Javascript 从chrome开发者工具控制台获取CSS类定义

Javascript 从chrome开发者工具控制台获取CSS类定义,javascript,css,google-chrome-devtools,Javascript,Css,Google Chrome Devtools,我想通过编程从chrome开发者工具中检索一组CSS类定义。实际上与右侧的“样式”选项卡中显示的内容类似。输入需要是类名,输出应该是其中定义的所有样式 我知道getComputedStyle DOM方法,但它并没有划分为我需要的单独类。Python脚本在css文件中搜索找到的单词,请阅读花括号之间的内容。快速肮脏的方法**这种方法对我很有效(): 并得到如下结果: console.log(getStyle('#heder_logo a')); > #heder_logo a { wid


我知道getComputedStyle DOM方法,但它并没有划分为我需要的单独类。




console.log(getStyle('#heder_logo a')); 
> #heder_logo a { width: 200px; height: 114px; display: block; }.



//Get all styles where the provided class is involved
//Input parameters should be css selector such as .myClass or #m
//returned as an array of tuples {selectorText:"", styleDefinition:""}
function getStyleWithCSSSelector(cssSelector) {
    var styleSheets = window.document.styleSheets;
    var styleSheetsLength = styleSheets.length;
    var arStylesWithCSSSelector = [];

    //in order to not find class which has the current name as prefix
    var arValidCharsAfterCssSelector = [" ", ".", ",", "#",">","+",":","["];

    //loop through all the stylessheets in the bor
    for(var i = 0; i < styleSheetsLength; i++){
        var classes = styleSheets[i].rules || styleSheets[i].cssRules;
        var classesLength = classes.length;
        for (var x = 0; x < classesLength; x++) {
            //check for any reference to the class in the selector string
            if(typeof classes[x].selectorText != "undefined"){
                var matchClass = false;

                if(classes[x].selectorText === cssSelector){//exact match
                }else {//check for it as part of the selector string
                    //TODO: Optimize with regexp
                    for (var j=0;j<arValidCharsAfterCssSelector.length; j++){
                        var cssSelectorWithNextChar = cssSelector+ arValidCharsAfterCssSelector[j];

                            //break out of for-loop

                if(matchClass === true){
                    //console.log("Found "+ cssSelectorWithNextChar + " in css class definition " + classes[x].selectorText);
                    var styleDefinition;
                        styleDefinition = classes[x].cssText;
                    } else {
                        styleDefinition = classes[x].style.cssText;
                    if(styleDefinition.indexOf(classes[x].selectorText) == -1){
                        styleDefinition = classes[x].selectorText + "{" + styleDefinition + "}";
                    arStylesWithCSSSelector.push({"selectorText":classes[x].selectorText, "styleDefinition":styleDefinition});
    if(arStylesWithCSSSelector.length==0) {
        return null;
    }else {
        return arStylesWithCSSSelector;    
var styleSheets=window.document.styleSheets;
var styleSheetsLength=styleSheets.length;
var arStylesWithCSSSelector=[];
对于(var i=0;i对于(var j=0;jThanks,但css类可能定义在多个不同的文件中,我可能无法在文件系统上访问这些文件(而且我并不真的想通过http获取文件并进行搜索),这种方法对我很有效:,它允许您在Chrome控制台中调用JS代码,如下所示:
console.log(getStyle('heder_logo a'))
#heder_logo a{宽度:200px;高度:114px;显示:block;}
//Get all styles where the provided class is involved
//Input parameters should be css selector such as .myClass or #m
//returned as an array of tuples {selectorText:"", styleDefinition:""}
function getStyleWithCSSSelector(cssSelector) {
    var styleSheets = window.document.styleSheets;
    var styleSheetsLength = styleSheets.length;
    var arStylesWithCSSSelector = [];

    //in order to not find class which has the current name as prefix
    var arValidCharsAfterCssSelector = [" ", ".", ",", "#",">","+",":","["];

    //loop through all the stylessheets in the bor
    for(var i = 0; i < styleSheetsLength; i++){
        var classes = styleSheets[i].rules || styleSheets[i].cssRules;
        var classesLength = classes.length;
        for (var x = 0; x < classesLength; x++) {
            //check for any reference to the class in the selector string
            if(typeof classes[x].selectorText != "undefined"){
                var matchClass = false;

                if(classes[x].selectorText === cssSelector){//exact match
                }else {//check for it as part of the selector string
                    //TODO: Optimize with regexp
                    for (var j=0;j<arValidCharsAfterCssSelector.length; j++){
                        var cssSelectorWithNextChar = cssSelector+ arValidCharsAfterCssSelector[j];

                            //break out of for-loop

                if(matchClass === true){
                    //console.log("Found "+ cssSelectorWithNextChar + " in css class definition " + classes[x].selectorText);
                    var styleDefinition;
                        styleDefinition = classes[x].cssText;
                    } else {
                        styleDefinition = classes[x].style.cssText;
                    if(styleDefinition.indexOf(classes[x].selectorText) == -1){
                        styleDefinition = classes[x].selectorText + "{" + styleDefinition + "}";
                    arStylesWithCSSSelector.push({"selectorText":classes[x].selectorText, "styleDefinition":styleDefinition});
    if(arStylesWithCSSSelector.length==0) {
        return null;
    }else {
        return arStylesWithCSSSelector;    
function getAllCSSClassDefinitionsForSubtree(selectorOfRootElement){
    //stack in which elements are pushed and poped from
    var arStackElements = [];
    //dictionary for checking already added css class definitions
    var existingClassDefinitions = {}

    //use jquery for selecting root element
    var rootElement = $(selectorOfRootElement)[0];
    //string with the complete CSS output
    var cssString = "";

    console.log("Fetching all classes used in sub tree of " +selectorOfRootElement);
    var currentElement;

    while(currentElement = arStackElements.pop()){
        currentElement = $(currentElement);
        console.log("Processing element " + currentElement.attr("id"));

        //Look at class attribute of element 
        var classesString = currentElement.attr("class");
        if(typeof classesString != 'undefined'){
            var arClasses = classesString.split(" ");

            //for each class in the current element
            for(var i=0; i< arClasses.length; i++){

                //fetch the CSS Styles for a single class. Need to append the . char to indicate its a class
                var arStylesWithCSSSelector = getStyleWithCSSSelector("."+arClasses[i]);
                console.log("Processing class "+ arClasses[i]);

                if(arStylesWithCSSSelector != null){
                    //console.log("Found "+ arStylesWithCSSSelector.length + " CSS style definitions for class " +arClasses[i]);
                    //append all found styles to the cssString
                    for(var j=0; j< arStylesWithCSSSelector.length; j++){
                        var tupleStyleWithCSSSelector = arStylesWithCSSSelector[j];

                        //check if it has already been added
                        if(typeof existingClassDefinitions[tupleStyleWithCSSSelector.selectorText] === "undefined"){
                            //console.log("Adding " + tupleStyleWithCSSSelector.styleDefinition);
                            cssString+= tupleStyleWithCSSSelector.styleDefinition;
                            existingClassDefinitions[tupleStyleWithCSSSelector.selectorText] = true;
                        }else {
                            //console.log("Already added " + tupleStyleWithCSSSelector.styleDefinition);
        //push all child elments to stack
            arStackElements= arStackElements.concat(currentElement.children().toArray());

    console.log("Found " + Object.keys(existingClassDefinitions).length + " CSS class definitions");
    return cssString;