Javascript 如何描述可以正确序列化的值?

Javascript 如何描述可以正确序列化的值?,javascript,typescript,Javascript,Typescript,我有一个函数,它只有在传递的对象可以序列化时才能正常工作,换句话说,如果它不包含符号和函数: createHash("test"); // Will work createHash({ test: "test", method() { } }); // Will not work, throw type error function createHash<T>(data: Serializable<T>): Hash<T> { const sal


 createHash("test"); // Will work
 createHash({ test: "test", method() { } }); // Will not work, throw type error

 function createHash<T>(data: Serializable<T>): Hash<T> {
   const salt = createSalt();
   return { salt, hash: CryptoJS.PBKDF2(JSON.stringify(data), salt).toString(), };

type Serializable<T> = 
  T extends (Function | symbol) ? never : 
  T extends (string | number | boolean) ? T : 
  { [K in keyof T]: Serializable<T[K]> }; 
Argument of type 'Serializable<T>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'T'.
'Serializable<T>' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T', but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint '{}'.
createHash({ test: "test", method() { } }); // Type "() => void is not assignable to type never"