Mongodb Mongo因插入太多而变得陈腐

Mongodb Mongo因插入太多而变得陈腐,mongodb,nosql,Mongodb,Nosql,我正在尝试使用mongodb运行多代理模拟 我在运行模拟程序的同一台服务器上有一个mongo实例,但是当我有太多代理(10个模拟步骤中约有100.000个)时,mongodb会在几秒钟内停止运行 mongo中插入数据的代码类似于: if( mongo_client( &m_conn , m_dbhost.c_str(), m_dbport ) != MONGO_OK ) { cout << "failed to connect '" << m_dbhost




if( mongo_client( &m_conn , m_dbhost.c_str(), m_dbport ) != MONGO_OK ) {
    cout << "failed to connect '" << m_dbhost << ":" << m_dbport << "'\n";
    cout << "  mongo error: " << m_conn.err << endl;
bson_init( &b );
bson_append_new_oid( &b, "_id" ) != BSON_OK );
bson_append_double( &b, "time", time );
bson_append_double( &b, "x", posx );
bson_append_double( &b, "y", posy );
bson_finish( &b );

if( mongo_insert( &m_conn , ns.c_str() , &b, NULL ) != MONGO_OK ){
    cout << "failed to insert in mongo\n";
bson_destroy( &b );
mongo_disconnect( &m_conn );
模拟结束后,mongo shell再次响应,我可以检查数据库中是否有数据,但它已停止。在此示例中,代理m0n999仅保存了10个步骤中的6个:

> show dbs
dB0B7F527F0FA45518712C8CB27611BD7   5.951171875GB
local   0.078125GB
> db.ins.m0n999.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("515bdf564c60ec1e000003e7"), "time" : 1, "x" : 1.1, "y" : 8.1 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("515be0214c60ec1e0001075f"), "time" : 2, "x" : 1.2000000000000002, "y" : 8.2 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("515be1c04c60ec1e0002da3a"), "time" : 4, "x" : 1.4000000000000004, "y" : 8.399999999999999 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("515be2934c60ec1e0003b82c"), "time" : 5, "x" : 1.5000000000000004, "y" : 8.499999999999998 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("515be3664c60ec1e000497cf"), "time" : 6, "x" : 1.6000000000000005, "y" : 8.599999999999998 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("515be6cc4c60ec1e000824b2"), "time" : 10, "x" : 2.000000000000001, "y" : 8.999999999999996 }

更新 我在全局日志中遇到如下错误:

    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] end connection (1 connection now open)",


  • 我创造了太多的收藏。我从每个代理一次收集更改为每个模拟过程仅收集一次

  • 我建立了太多的联系。我从每个代理迭代一个连接更改为每个模拟步骤只有一个连接

你看过日志了吗?@assylias,太好了,我添加了一个带有errorsHow的日志输出片段。你的测试创建了多少个集合?您可以在mongo shell中对数据库运行“show collections”或“db.getCollectionNames()”来查看此内容。@JamesWahlin我为每个代理创建了一个大约100000个集合这听起来您可能达到了名称空间的限制。有关详细信息,请参见mongodb文档中的以下内容:
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] error: hashtable namespace index max chain reached:1335",
    "Wed Apr  3 11:53:00.379 [conn1378573] end connection (1 connection now open)",