
VBA宏:将返回JSON数据以查询变量数据的VBA宏自动化,json,excel,vba,variables,Json,Excel,Vba,Variables,请参阅下面用于查询api调用的代码。如何更改代码以将变量数据列表拉入api调用?是否希望将名字、姓氏和zipcode的单独列表拉入api调用,并使用api调用循环将结果拉入电子表格?表1将包括如下数据,但有许多行: Firstname Lastname Zipcode John Doe 55555 并将CRD返回到输入数据或多个CRD(如果有多个匹配) 输出数据将是带有CRD的输入数据,如下所示,每条记录不超过3条 Firstna


Firstname      Lastname       Zipcode
John           Doe            55555


Firstname      Lastname       Zipcode     CRD1      CRD2      CRD3
John           Doe            55555       xxxxxx    xxxxxx    xxxxxx

CRD Number Indiv    Name    FINRA registered    Disclosures In industry since   Employer CRD    Employer Name   Employer City   Employer State  Employer Zip

CRD Number Indiv  Name          FINRA registered  Disclosures  In industry since  
9999999           JOHN, X, DOE  1                 N            9/9/1999           
Employer CRD  Employer Name  Employer City  Employer State  Employer Zip
9999          Company Name   New York       NY              55555       

Option Explicit
Public r As Long

Public Sub GetListings2()
    '<  VBE > Tools > References > Microsoft Scripting Runtime
    Dim json As Object, apiUrl As String, re As Object, s As String, latLon(), FNAME As String, LNAME As String, ZIPCODE As String
    r = 0
    Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    apiUrl = "https://api.brokercheck.finra.org/individual?hl=true&includePrevious=false&json.wrf=angular.callbacks._d&lat={LAT}&lon={LON}&nrows=12&query=FNAME+LNAME&r=25&sort=score+desc&wt=json"
    Dim xhr As Object, totalResults As Long, numPages As Long

    Set xhr = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    latLon = GetLatLon("ZIPCODE", xhr, re)
    apiUrl = Replace$(Replace$(apiUrl, "{LAT}", latLon(0)), "{LON}", latLon(1))
    s = GetApiResults(xhr, Replace$(apiUrl, "{START}", "start=0"), re)

    If s = "No match" Then Exit Sub

    Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(s)("hits")

    totalResults = json("total")

    numPages = Application.RoundUp(totalResults / 100, 0)

    Dim results(), ws As Worksheet, headers(), i As Long

    'example info retrieved. There is a lot more info in json
    headers = Array("CRD Number Indiv", "Name", "FINRA registered", "Disclosures", "In industry since", _
                    "Employer CRD", "Employer Name", "Employer City", "Employer State", "Employer Zip")
    ReDim results(1 To totalResults, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

    results = GetIndividualListings(results, json("hits"))
    If numPages > 1 Then
        For i = 2 To numPages
            s = GetApiResults(xhr, Replace$(apiUrl, "{START}", "start=" & (i - 1) * 100), re)
            If s = "No match" Or InStr(s, "Exceeded limit") > 0 Then Exit For
            Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(s)("hits")
            results = GetIndividualListings(results, json("hits"))
    End If
    With ws
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(results, 1), UBound(results, 2)) = results
    End With
End Sub

Public Function GetLatLon(ByVal zip As String, ByVal xhr As Object, ByVal re As Object) As Variant
    Dim json As Object, lat As String, lon As String
    With xhr
        .Open "GET", Replace$("https://api.brokercheck.finra.org/locations?query={ZIP}&results=1", "{ZIP}", zip), False 'changed results = 10 to results = 1
        Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)("hits")("hits")(1)("_source")
        lat = json("latitude")
        lon = json("longitude")
        GetLatLon = Array(lat, lon)
    End With
End Function

Public Function GetApiResults(ByVal xhr As Object, ByVal apiUrl As String, ByVal re As Object) As String
    With xhr
        .Open "GET", apiUrl, False
        GetApiResults = GetJsonString(re, .responseText)
    End With
End Function

Public Function GetIndividualListings(ByVal results As Variant, ByVal json As Object) As Variant
    Dim row As Object
      'can have numerous current employments. Alter here and below if want more info from json about the individual
On Error Resume Next
    For Each row In json
        r = r + 1
        results(r, 1) = row("_source")("ind_source_id")
        results(r, 2) = Replace$(Join$(Array(row("_source")("ind_firstname"), row("_source")("ind_middlename"), row("_source")("ind_lastname")), ", "), ", , ", ", ")
        results(r, 3) = row("_source")("ind_approved_finra_registration_count")
        results(r, 4) = row("_source")("ind_bc_disclosure_fl")
        results(r, 5) = row("_source")("ind_industry_cal_date")
        results(r, 6) = row("_source")("ind_current_employments")(1)("firm_id")
        results(r, 7) = row("_source")("ind_current_employments")(1)("firm_name")
        results(r, 8) = row("_source")("ind_current_employments")(1)("branch_city")
        results(r, 9) = row("_source")("ind_current_employments")(1)("branch_state")
        results(r, 10) = row("_source")("ind_current_employments")(1)("branch_zip")
    On Error GoTo 0
    GetIndividualListings = results
End Function

Public Function GetJsonString(ByVal re As Object, ByVal responseText As String) As String
    With re
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Pattern = "\((.*)\);" 'regex pattern to get json string
        If .Test(responseText) Then
            GetJsonString = .Execute(responseText)(0).SubMatches(0)
            GetJsonString = "No match"
        End If
    End With
End Function


CRD Number Indiv    Name    FINRA registered    Disclosures In industry since   Employer CRD    Employer Name   Employer City   Employer State  Employer Zip