
限制偏移量查询的MySQL查询优化,mysql,sql,Mysql,Sql,我有一个特别的疑问: SELECT users.role, users.first_name, users.last_name, users.email, projects.project_id, projects.reminder, projects.title, projects.user_id, COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=0 THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr


SELECT users.role, users.first_name, users.last_name, users.email,
   projects.project_id, projects.reminder, projects.title, projects.user_id,
   COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=0 THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_citations,
   COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=1 THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_citations_deleted,
   COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=0 AND authors.first_name != "" AND authors.last_name !="" AND authors.last_name NOT LIKE "author_lastname%" AND authors.last_name NOT LIKE "author_firstname%" THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_citations_filled,
   COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=0 AND citations.user_comment IS NOT NULL THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_comments,
   (CASE WHEN user_stats.type IN (4,66,67,68,73,74) THEN user_stats.type ELSE NULL END) AS source,
   COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN user_stats.type=1 THEN user_stats.id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_export_word,
   MAX(CASE WHEN user_stats.type=1 THEN user_stats.timestamp ELSE NULL END) AS last_export_word,
   COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN user_stats.type=3 THEN user_stats.id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_export_email,
   MAX(CASE WHEN user_stats.type=3 THEN user_stats.timestamp ELSE NULL END) AS last_export_email,
   MAX(export_format_class_name) as exported_style
FROM projects
LEFT JOIN projects_styles ON projects_styles.project_id = projects.project_id
LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id = projects.user_id
LEFT JOIN user_stats ON user_stats.project_id = projects.project_id
LEFT JOIN citations ON citations.project_id = projects.project_id
LEFT JOIN citations_authors ON citations_authors.citation_id = citations.citation_id
LEFT JOIN authors ON authors.author_id = citations_authors.author_id
GROUP BY projects.project_id
ORDER BY projects.project_id DESC
LIMIT 0,4000;

稍后编辑: 以下是对我的问题的解释:



EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT users.role, users.first_name, users.last_name, users.email,
    projects.project_id, projects.reminder, projects.title, projects.user_id,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=0 THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_citations,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=1 THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_citations_deleted,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=0 AND authors.first_name != "" AND authors.last_name !="" AND authors.last_name NOT LIKE "author_lastname%" AND authors.last_name NOT LIKE "author_firstname%" THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_citations_filled,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN citations.deleted=0 AND citations.user_comment IS NOT NULL THEN citations.citation_id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_comments,
    (CASE WHEN user_stats.type IN (4,66,67,68,73,74) THEN user_stats.type ELSE NULL END) AS source,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN user_stats.type=1 THEN user_stats.id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_export_word,
    MAX(CASE WHEN user_stats.type=1 THEN user_stats.timestamp ELSE NULL END) AS last_export_word,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN user_stats.type=3 THEN user_stats.id ELSE NULL END) AS nr_export_email,
    MAX(CASE WHEN user_stats.type=3 THEN user_stats.timestamp ELSE NULL END) AS last_export_email,
    MAX(export_format_class_name) as exported_style
FROM projects
LEFT JOIN projects_styles ON projects_styles.project_id = projects.project_id
LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id = projects.user_id
LEFT JOIN user_stats ON user_stats.project_id = projects.project_id
LEFT JOIN citations ON citations.project_id = projects.project_id
LEFT JOIN citations_authors ON citations_authors.citation_id = citations.citation_id
LEFT JOIN authors ON authors.author_id = citations_authors.author_id
GROUP BY projects.project_id
ORDER BY projects.project_id DESC
LIMIT 0,4000;

它的速度很慢,因为它需要在返回所需的行之前计算所有这些偏移行。 您可以尝试在unqiue键上添加WHERE条件,但这假设键中没有间隙,这是不可能的。但要导出到csv,只需创建一个新的唯一列并使用它

WHERE  unique_col > 10000 ORDER BY unique_col LIMIT 4000;
