Javascript 本地存储环路

Javascript 本地存储环路,javascript,jquery,local-storage,Javascript,Jquery,Local Storage,我正试图让一些本地存储在我的网站上工作,我正在努力 我有几个“切换滑块”(如下:),我想将用户的选择保存到本地存储中,这样当用户返回时,他们仍然可以看到以前的选择 我已经让它在列表中的第一个切换滑块工作,但是我想做的是循环通过每个滑块,并为每个滑块保存其“id”和“值”到本地存储。保存后,在页面加载时,根据本地存储中显示的内容恢复这些内容并更改切换开关 这是我的密码: //code below saves id and value to local storage when save butto





//code below saves id and value to local storage when save button is clicked
$("#button").click(function() {
    window.localStorage.setItem('flip-min-1', $("#flip-min-1").val());

Key: #flip-min-1    Value: yes or no depending on choice as it is a toggle slider

var storedText = window.localStorage.getItem('flip-min-1');

//if the variable in local storage is equal to yes
if(storedText = 'yes') {
    //then switch the toggle slider to the yes state so it appear in red and reads 'Attending'
    //if the stored text is anything other than yes, the default select option will be no. By default the user is not attending any events


for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    $("#button" + i).click(function() {
        window.localStorage.setItem('flip-min-' + i, $("#flip-min-" + i).val());

登录您的if??不太好…是的,我正赶着把这个问题提出来…如果它对你有用,你可能会把这个问题标记为已回答Hi Max,谢谢你的回答,现在没有太多时间,但在我看来,我需要使用你的第二个解决方案。我会很快试一试,让你知道我的进展如何谢谢!
<button class="mySwitch" data-number="1">Switch 1</button>
<button class="mySwitch" data-number="2">Switch 2</button>
// find all switches
// handle click event and save
.click(function() {
  var index = $(this).attr("data-number");
  window.localStorage.setItem('flip-min-' + index, $("#flip-min-" + index).val());
// load all states
.each(function() {
  var index = $(this).attr("data-number");
  var storedText = window.localStorage.getItem('flip-min-' + index);

  //if the variable in local storage is equal to yes
  if(storedText = 'yes') {
      //then switch the toggle slider to the yes state so it appear in red and reads 'Attending'
      $("#flip-min-1").val(window.localStorage.getItem('flip-min-' + index)).keyup();
      //if the stored text is anything other than yes, the default select option will be no. By default the user is not attending any events