Ms access 如何在MS Access中查找与表相关的所有查询

Ms access 如何在MS Access中查找与表相关的所有查询,ms-access,ms-access-2007,Ms Access,Ms Access 2007,我有一个数据库。在这里,我有数百个表、宏和表单。 不,我的问题是我必须找到与特定表相关的所有查询、宏 我正在使用microsoft acess 2000 但我甚至在access 2007中尝试了objet依赖项,它显示了大量错误并自动关闭 有什么简单的方法可以得到这个吗 谢谢, Shanmugam您可以尝试直接对系统表执行SQL查询,以更方便用户的方式获取2003+版本中显示的依赖项。我不确定这在2000年是否有效,但在2003+年是否有效,但值得一试: SELECT DISTINCT MSys

我有一个数据库。在这里,我有数百个表、宏和表单。 不,我的问题是我必须找到与特定表相关的所有查询、宏

我正在使用microsoft acess 2000

但我甚至在access 2007中尝试了objet依赖项,它显示了大量错误并自动关闭




FROM MSysQueries INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON MSysQueries.ObjectId=MSysObjects.Id
WHERE (((MSysQueries.Name1) Like "*" & [TableName] & "*")) OR (((MSysQueries.Name2) Like "*" & [TableName] & "*"))




Sub SearchQueries(SearchText As String, _
                  Optional ShowSQL As Boolean = False, _
                  Optional QryName As String = "*")
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim QDef As QueryDef

    For Each QDef In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
        If QDef.Name Like QryName Then
            If InStr(QDef.SQL, SearchText) > 0 Then
                Debug.Print QDef.Name
                If ShowSQL Then Debug.Print QDef.SQL & vbCrLf
            End If
        End If
    Next QDef
End Sub

'Updated: 1/19/09 Limit search by object name pattern
Sub SearchDB(SearchText As String, _
             Optional ObjType As AcObjectType = acDefault, _
             Optional ObjName As String = "*")
Dim db As Database, obj As AccessObject, Ctl As Control, Prop As Property
Dim Frm As Form, Rpt As Report, mdl As Module
Dim objLoaded As Boolean, Found As Boolean, Instances As Long
Dim SLine As Long, SCol As Long, ELine As Long, ECol As Long

    On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB

    Set db = CurrentDb
    Application.Echo False

    'Search queries
    If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acQuery Then
        Debug.Print "Queries:"
        SearchQueries SearchText, False, ObjName
        Debug.Print vbCrLf
    End If

    'Search forms
    If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acForm Then
        Debug.Print "Forms:"
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllForms
            If obj.Name Like ObjName Then
                objLoaded = obj.IsLoaded
                If Not obj.IsLoaded Then DoCmd.OpenForm obj.Name, acDesign, , , , acHidden
                Set Frm = Application.Forms(obj.Name)
                For Each Prop In Frm.Properties
                    If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
                        If Err.Number = 0 Then
                            Debug.Print "Form: " & Frm.Name & _
                                        "  Property: " & Prop.Name & _
                                        "  Value: " & Prop.Value
                        End If
                    End If
                Next Prop
                If Frm.HasModule Then
                    SLine = 0: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0: Instances = 0
                    Found = Frm.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
                    Do Until Not Found
                        Instances = Instances + 1
                        SLine = ELine + 1: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0
                        Found = Frm.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
                    If Instances > 0 Then Debug.Print "Form: " & Frm.Name & _
                       "  Module: " & Instances & " instances"

                End If
                For Each Ctl In Frm.Controls
                    For Each Prop In Ctl.Properties
                        If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
                            If Err.Number = 0 Then
                                Debug.Print "Form: " & Frm.Name & _
                                            "  Control: " & Ctl.Name & _
                                            "  Property: " & Prop.Name & _
                                            "  Value: " & Prop.Value
                            End If
                        End If
                    Next Prop
                Next Ctl
                Set Frm = Nothing
                If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.Close acForm, obj.Name, acSaveNo
            End If
        Next obj
        On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB
        Debug.Print vbCrLf
    End If

    'Search modules
    If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acModule Then
        Debug.Print "Modules:"
        For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllModules
            If obj.Name Like ObjName Then
                objLoaded = obj.IsLoaded
                If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.OpenModule obj.Name
                Set mdl = Application.Modules(obj.Name)
                SLine = 0: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0: Instances = 0
                Found = mdl.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
                Do Until Not Found
                    Instances = Instances + 1
                    SLine = ELine + 1: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0
                    Found = mdl.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
                If Instances > 0 Then Debug.Print obj.Name & ": " & Instances & " instances"
                Set mdl = Nothing
                If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.Close acModule, obj.Name
            End If
        Next obj
        Debug.Print vbCrLf
    End If

    'Search macros
    If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acMacro Then
        'Debug.Print "Macros:"
        'Debug.Print vbCrLf
    End If

    'Search reports
    If ObjType = acDefault Or ObjType = acReport Then
        Debug.Print "Reports:"
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllReports
            If obj.Name Like ObjName Then
                objLoaded = obj.IsLoaded
                If Not obj.IsLoaded Then DoCmd.OpenReport obj.Name, acDesign
                Set Rpt = Application.Reports(obj.Name)
                For Each Prop In Rpt.Properties
                    If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
                        If Err.Number = 0 Then
                            Debug.Print "Report: " & Rpt.Name & _
                                        "  Property: " & Prop.Name & _
                                        "  Value: " & Prop.Value
                        End If
                    End If
                Next Prop
                If Rpt.HasModule Then
                    SLine = 0: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0: Instances = 0
                    Found = Rpt.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
                    Do Until Not Found
                        Instances = Instances + 1
                        SLine = ELine + 1: SCol = 0: ELine = 0: ECol = 0
                        Found = Rpt.Module.Find(SearchText, SLine, SCol, ELine, ECol)
                    If Instances > 0 Then Debug.Print "Report: " & Rpt.Name & _
                       "  Module: " & Instances & " instances"

                End If
                For Each Ctl In Rpt.Controls
                    For Each Prop In Ctl.Properties
                        If InStr(Prop.Value, SearchText) > 0 Then
                            Debug.Print "Report: " & Rpt.Name & _
                                        "  Control: " & Ctl.Name & _
                                        "  Property: " & Prop.Name & _
                                        "  Value: " & Prop.Value
                        End If
                    Next Prop
                Next Ctl
                Set Rpt = Nothing
                If Not objLoaded Then DoCmd.Close acReport, obj.Name, acSaveNo
            End If
        Next obj
        On Error GoTo Err_SearchDB
        Debug.Print vbCrLf
    End If

    Application.Echo True
    Exit Sub
    Application.Echo True
    Debug.Print Err.Description
    Debug.Assert False
End Sub
选择不同的 MSysObjects.Name、msysquerys.Name1、msysquerys.Name2、msysquerys.Expression 从…起 MSysQueries 内连接 msysquerys.ObjectId=MSysObjects.Id上的MSysObjects;

对于其他像我一样找到此页面的人,下面是一个变体,其中包括在所有查询的表或表达式中出现的字符串。这在Access 2003和Access 2013中都有效

MSysObjects.Name, MSysQueries.Name1, MSysQueries.Name2, MSysQueries.Expression
MSysObjects ON MSysQueries.ObjectId = MSysObjects.Id
(   (((MSysQueries.Name1) Like "*" & [String to search for] & "*")) 
 OR (((MSysQueries.Name2) Like "*" & [String to search for] & "*"))
 OR (((MSysQueries.Expression) Like "*" & [String to search for] & "*"))  )

And "Comment:  You will be prompted once, for the [String to search for]"<>""
And "Comment:  The starting point for this code came from link:"<>
" "

感谢您的回复mwolfe02。对不起,迟了答复。正如u所说,第一个模块简单易懂。而第二个对我来说太复杂了。但我还没有两个都试过。我会坐tomo去办公室,两种都试试,然后告诉你。如果我没有进一步了解,我会让你知道的。非常感谢。请记住,要运行代码,您需要引用DAO工具|引用|添加Microsoft Office数据访问引擎对象…@mwolffe02这可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但是当程序应该在出错时转到Err_SearchDB时,为什么您有两个Err_SearchDB术语?@114:我不确定我是否理解您的问题。但我检查了我的代码,意识到我的错误转到0行应该是错误转到Err_SearchDB。这能消除混乱吗?嗨,伊戈尔·图尔曼,这真的很有帮助。您能告诉我如何查找与特定查询相关的查询和表吗?谢谢。您在MS Access中的何处执行此查询?您能否解释一下您对Igor答案所做的更改导致了此问题?