Mysql 计算有利百分比

Mysql 计算有利百分比,mysql,Mysql,我有一个调查答复表,范围包括以下选择。 强烈同意=5,同意=4,中立=3,不同意=2,强烈不同意=1 该表看起来有点像这样: ID: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Qn 1 5 4 5 3 2 2 4 5 2 1 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 5 4 3 4 3 我使用下面的MySQL代码获取一个列,并为百分比有利、中性和不利生成3个附加列 Select (case when Q1 = 5 or Q

我有一个调查答复表,范围包括以下选择。 强烈同意=5,同意=4,中立=3,不同意=2,强烈不同意=1


ID:  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4  Qn
1    5   4   5   3   2
2    4   5   2   1   4
3    4   4   3   2   3
4    5   4   3   4   3

(case when Q1 = 5 or Q1 = 4 then 1 else null end) as Q1Fav,
(case when Q1 = 3 then 1 else null end) as Q1Neu,
(case when Q1 = 2 or Q1 = 1 then 1 else null end) as Q1UnFav
From survey_data






create table users
    userId int auto_increment primary key,
    fName varchar(100) not null,    -- Stan 
    lName varchar(100) not null     -- Smith

create table surveys
    surveyId int auto_increment primary key,
    sTitle varchar(255) not null,
    dtCreated date not null -- date created in system

-- create table questions
-- (    -- to keep things simple to start, assume questions are not in mysql
    -- that can be for version Beta 0.02
-- );

create table UserTakesSurvey
(   -- A user takes a survey (this is going to be useful)
    -- 1 row for each combo kinda obvious
    userId int not null,
    surveyId int not null,
    dtTaken date not null,

    -- Foreign Key constraints go here:
    -- to Users Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES users(userId),
    -- to Surveys Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (surveyId) REFERENCES surveys(surveyId),
    -- so no row can exist here with a wrong (non-existing) userId or surveyId

    -- addition indexes here:
    primary key (userid,surveyid),
    key (surveyid,userid)

create table answers
(   id int auto_increment primary key,
    userId int not null,
    surveyId int not null, -- survey id
    qNum int not null,  -- question number
    answer int not null,    -- 5 to 1

    -- Foreign Key constraints go here:
    -- to Users Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES users(userId),
    -- to Surveys Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (surveyId) REFERENCES surveys(surveyId),
    -- so no row can exist here with a wrong (non-existing) userId or surveyId

    -- Additional indexes go here:
    -- create a composite (combo) key incorporating two columns
    KEY (userId,surveyId),
    KEY (surveyId,userId)

insert users (fName,lName) values ('Stan','Smith'),('Sally','Higgins');

-- first survey will have 7 questions hypothetically, 2nd 101 questions
insert surveys (sTitle,dtCreated) values ('Feelings about Milk','2013-01-17');
insert surveys (sTitle,dtCreated) values ('Thoughts on Global Warming',curdate());




create table users
    userId int auto_increment primary key,
    fName varchar(100) not null,    -- Stan 
    lName varchar(100) not null     -- Smith

create table surveys
    surveyId int auto_increment primary key,
    sTitle varchar(255) not null,
    dtCreated date not null -- date created in system

-- create table questions
-- (    -- to keep things simple to start, assume questions are not in mysql
    -- that can be for version Beta 0.02
-- );

create table UserTakesSurvey
(   -- A user takes a survey (this is going to be useful)
    -- 1 row for each combo kinda obvious
    userId int not null,
    surveyId int not null,
    dtTaken date not null,

    -- Foreign Key constraints go here:
    -- to Users Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES users(userId),
    -- to Surveys Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (surveyId) REFERENCES surveys(surveyId),
    -- so no row can exist here with a wrong (non-existing) userId or surveyId

    -- addition indexes here:
    primary key (userid,surveyid),
    key (surveyid,userid)

create table answers
(   id int auto_increment primary key,
    userId int not null,
    surveyId int not null, -- survey id
    qNum int not null,  -- question number
    answer int not null,    -- 5 to 1

    -- Foreign Key constraints go here:
    -- to Users Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES users(userId),
    -- to Surveys Table:
    FOREIGN KEY (surveyId) REFERENCES surveys(surveyId),
    -- so no row can exist here with a wrong (non-existing) userId or surveyId

    -- Additional indexes go here:
    -- create a composite (combo) key incorporating two columns
    KEY (userId,surveyId),
    KEY (surveyId,userId)

insert users (fName,lName) values ('Stan','Smith'),('Sally','Higgins');

-- first survey will have 7 questions hypothetically, 2nd 101 questions
insert surveys (sTitle,dtCreated) values ('Feelings about Milk','2013-01-17');
insert surveys (sTitle,dtCreated) values ('Thoughts on Global Warming',curdate());
