Mysql 如何从使用聚合函数分组的多个表中返回多个列

Mysql 如何从使用聚合函数分组的多个表中返回多个列,mysql,sql,Mysql,Sql,我有以下三个表格: 1. Results table (containing performances) 2. Athletes table (containing athlete ids and names) 3. Events table (containing event ids and eventNames) Results Table (sample) +----------+-----------+---------+----------+----------+------+---


1. Results table (containing performances)
2. Athletes table (containing athlete ids and names)
3. Events table (containing event ids and eventNames)

Results Table (sample)
| resultID | athleteID | eventID | ageGroup |   time   | wind | distHeight | implement | record | centreID | placing |      competition      | in_out |     venue      |    date    |
|      203 |    503262 |       1 | MS       | 00010.83 |  5.2 |            |           | D      | AKL      | 3       | IAAF Challenge        | out    | Arles FRA      | 2008-06-07 |
|      201 |    515092 |       1 | MS       | 00011.06 |  3.2 |            |           |        | CAN      | 6h1     | Winter Series #3      | out    | Gold Coast AUS | 2008-06-15 |
|      298 |    503262 |       1 | MS       | 00011.26 | -1.0 |            |           | D      | AKL      | 4       | TNT - Fortuna         | out    | Kladno CZE     | 2008-06-18 |
|      202 |    515092 |       2 | MS       | 00022.69 |  0.6 |            |           |        | CAN      | 4h1     | Winter Series #3      | out    | Gold Coast AUS | 2008-06-15 |
|      380 |    504550 |       2 | MS       | 00022.22 |  0.9 |            |           |        | AKL      | 6rA     | Int. Meeting Nivelles | out    | Nivelles BEL   | 2008-06-28 |
|      381 |    504613 |       2 | MS       | 00021.28 |  0.9 |            |           |        | AKL      | 2rA     | Int. Meeting Nivelles | out    | Nivelles BEL   | 2008-06-28 |
|        3 |    518131 |      33 | MS       |          |      |     077.91 | 800gm     |        | WBP      | 1Q      | Good Luck Beijing     | out    | Beijing CHN    | 2008-05-22 |
|        4 |    518131 |      33 | MS       |          |      |     079.61 | 800gm     |        | WBP      | 1       | Good Luck Beijing     | out    | Beijing CHN    | 2008-05-23 |
|      144 |    518131 |      33 | MS       |          |      |     080.51 | 800gm     |        | WBP      | 1       | Chinese Taipei Int    | out    | Taiwan TPE     | 2008-06-01 |

Event Table (sample)
| eventID |   eventName   |
|       1 | 100m          |
|       2 | 200m          |
|      33 | Javelin Throw |

Athlete Table (sample)
| athleteID | nameLast | nameFirst | gender |    DOB     | clubID |
|    503262 | Lambert  | Ben       | M      | 2003-12-04 |    233 |
|    504613 | Abba     | Eric      | M      | 1991-11-03 |     20 |
|    518131 | Abbiss   | Hugh      | M      | 1992-04-03 |     57 |

我曾尝试按照MySql 5.7的建议,将所选项目包括在“groupby”列表中,但最终返回了数千行

我有一个在MySql 5.7之前运行的查询

SELECT events.eventID, events.eventName, results.ageGroup, results.athleteID, MIN(results.time) AS time, MAX(results.distHeight) as distHeight, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d %b %Y') as date, athletes.nameFirst, athletes.nameLast, DATE_FORMAT(athletes.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as format_DOB

SELECT * FROM results 
WHERE results.ageGroup = 'MS' 
AND YEAR( = '2019' 
AND results.wind < 2.1 
AND results.wind != 'nwr' 
ORDER BY results.time ASC, results.distHeight DESC, ASC
) as results

INNER JOIN athletes ON results.athleteID = athletes.athleteID 
INNER JOIN events ON results.eventID = events.eventID 
GROUP BY results.eventID 
ORDER BY events.eventID ASC



  select  events.eventID
      , events.eventName
      , results.ageGroup
      , results.athleteID
      , t.time
      , t.distHeight 
      , DATE_FORMAT(, '%d %b %Y') as date
    , athletes.nameFirst
    , athletes.nameLast
    , DATE_FORMAT(athletes.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as format_DOB  
  FROM events 
  INNER JOIN result ON results.eventID = events.eventID  
  INNER JOIN athletes ON results.athleteID = athletes.athleteID 

      SELECT events.eventName
          ,  results.ageGroup
          ,  MIN(results.time) AS time
          ,  MAX(results.distHeight) as distHeight
      FROM  events
      INNER JOIN result ON results.eventID = events.eventID 
      WHERE results.ageGroup = 'MS' 
      AND YEAR( = '2019' 
      AND results.wind < 2.1 
      AND results.wind != 'nwr' 
      GROUP BY events.eventName, results.ageGroup 

  ) t ON t.eventName = event.eventName 
          AND t.ageGroup = result.ageGroup
            AND ( t.time = result.time  OR t.distHeight = result.distHeight)

  ORDER BY results.time ASC, results.distHeight DESC, ASC


select eeventname,
         case when mintime is not null then mintime
         else maxdistheight
         end as result,
select r.athleteid rathelteid,r.eventID reventid,r.agegroup ragegroup,
         e.eventid eeventid,e.eventname eeventname ,
         a.athleteid aathleteid,a.namelast anamelast,
         (select min(time) from results r1 where r1.eventID = r.eventid and time is not null) mintime,
         (select max(distheight) from results r1 where r1.eventID = r.eventid and time is null) maxdistheight 
from results r
join events e on e.eventid = r.eventid
left join athlete a on a.athleteid = r.athleteid
having mintime = r.time or r.distHeight = maxdistheight
) s;

| eeventname    | result | anamelast |
| 100m          |  10.83 | Lambert   |
| 200m          |  21.28 | Abba      |
| Javelin Throw |  80.51 | Abbiss    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



SELECT events.eventID, events.eventName, results.ageGroup, results.athleteID, t.distHeight, t.time, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d %b %Y') as date, athletes.nameFirst, athletes.nameLast, DATE_FORMAT(athletes.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as format_DOB, competition  
FROM results 
INNER JOIN events ON results.eventID = events.eventID  
INNER JOIN athletes ON results.athleteID = athletes.athleteID 

  SELECT events.eventID, results.athleteID, results.resultID, results.ageGroup, MIN(results.time) AS time, MAX(results.distHeight) as distHeight
  FROM  events
  INNER JOIN results ON results.eventID = events.eventID 
  WHERE results.ageGroup = 'MS' 
  AND YEAR( = '2019'  
  GROUP BY events.eventID, time, distHeight
  ORDER BY time ASC, distHeight DESC

) t ON t.resultID = results.resultID 
    AND t.eventID = results.eventID 
        AND ( t.time = results.time AND t.distHeight = results.distHeight)
WHERE YEAR( = '2019' 
GROUP BY events.eventID, results.eventID

你能添加你的表定义和示例数据吗?我不确定当results.wind看起来是一个字符串,并且子查询中的order by毫无意义时,“results.wind<2.1”是如何工作的。“我有一个在MySql 5.7之前工作的查询”它可能运行,但可能不“工作”-运动员将无法确定一个事件的长度超过1结果和mintime与maxdistheight不在同一行。你的数据可能永远不会是这样-只有你知道..谢谢你的反馈。。。我添加了一些示例数据感谢代码示例-我尝试了这种方法,但它为每个事件返回了数千行而不是一行。我在我的原始问题中发布了一些示例数据表。。。可能会让事情更清楚@我很抱歉。。。我在join中错过了仅获取与较好记录匹配的行的条件。。答案更新…希望有用。谢谢!我试过了,但还是不走运。太多行了。我不是专家,所以我必须消化这一点,看看需要在哪里进行调整。概念是使用子查询来获得更好的结果,并将此结果与包含所有信息的ctable连接起来。。希望这个建议能帮上忙,再次感谢尝试了此解决方案,但数据库在运行时挂起。你认为我可以看的任何修改或选项。变成了一个相当棘手的问题。
SELECT events.eventID, events.eventName, results.ageGroup, results.athleteID, t.distHeight, t.time, DATE_FORMAT(, '%d %b %Y') as date, athletes.nameFirst, athletes.nameLast, DATE_FORMAT(athletes.DOB, '%d %b %Y') as format_DOB, competition  
FROM results 
INNER JOIN events ON results.eventID = events.eventID  
INNER JOIN athletes ON results.athleteID = athletes.athleteID 

  SELECT events.eventID, results.athleteID, results.resultID, results.ageGroup, MIN(results.time) AS time, MAX(results.distHeight) as distHeight
  FROM  events
  INNER JOIN results ON results.eventID = events.eventID 
  WHERE results.ageGroup = 'MS' 
  AND YEAR( = '2019'  
  GROUP BY events.eventID, time, distHeight
  ORDER BY time ASC, distHeight DESC

) t ON t.resultID = results.resultID 
    AND t.eventID = results.eventID 
        AND ( t.time = results.time AND t.distHeight = results.distHeight)
WHERE YEAR( = '2019' 
GROUP BY events.eventID, results.eventID