Jquery 剑道网格删除层次网格中的行

Jquery 剑道网格删除层次网格中的行,jquery,kendo-ui,grid,hierarchy,Jquery,Kendo Ui,Grid,Hierarchy,我想删除剑道网格的层次网格中的行。谁能给我举个例子 还有一件事,jQuery并不是针对层次结构网格中存在的id/class为的元素。jQuery可以针对主剑道网格中存在的元素,但不能针对/捕获id为/class的层次结构网格中的元素 要从剑道网格中删除行,请添加命令destroy and editable inline/popup。它也适用于层次网格。小型演示: <div id="example"> <div id="grid"></div>



要从剑道网格中删除行,请添加命令destroy and editable inline/popup。它也适用于层次网格。小型演示:

  <div id="example">
        <div id="grid"></div>

            $(document).ready(function() {
                var element = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
                    dataSource: {
                        type: "odata",
                        transport: {
                            read: "http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/Northwind.svc/Employees"
                        pageSize: 6,
                        serverPaging: true,
                        serverSorting: true
                    height: 600,
                    sortable: true,
                    pageable: true,
                    detailInit: detailInit,
                    dataBound: function() {
                    columns: [
                            field: "FirstName",
                            title: "First Name",
                            width: "110px"
                            field: "LastName",
                            title: "Last Name",
                            width: "110px"
                            field: "Country",
                            width: "110px"
                            field: "City",
                            width: "110px"
                            field: "Title"

            function detailInit(e) {
                    dataSource: {
                        type: "odata",
                        transport: {
                            read: "http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/Northwind.svc/Orders"
                        serverPaging: true,
                        serverSorting: true,
                        serverFiltering: true,
                        pageSize: 10,
                        filter: { field: "EmployeeID", operator: "eq", value: e.data.EmployeeID }
                    scrollable: false,
                    sortable: true,
                    pageable: true,
                    columns: [
                        { field: "OrderID", width: "70px" },
                        { field: "ShipCountry", title:"Ship Country", width: "110px" },
                        { field: "ShipAddress", title:"Ship Address" },
                        { field: "ShipName", title: "Ship Name", width: "300px" },

                        { command: ["destroy"]} // Added the delete command
                  editable: "inline" // set edit mode here
层次结构网格在detailInit函数中定义,并在层次结构网格中添加destroy命令。 引用自,修改很少
