Linux 在不让我等待的情况下运行命令

Linux 在不让我等待的情况下运行命令,linux,shell,terminal,sh,calabash,Linux,Shell,Terminal,Sh,Calabash,我是Shell脚本Linux的新手。 我正在使用Android进行自动化测试,所以我想运行一些shell脚本,如下所示: 由adb启动记录屏幕( 执行场景测试,然后停止/保存记录文件( 不幸的是,在运行cmd1.sh时,我必须等待3分钟才能运行。 这意味着我无法录制视频:悲伤: 以下是“我的运行”命令的内容: run.sh文件内容: ./ & # run this command in the backgrou


  • 由adb启动记录屏幕(
  • 执行场景测试,然后停止/保存记录文件(
  • 不幸的是,在运行cmd1.sh时,我必须等待3分钟才能运行。


    ./ &          # run this command in the background
    ./            # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT %1      # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    ./ &            # run this command in the background
    recPID=$!              # save the PID for this process for later
    ./              # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT $recPID   # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)


    ./ &          # run this command in the background
    ./            # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT %1      # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    ./ &            # run this command in the background
    recPID=$!              # save the PID for this process for later
    ./              # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT $recPID   # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)


    ./ &          # run this command in the background
    ./            # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT %1      # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    ./ &            # run this command in the background
    recPID=$!              # save the PID for this process for later
    ./              # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT $recPID   # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)





    我正在使用MAC OSX Yosemite 10.10.5同时运行两个命令,然后在完成第二个命令后终止第一个命令的PID:

    # Run first command in background:
    ./ & PID="$!"
    # Run second command:
    # Kill the first command:
    kill "$PID"


    # Run first command in background:
    ./ & PID="$!"
    # Run second command:
    # Kill the first command:
    kill "$PID"
    简易解决方案: run.sh文件内容:

    ./ &          # run this command in the background
    ./            # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT %1      # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    ./ &            # run this command in the background
    recPID=$!              # save the PID for this process for later
    ./              # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT $recPID   # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    更正确的解决方案: run.sh文件内容:

    ./ &          # run this command in the background
    ./            # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT %1      # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    ./ &            # run this command in the background
    recPID=$!              # save the PID for this process for later
    ./              # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT $recPID   # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    简易解决方案: run.sh文件内容:

    ./ &          # run this command in the background
    ./            # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT %1      # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    ./ &            # run this command in the background
    recPID=$!              # save the PID for this process for later
    ./              # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT $recPID   # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    更正确的解决方案: run.sh文件内容:

    ./ &          # run this command in the background
    ./            # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT %1      # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)
    ./ &            # run this command in the background
    recPID=$!              # save the PID for this process for later
    ./              # run this command to completion 
    kill -SIGINT $recPID   # send the interrupt signal to the first command (ctrl+c)

    这行吗?$/cmd1.sh和/cmd2.sh谢谢!让我试试,然后尽快更新你@我试过了。但仍然不起作用。错误:$:未找到命令不要将$符号放在前面,这只是为了表示命令提示符../这行吗?$/谢谢!让我试试,然后尽快更新你@我试过了。但仍然不起作用。错误:$:command not found不要将$符号放在前面,这只是表示命令提示符../不想在这里等待。cmd1意味着开始录制。cmd2意味着做测试用例。最重要的是,我想录制一段视频。希望你能解决我的问题我消除了时间延迟。虽然我觉得这仍然不能解决你的问题。我将尝试在我的android上安装这些软件包,看看是否可以复制这个用例。谢谢。Jrican的回答是正确的。但是我还有一个问题,我想在Cmd 2完成???编辑后终止/停止Cmd1,以便在第二个进程完成后终止第一个进程。我已经尝试了您的命令。我的视频仍然无法运行。我怎样才能确认我已经杀了你?因为如果我通过CTR C停止命令1,我可以正常播放视频。我想问题是因为无法在保存文件之前杀死cmd1我不想在这里等待。cmd1意味着开始录制。cmd2意味着做测试用例。最重要的是,我想录制一段视频。希望你能解决我的问题我消除了时间延迟。虽然我觉得这仍然不能解决你的问题。我将尝试在我的android上安装这些软件包,看看是否可以复制这个用例。谢谢。Jrican的回答是正确的。但是我还有一个问题,我想在Cmd 2完成???编辑后终止/停止Cmd1,以便在第二个进程完成后终止第一个进程。我已经尝试了您的命令。我的视频仍然无法运行。我怎样才能确认我已经杀了你?因为如果我通过CTR C停止命令1,我可以正常播放视频。我认为问题来自于无法在保存文件之前杀死cmd1。我正在确认为什么保存后无法播放视频。我将以另一种方式更新上述视频播放。我正在确认为什么保存后无法播放视频。我会用另一种方式来更新上面提到的视频。