Javascript 离子拖放和触摸事件不返回当前DOM元素;卡在接触的第一个元件上

Javascript 离子拖放和触摸事件不返回当前DOM元素;卡在接触的第一个元件上,javascript,angularjs,ionic-framework,ionic,hammer.js,Javascript,Angularjs,Ionic Framework,Ionic,Hammer.js,我正在使用Ionic和Angular创建一个应用程序。我试图创建一个自定义突出显示功能使用离子的触摸事件。现在,我能够将一个字符串拆分为一个由空格分隔的字符串数组,并在一个单独的span元素中显示每个单词。我现在要做的是将一个“高亮显示”类应用于用户接触的第一个span元素、用户接触的最后一个span元素以及其间的每个span元素 我计划通过使用拖动事件来实现这一点,每当用户在屏幕上移动手指时,拖动事件就会触发。我想保存第一个接触的span的ID,持续更新最后一个接触的span,并对两个span



当我在Ionic Serve(又名web浏览器)上运行代码时,它似乎工作正常。每个拖动事件都在注册,当前范围的ID保存到我的变量“firstWordID”中。同样,我的变量“lastWordID”保存到每个连续拖动事件生成的当前跨度元素ID中。例如,当我试图突出显示单词1到4时,这就是我在console.log“firstWordID”和“lastWordID”时得到的结果


但每当我在iOS模拟器或手机上的Ionic View中运行它时,拖动事件似乎都不会注册。日志中没有显示任何内容。我尝试过几种方法,包括touchstart、touchmove和touchend,以及拖放和释放,有时事件会持续触发。但是,即使这样,e.srcElement.id也没有得到最新的span id,“firstWordID”和“lastWordID”总是停留在第一个span id上



<ion-content scroll="false"> 
    <div detect-gestures gesture-type="drag">
      <span ng-class="{highlighted: word.isHighlighted}" ng-attr-id="{{}}" ng-repeat="word in words track by $index"> {{word.text}} </span>

angular.module('leder.controllers', [])

.directive('detectGestures', function($ionicGesture) {
  return {
    restrict :  'A',

    link : function(scope, elem, attrs) {
      $ionicGesture.on('drag', scope.onDrag, elem);
      $ionicGesture.on('release', scope.onRelease, elem);

.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $ionicModal, $timeout, Notes, $stateParams) {

  //set two variables for first and last word IDs
  var firstWordID = null;
  var lastWordID = null;

 //function to set first and last word IDs
  $scope.onDrag = function dragTest(e) {

    //get ID of current span
    var htmlID = $scope.getHTMLObject(e);

    //if firstWordID doesn't exist yet, save it to the current span
    if (!firstWordID) {
      firstWordID = htmlID;
      console.log("The first word with ID " + firstWordID + " has been tagged");
    //save and continuously update lastWordID with current span
    lastWordID = htmlID;
    console.log("The last word with ID " + lastWordID + " has been tagged");

    //iterate through object array.
    for (var i = 0; i < $scope.words.length; i++){
      //if current element is greater than first word ID and less than last word ID, then change isHighlighted to true
      if ($scope.words[i].id >= firstWordID && $scope.words[i].id <= lastWordID){
        $scope.words[i].isHighlighted = true;


  //function to get ID of current span
  $scope.getHTMLObject = function htmlTest(e){
    var htmlID =;
    return htmlID;
角度模块('leder.controllers',[]) .directive('DetectTesters',函数($Ionic手势){ 返回{ 限制:“A”, 链接:功能(范围、要素、属性){ $Ionicspirate.on('drag',scope.onDrag,elem); $Ionicshistory.on('release',scope.onRelease,elem); } } }) .controller('AppCtrl',函数($scope,$IonicModel,$timeout,Notes,$stateParams){ //为第一个和最后一个单词ID设置两个变量 var firstWordID=null; var lastWordID=null; //用于设置首个和最后一个单词ID的函数 $scope.onDrag=功能绘图测试(e){ e、 预防默认值(); //获取当前范围的ID var htmlID=$scope.getHTMLObject(e); //如果firstWordID尚不存在,请将其保存到当前范围 如果(!firstWordID){ firstWordID=htmlID; log(“ID为“+firstWordID+”的第一个单词已被标记”); } //使用当前范围保存并持续更新lastWordID lastWordID=htmlID; log(“ID为“+lastWordID+”的最后一个单词已被标记”); //遍历对象数组。 对于(变量i=0;i<$scope.words.length;i++){ //如果当前元素大于第一个单词ID且小于最后一个单词ID,则将isHighlighted更改为true 如果($scope.words[i].id>=firstWordID&&$scope.words[i].id
.highlighted {
    background-color: yellow;
.normal {
angular.module('leder.controllers', [])

.directive('detectGestures', function($ionicGesture) {
  return {
    restrict :  'A',

    link : function(scope, elem, attrs) {
      $ionicGesture.on('drag', scope.onDrag, elem);
      $ionicGesture.on('release', scope.onRelease, elem);

.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $ionicModal, $timeout, Notes, $stateParams) {

  //set two variables for first and last word IDs
  var firstWordID = null;
  var lastWordID = null;

 //function to set first and last word IDs
  $scope.onDrag = function dragTest(e) {

    //get ID of current span
    var htmlID = $scope.getHTMLObject(e);

    //if firstWordID doesn't exist yet, save it to the current span
    if (!firstWordID) {
      firstWordID = htmlID;
      console.log("The first word with ID " + firstWordID + " has been tagged");
    //save and continuously update lastWordID with current span
    lastWordID = htmlID;
    console.log("The last word with ID " + lastWordID + " has been tagged");

    //iterate through object array.
    for (var i = 0; i < $scope.words.length; i++){
      //if current element is greater than first word ID and less than last word ID, then change isHighlighted to true
      if ($scope.words[i].id >= firstWordID && $scope.words[i].id <= lastWordID){
        $scope.words[i].isHighlighted = true;


  //function to get ID of current span
  $scope.getHTMLObject = function htmlTest(e){
    var htmlID =;
    return htmlID;