Macos 一种通过shell顺序移动文件的方法?

Macos 一种通过shell顺序移动文件的方法?,macos,shell,applescript,Macos,Shell,Applescript,下面的AppleScript非常适合将用户定义数量的文件移动到创建的文件夹中。 如果文件使用填充进行编号;001.txt 002.txt 003.txt,那么一切都好了 但是如果它们被命名为1.txt 2.txt 3.txt,那么结果是1.txt 10.txt 11.txt放在同一个文件夹中 有没有一种通过shell移动文件的方法可以避免这种情况 tell application "Finder" to set thisDir to (target of Finder window 1)

下面的AppleScript非常适合将用户定义数量的文件移动到创建的文件夹中。 如果文件使用填充进行编号;001.txt 002.txt 003.txt,那么一切都好了

但是如果它们被命名为1.txt 2.txt 3.txt,那么结果是1.txt 10.txt 11.txt放在同一个文件夹中


    tell application "Finder" to set thisDir to (target of Finder window 1) as string
    set rootDirectory to quoted form of POSIX path of thisDir
    set counTed to (do shell script "ls -1 " & rootDirectory & " | wc -l") as integer
    if counTed is 0 then
        display alert "There are no files in the root of this directory to move."
    end if
    set filesPerFolder to text returned of (display dialog "There are " & counTed & " files in this folder. 
    How many files would you like to move per folder: " default answer "100")
    set fileCount to (do shell script "cd " & rootDirectory & " && i=0;for f in *;do d=$(printf %03d $((i/" & filesPerFolder & "+1)));let i++;mkdir -p $d;mv \"$f\" $d;done")
    set filesLeft to (do shell script "ls -2 " & rootDirectory & " | wc -l") as integer
    if filesLeft is 0 then
        display alert "Completed."
    end if


tell application "Finder"
    set thisDir to target of Finder window 1
    set theFiles to files of thisDir
    set sortedFiles to sort theFiles by name

    -- do something with sortedFiles
end tell
