Javascript JSON.parse exptected'';或';}';有什么想法吗?两者都不';行不通

Javascript JSON.parse exptected'';或';}';有什么想法吗?两者都不';行不通,javascript,json,Javascript,Json,JSON.parse和eval函数都出错。我用什么方法验证了JSON <script type="text/javascript"> var obj = JSON.parse('{ "defaults": { "recordtext": "View", "emptyrecords": "No records to view", "loadtext": "Loading...", "pgtext": "Page" }, "search": { "caption": "Search.


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JSON.parse('{ "fails" : "\"http://\" or \"https://\"" }')
JSON.parse('{ "passes" : "\\"http://\\" or \\"https://\\"" }')
var xx = <that-thing-you-validated>;
var yy = {text: "hello \"world\""};
// output: "{"text":"hello \"world\""}"
console.log('{"text":"hello \"world\""}');
// output: {"text":"hello "world""}
console.log('{"text":"hello \\"world\\""}');
// output: {"text":"hello \"world\""}
JSON.parse('{"text":"hello \\"world\\""}');
// output: Object