
jquery插件-wordpress菜单创建者,jquery,wordpress,plugins,menu,Jquery,Wordpress,Plugins,Menu,这只是一个简单的问题,是否有人知道jquery插件可以复制与wordpress菜单创建者相同的操作,而您可以拖放菜单项,也可以稍微向右拖动以缩进作为上面链接的子项?我到处都找过(我知道它是用jqueryui制作的),但找不到任何人把它打包成插件 问候 编辑 这是我到目前为止所拥有的。。。非常感谢您的帮助 $( ".connectSortable" ).sortable({ placeholder: "ui-state-highlight", connectWi





$( ".connectSortable" ).sortable({

        placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",

        connectWith: ".connectedSortable",

        items: "li:not(.ui-state-disabled)",

        helper : 'clone',

        beforeStop : function(event, ui) {
            var dist = 25;
            var placeholder = $('.ui-state-highlight');
            var currentDepth = placeholder.attr('depth');
            ui.item.css({ 'margin-left' : (currentDepth*dist) + 'px' }).attr('depth', currentDepth);

        stop : function(event, ui) {
            var child = ui.item;
            var parent = child.prev();
            var parentId = parent.attr('child');
            child.attr('parent', parentId);

        sort: function(event, ui) {

            if( $('.ui-sortable-helper').length != 0 ) {

                // get dragable object
                var moveable = $('.ui-sortable-helper');

                // get the place holder for this object
                var placeholder = $('.ui-state-highlight');

                // find out the offset when draging
                var moveableOffset = moveable.offset();

                // find the placeholder offset
                var placeholderOffset = placeholder.offset();

                // get the left offset for both
                var moveableLeft = moveableOffset.left;
                var placeholderLeft = placeholderOffset.left;

                // set how many pixels to the right you want the indent when pushed as a child
                var dist = 25;

                // when dragging, if the draggable is more than the pixels set to go to the right than the placeholder...
                if( ( moveableLeft - placeholderLeft ) > dist ) {

                    // find the parent element
                    var parent = placeholder.prev();

                    // if the dragged element has not get been assigned a depth (no parent by default)
                    if( typeof moveable.attr('depth') !== 'undefined' ) {
                        // get the draggable object's current depth
                        var thisDepth = moveable.attr('depth');

                        // if the dragged element has not been assigned a depth (no parent by default), set to 0
                        var thisDepth = 0;

                    // if the parent has been set a depth
                    if( typeof parent.attr('depth') !== 'undefined' ) {

                        // get the parents current depth
                        var currentDepth = parent.attr('depth');
                            currentDepth = ( currentDepth == '' ? '0' : currentDepth );

                        // find out the placeholders current margin set
                        var currentMargin = Number(placeholder.css('margin-left').replace('px', ''));

                        // work out the new margin
                        var newMargin = ((Number(currentDepth)+1)*Number(dist));

                        // move the placeholder so when/if the user releases it is now a child of the above
                        placeholder.attr('depth', (Number(currentDepth)+1)).css({ 'margin-left' : newMargin + 'px' });
                        placeholder.attr('depth', '1').css({ 'margin-left' : dist+'px' });
                    // if not, lets go backwards
                    var parent = placeholder.prev();
                    if( typeof parent.attr('depth') != 'undefined' ) {
                        var currentDepth = parent.attr('depth');
                        currentDepth = ( currentDepth == '' ? '0' : currentDepth );
                        if( currentDepth != '0' ) {
                            placeholder.attr('depth', (Number(currentDepth)-1)).css({ 'margin-left' : ((Number(currentDepth)-1)*Number(dist)) + 'px' });
                        placeholder.attr('depth', '0').css({ 'margin-left' : '0' });

<ul class="connectedSortable connectSortable sortables ui-sortable" id="sortable2"> 
<li id="post-id-1" child="1" parent="0" class="ui-state-default posty">Test 1</li>
<li id="post-id-2" child="2" parent="0" class="ui-state-default posty">Test 2</li>  
<li id="post-id-5" child="5" parent="0" class="ui-state-default posty">Test 3</li>  
<li id="post-id-3" child="3" parent="0" class="ui-state-default posty">Test 4</li>  
<li id="post-id-4" child="4" parent="0" class="ui-state-default posty">Test 5</li>  
    测试1 测试2 测试3 测试4 测试5



是的,这是jquery UI中的功能。为什么不使用[this]
(我知道它是使用jquery UI制作的),但找不到任何人将其打包成插件。
我相信,没有只用于排序脚本的插件。为什么需要详细解释最终的答案是什么?你是建立在现有的基础上还是使用不同的库?我在寻找相同的东西。最终使用了这里找到的Wordpress javascript:正在准备构建一个小js应用程序来完成这个插件的功能+先生,祝你好运。对数据进行所有排序,然后序列化。很好,绝对是+1。。。这正是我想要的!