JQuery添加延迟slideUp mouseleave

JQuery添加延迟slideUp mouseleave,jquery,menu,delay,mouseleave,Jquery,Menu,Delay,Mouseleave,我将添加一个延迟来滑动我的下拉菜单。如果我离开子菜单链接,它将在2秒后滑动。目前它可以立即滑动。问题是如果你让下拉菜单关闭 ****更新(18.4.2014/18:40):** **这个版本不起作用。男人们快速靠近(看这里:) 在伦诺克斯的回答中:dropdownmenü保持开放()**** 守则: if ($(window).width() > 962) { $("ul#menu li ul li:has(ul)").find("a:first").addClass("activ



**这个版本不起作用。男人们快速靠近(看这里:) 在伦诺克斯的回答中:dropdownmenü保持开放()****


if ($(window).width() > 962) {
    $("ul#menu li ul li:has(ul)").find("a:first").addClass("active");
    $("ul#menu li").hover(function() {

        $('ul:first', this).css('visibility', 'visible');
        $(this).children('ul').delay(20).slideDown(300); // speed of the slide

    }, function() {

        $('ul:first', this).css('visibility', 'hidden');
        $(this).children('ul').delay(20).slideUp(200); // speed of the slide

两秒等于2000(毫秒)。At:Lennox:All Dropdownmenüs保持开放
if ($(window).width() > 962) {
    var slideupTimeout = undefined;
    $("ul#menu li ul li:has(ul)").find("a:first").addClass("active");
    $("ul#menu li").hover(function() {
        // If they re-enter, cancel the slideUp
        if (typeof slideupTimeout == "number") {
            slideupTimeout = undefined;

        $('ul:first', this).css('visibility', 'visible');
        $(this).children('ul').delay(20).slideDown(300); // speed of the slide

    }, function() {
        var that = this;

        // Cancel if present, don't want to leak these.
        if (typeof slideupTimeout == "number") {
            slideupTimeout = undefined;

        // In 2 seconds, call slideUp
        slideupTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
            $('ul:first', that).css('visibility', 'hidden');
            $(that).children('ul').delay(20).slideUp(200); // speed of the slide

            // Be sure we're always managing this ID properly. We don't want
            // it to linger and accidentally cancel an unrelated timer!
            slideupTimeout = undefined;
        }, 2000)