time we find a skin colored pixel, we increment skin_count and check if skin_count >= limit. If so, we return true.
          for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 4) // We go up by four since every four entries describes 1 pixel

           // pixel is skin if 0 <= (R-G)/(R+G)  <= .5  and B/(R+G) <= .5 pixels[i] is the R value, pixels[i+1] is the G value, and pixels[i+2] is the B value.
           if ((0 <= ((pixels[i] - pixels[i+1])/(pixels[i] + pixels[i+1]))) && (((pixels[i] - pixels[i+1])/(pixels[i] + pixels[i+1])) <= 0.5) && ((pixels[i+2]/(pixels[i] + pixels[i+1])) <= 0.5))
               //window.alert("Found skin pixel."); // used for testing.

               if (skin_count >= limit)
                   //window.alert("Blocking image with src: " + image.src); // used for testing.
                   img.onload = null; // try to clear the onload function
                   return_value = true;
                   return false;
               } // end inner if
           } // end outer if
          } // end for loop

       //var temp;
       img.onload = null;
       return_value = false;
       return false;

      }; // end onload function

   img.src = image.src; // Set the new image to the same url as the old one.    

   return return_value;
} // end image_scanner
var return_value=null;//设置bool标志
var canvas=document.createElement('canvas');
var context=canvas.getContext(“2d”);//这就是我们实际用来绘制图像并从中提取数据的内容。
img=new Image();//创建一个新的映像节点以绕过跨域限制。
var pixels=context.getImageData(0,0,image.width,image.height);
对于(var i=0;i//像素是0的皮肤,如果你要将代码> > Src < /代码>设置为空白图像,并且不希望<代码> .OnLoad 在加载时再次调用,则在设置<代码>之前,请清除<代码> .OnLoad  > Src 
if (image_scanner(options.scanner_sensitivity, images[i])) {
    // clear our onload handler
    images[i].onload = function() {};
    // Replace the image with a blank white image
    images[i].src = chrome.extension.getURL("replacement.png");

处理程序返回一个值,并期望从image\u scanner函数返回该值。它不是这样工作的。onload处理程序在一段很长的时间后被调用,而
image\u scanner

我尝试了这一点,但没有成功。如果您注意到,函数image\u scanner在If语句中被调用,因为它返回bool。我在image\u scanner的内部创建了一个新的image对象,并赋予它重复的onload函数。@DragonSlayer-请参阅我添加到的第二个问题我的答案是。