Laravel 防止在每个视图生成器中使用同一查询两次

Laravel 防止在每个视图生成器中使用同一查询两次,laravel,laravel-5,laravel-5.3,Laravel,Laravel 5,Laravel 5.3,我的AppServiceProvider类中有两个视图生成器,如下所示: class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { View::composer('left', function ($view) { if (Auth::check()) { $user = Au


class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        View::composer('left', function ($view)
            if (Auth::check())
                $user = Auth::user();

                // Gets a list of the people the user is following
                $usersFollowing = Following::where('user_id', $user->id)

                // More queries here

                View::share('usersFollowing', $usersFollowing);

        View::composer('right', function ($view)
            if (Auth::check())
                $user = Auth::user();

                // Gets a list of the people the user is following
                $usersFollowing = Following::where('user_id', $user->id)

                // More queries here

                View::share('usersFollowing', $usersFollowing);




我认为将查询移到方法的顶部并在两个视图生成器中使用它们很简单。这样,您的查询将只运行一次。 以下是我建议的方法

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        $user = Auth::user();

        // Gets a list of the people the user is following
        $usersFollowing = Following::where('user_id', $user->id)
        // You can use `use` keyword to access external variables inside callback function. 
        //Both of these variables will be accessible inside callback
        View::composer('left', function ($view) use ($usersFollowing,$user)
            if (Auth::check())

                // More queries here

                View::share('usersFollowing', $usersFollowing);

        View::composer('right', function ($view) use ($usersFollowing,$user)
            if (Auth::check())

                // More queries here

                View::share('usersFollowing', $usersFollowing);


我认为将查询移到方法的顶部并在两个视图生成器中使用它们很简单。这样,您的查询将只运行一次。 以下是我建议的方法

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        $user = Auth::user();

        // Gets a list of the people the user is following
        $usersFollowing = Following::where('user_id', $user->id)
        // You can use `use` keyword to access external variables inside callback function. 
        //Both of these variables will be accessible inside callback
        View::composer('left', function ($view) use ($usersFollowing,$user)
            if (Auth::check())

                // More queries here

                View::share('usersFollowing', $usersFollowing);

        View::composer('right', function ($view) use ($usersFollowing,$user)
            if (Auth::check())

                // More queries here

                View::share('usersFollowing', $usersFollowing);