Jupyter notebook 笔记本中的自定义bokeh模型出现Javascript错误

Jupyter notebook 笔记本中的自定义bokeh模型出现Javascript错误,jupyter-notebook,jupyter,bokeh,jupyter-lab,Jupyter Notebook,Jupyter,Bokeh,Jupyter Lab,有可能在jupyter实验室或笔记本电脑内展示吗?目前,我在尝试这样做时遇到一个Javascript错误,例如,在笔记本中评估示例时,bokeh会抱怨: Javascript Error: Model 'DrawTool' does not exist. This could be due to a widget or a custom model not being registered before first usage. 是的,这是可能的。但在定义自定义模型后,您需要再次调用outpu


Javascript Error: Model 'DrawTool' does not exist. This could be due to a widget
or a custom model not being registered before first usage.

output\u notebook