Laravel 5 Laravel 5.3 excel软件包

Laravel 5 Laravel 5.3 excel软件包,laravel-5,Laravel 5,我在我的laravel安装中安装了Excel软件包,工作正常,但唯一的问题是我不知道如何创建Excel数据的标题,有人知道吗 public function Exportcsv(Request $recuestdata){ $data = $recuestdata['row']; $export_paye[] =[ 'Order Number', 'Customer Email', 'Delivery Date',


public function Exportcsv(Request $recuestdata){
    $data = $recuestdata['row'];

    $export_paye[] =[
        'Order Number',
        'Customer Email',
        'Delivery Date',
    $myFile = Excel::create('Order export', function($excel) use ($export_paye,$data) {
    // Set the spreadsheet title, creator, and description
    $excel->setTitle('Order export');
    $excel->setDescription('Order export');
       // Build the spreadsheet, passing in the payments array
       $excel->sheet('sheet1', function($sheet) use ($data) {
           $sheet->fromArray($data , null, 'A1', false, false);

  $myFile = $myFile->string('xlsx');

    $response =  array(
       'name' =>"test.xlsx", //no extention needed
       'file' => "data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;base64,".base64_encode($myFile) //mime type of used format

    return response()->json($response);
