
JQ,将CSV(父子格式)转换为JSON,另一个问题,json,csv,parent-child,jq,transitive-closure,Json,Csv,Parent Child,Jq,Transitive Closure,这是另一篇文章的继续: 嗨,抱歉再问一次。我试图获得以下格式,但没有成功。非常感谢你的建议。我附加了一张图片来显示它在层次视图中的样子,也许这更容易。希望这是可能的 ***CSV文件***** id、父项id、大小 主语,空,1 分析学,学科,1 群集,分析,1 凝聚性集群,集群,1 合并边缘,群集,2 制作动画,主题,1 放松,动画,3 插值,设置动画,1 ArrayInterpolator,插值,4 矩形插值器,插值,5 特温,动画,6 这是我试图实现的JSON文件。如果是父项(下有子项)




id、父项id、大小 主语,空,1 分析学,学科,1 群集,分析,1 凝聚性集群,集群,1 合并边缘,群集,2 制作动画,主题,1 放松,动画,3 插值,设置动画,1 ArrayInterpolator,插值,4 矩形插值器,插值,5 特温,动画,6 这是我试图实现的JSON文件。如果是父项(下有子项),则仅显示ID。如果是子项,则显示ID和大小


{ “ID”:“主体”, “儿童”:[{ “ID”:“分析”, “儿童”:[{ “ID”:“集群”, “儿童”:[{ “ID”:“AGG、ome、rativeCluster”, “尺寸”:1 }, { “ID”:“MergeEdge”, “尺寸”:2 }] }] }, { “ID”:“动画”, “儿童”:[{ “ID”:“放松”, “尺寸”:3 }, { “ID”:“插入”, “儿童”:[{ “ID”:“ArrayInterpolator”, “尺寸”:4 }, { “ID”:“矩形插值器”, “尺寸”:5 }] }, { “ID”:“Tween”, “尺寸”:6 }] }] }
递归地填写关于孩子的详细信息是最容易做到的 使用递归函数完成——此处为

id,parent_id,size Subject,Null,1 analytics,Subject,1 cluster,analytics,1 AgglomerativeCluster,cluster,1 MergeEdge,cluster,2 animate,Subject,1 Easing,animate,3 interpolate,animate,1 ArrayInterpolator,interpolate,4 RectangleInterpolator,interpolate,5 Tween,animate,6
Hi Lee,理想情况下,您应该从CSV相关数据的后端获取XML格式的数据。如果您想继续,将其转换为XML是有益的,那么将其转换为json是很容易的。请查看此解决方案,非常感谢您的快速回答。非常令人印象深刻。我来看看数据。 { "ID": "Subject", "children": [{ "ID": "analytics", "children": [{ "ID": "cluster", "children": [{ "ID": "Aggl,ome,rativeCluster", "size": 1 }, { "ID": "MergeEdge", "size": 2 }] }] }, { "ID": "animate", "children": [{ "ID": "Easing", "size": 3 }, { "ID": "interpolate", "children": [{ "ID": "ArrayInterpolator", "size": 4 }, { "ID": "RectangleInterpolator", "size": 5 }] }, { "ID": "Tween", "size": 6 }] }] }
def obj($headers):
  . as $in
  | reduce range(0; $headers|length) as $i ({}; 
      .[$headers[$i]] = $in[$i]);

# input:  either the id of an individual or 
#         an object representing an individual;
# output: the same individual but with .children and recursively
#         their children as an array of objects
def closure($dictionary; $children):
  def c: 
    if type == "string" then $dictionary[.] | c
    elif type=="object"
    then if has("children")
         then if (.children|length)>0 then .children = map(c) else . end
         elif $children[.id] then .children = ($children[.id] | map(c))
         else . end
    else . end;

split(",") as $headers
| [ inputs
    | split(",")
    | map_values(if . == "Null" then null else . end)
    | obj($headers) ]
| INDEX(.[]; .id) as $ids   # a dictionary mapping id => object
| (reduce .[] as $row ({};
      if $row.parent_id
      then .[$row.parent_id] += [$row.id]
      else . end ) ) as $children  # string => [ string ]
| map(closure($ids; $children) )
# tidy up:
| walk(if type=="object" 
       then if .children and (.children|length) > 0 
            then del(.size)
            else . end
       | del(.parent_id)
       else . end)