Linux 删除与AWK匹配的2个模式的列

Linux 删除与AWK匹配的2个模式的列,linux,shell,awk,sh,Linux,Shell,Awk,Sh,多个包含ISBN、标题、观察和其他包含观察、标题、ISBN的书籍列表,我想删除列观察,打印标题作为第一列,ISBN作为第二列,如下所示 输入: 123654宇宙学更新 35647医疗保险修订版 987456司法无礼修订 更新的修辞123456 改良会阴会阴术654321 所需输出: Cosmolgy 123654 Medecine 35647 修辞123456 会阴会阴654321 我尝试了在中找到的这个代码,并操纵了几个小时,但没有结果 awk -v OFS='\t' 'NR==1{f



  • 123654宇宙学更新
  • 35647医疗保险修订版
  • 987456司法无礼修订
  • 更新的修辞123456
  • 改良会阴会阴术654321

  • Cosmolgy 123654
  • Medecine 35647
  • 修辞123456
  • 会阴会阴654321

awk -v OFS='\t' 'NR==1{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++)if ($i=="Updated"){n=i-1;m=NF-(i==NF)}} {for(i=1;i<=NF;i+=1+(i==n))printf "%s%s",$i,i==m?ORS:OFS}' file  

awk '{if($1~/^[0-9]+/){print $2,$1} else {print $2,$3}}' Input_file

awk '                   ##Starting awk program from here.
  if($1~/^[0-9]+/){     ##Checking if condition if a line starts with digit then do following.
    print $2,$1         ##Printing 2nd field and then 1st field of line here.
  else{                 ##Using else in case that above if condition is NOT TRUE then do following.
    print $2,$3         ##Printing 2nd and 3rd field of line.
' Input_file            ##Mentioning Input_file name here, which awk is processing.
awk '                      ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN{                     ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
  FS=OFS=","               ##Setting comma for FS and OFS here for all lines of Input_file.
{                          ##Starting main BLOCK from here for this program.
  split($2,array," ")      ##Splitting 2nd field to array named array whose delimiter is space.
  print array[1] $1        ##Printing array 1st element and 1st field of current line.
' Input_file               ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
awk '             ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN{            ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
  FS=OFS=","      ##Setting comma for FS and OFS here for all lines of Input_file.
  print $2,$1     ##Printing each line 2nd field and 1st field.
' Input_file      ##Mentioning Input_file name here.



awk '
  split($2,array," ")
  print array[1] $1
' Input_file
awk '
  print $2,$1
' Input_file

awk '                   ##Starting awk program from here.
  if($1~/^[0-9]+/){     ##Checking if condition if a line starts with digit then do following.
    print $2,$1         ##Printing 2nd field and then 1st field of line here.
  else{                 ##Using else in case that above if condition is NOT TRUE then do following.
    print $2,$3         ##Printing 2nd and 3rd field of line.
' Input_file            ##Mentioning Input_file name here, which awk is processing.
awk '                      ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN{                     ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
  FS=OFS=","               ##Setting comma for FS and OFS here for all lines of Input_file.
{                          ##Starting main BLOCK from here for this program.
  split($2,array," ")      ##Splitting 2nd field to array named array whose delimiter is space.
  print array[1] $1        ##Printing array 1st element and 1st field of current line.
' Input_file               ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
awk '             ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN{            ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
  FS=OFS=","      ##Setting comma for FS and OFS here for all lines of Input_file.
  print $2,$1     ##Printing each line 2nd field and 1st field.
' Input_file      ##Mentioning Input_file name here.


awk '
  split($2,array," ")
  print array[1] $1
' Input_file
awk '
  print $2,$1
' Input_file

awk '                   ##Starting awk program from here.
  if($1~/^[0-9]+/){     ##Checking if condition if a line starts with digit then do following.
    print $2,$1         ##Printing 2nd field and then 1st field of line here.
  else{                 ##Using else in case that above if condition is NOT TRUE then do following.
    print $2,$3         ##Printing 2nd and 3rd field of line.
' Input_file            ##Mentioning Input_file name here, which awk is processing.
awk '                      ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN{                     ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
  FS=OFS=","               ##Setting comma for FS and OFS here for all lines of Input_file.
{                          ##Starting main BLOCK from here for this program.
  split($2,array," ")      ##Splitting 2nd field to array named array whose delimiter is space.
  print array[1] $1        ##Printing array 1st element and 1st field of current line.
' Input_file               ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
awk '             ##Starting awk program from here.
BEGIN{            ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
  FS=OFS=","      ##Setting comma for FS and OFS here for all lines of Input_file.
  print $2,$1     ##Printing each line 2nd field and 1st field.
' Input_file      ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
