Javascript JQuery Mobile Phonegap Android应用程序-下拉列表有重复条目

Javascript JQuery Mobile Phonegap Android应用程序-下拉列表有重复条目,javascript,php,android,jquery,html,Javascript,Php,Android,Jquery,Html,我正在使用jQuery Mobile和Phonegap制作一个Android应用程序,但遇到了一个问题。用例如下所示: 屏幕1。选择浏览业务列表或允许进行预订的业务列表。 屏幕2。选择一种业务类型,例如医生或牙医 屏幕3。从下拉列表中选择一个位置以在中查找这些类型的企业 屏幕4。选择一项业务。 我的问题是,当用户进入可以选择业务的屏幕,然后决定返回并更改业务类型时,当他们第二次看到选择位置屏幕时,位置都是重复的。如果他们重复此过程,则下拉菜单中每个位置都有三个条目,依此类推 如果他们可能会有所帮

我正在使用jQuery Mobile和Phonegap制作一个Android应用程序,但遇到了一个问题。用例如下所示:

屏幕1。选择浏览业务列表或允许进行预订的业务列表。 屏幕2。选择一种业务类型,例如医生或牙医 屏幕3。从下拉列表中选择一个位置以在中查找这些类型的企业 屏幕4。选择一项业务。 我的问题是,当用户进入可以选择业务的屏幕,然后决定返回并更改业务类型时,当他们第二次看到选择位置屏幕时,位置都是重复的。如果他们重复此过程,则下拉菜单中每个位置都有三个条目,依此类推




编辑: 显示写入下拉选择菜单的代码:

$('#categorySearch').live('pageshow', function(event) { 
theWindow = "categorysearch.html";

// //different ways of removing the options from within a select box, tried using them all since some didn't seem to function correctly but to no avail
// $('#search1').children().remove();
// $('#search1 option').remove();
// $('#search1').empty();
// $('#search1').html("");

// //different ways of removing the options from within a select box, tried using them all since some didn't seem to function correctly but to no avail
// $('#search2').children().remove();
// $('#search2 option').remove();
// $('#search2').empty();
// $('#search2').html("");

//variables for the necessary parameters to send to the query
var id = getUrlVarsCategorySearch()["id"];
var getCats = "";
var getParams = "";

//check which type of listing is being requested
if(submitBtn == "Book+Appointment")
    getCats = "Bookable+Listings";
    getCats = "All+Listings";

//the $_GET[] parameters to send
getParams = "?cat=" + id + "&submitBtn=" + getCats;


//add in empty option to tell user to select a county
$('#search1').append('<option value="" selected="selected">Select a county</option>\n');//add empty first option so the user will always have to change

//request state locations from the database
$.getJSON(serviceURL + 'getlocations.php' + getParams, function(data)
    var stateLocations = data.items;

    //fill the search box with these locations
    $.each(stateLocations, function(index, stateLocation)
        $('#search1').append('<option value="' + stateLocation.state + '">' + stateLocation.state + '</option>\n');
    //trying to empty any variables once used so there shouldn't be data in them the next time the page is loaded
    stateLocations = null;
    data = null;

}).error(function(){ window.location = './error.html'; });

$("#search1").selectmenu("refresh", true);

$('#search1 option:first').attr('selected', 'selected');
编辑2: 添加了示例HTML代码

<div id="categorySearch" data-role="page">
<form action="./linklist.html" method="get">
    <div id="searchBox1">
        <label for="search1">Located in:</label>
        <select name="search1" id="search1">

<p align="center">
    <input id="findBtn" type="submit" data-icon="search" value="Find" data-inline="true" disabled="disabled"/>
    <input id="clearBtn" type="reset" data-icon="delete" value="Clear" data-inline="true"/>
