
基于不同列值按用户和文件名的mysql查询计数,mysql,count,Mysql,Count,我正在尝试编写一个查询,其中我计算每个用户查看文件的次数和下载文件的次数 Dataset Userid | callaction | description 1 | Viewed | abc.pdf 2 | Viewed | abc.pdf 2 | Viewed | xyz.pdf 1 | Viewed | abc.pdf 1 | Downloaded | abc.pdf 1 | Downloaded |


Userid | callaction | description
1      | Viewed     | abc.pdf
2      | Viewed     | abc.pdf
2      | Viewed     | xyz.pdf
1      | Viewed     | abc.pdf
1      | Downloaded | abc.pdf
1      | Downloaded | abc.pdf
1      | Downloaded | abc.pdf
2      | Downloaded | xyz.pdf
1      | Downloaded | xyz.pdf

select userid, description, 
count(description) as 'Number of views',
count(description) as 'Number of Downloads'
from tablename
where callaction = 'VIEWFILE' OR callaction = 'DOWNLOAD'
group by userid, description;


Userid | callaction | description | Number of views | Number of Downloads
1      | Viewed     | abc.pdf     | 2               |  3
1      | Viewed     | xyz.pdf     | 0               |  1
2      | Viewed     | abc.pdf     | 1               |  0
2      | Viewed     | xyz.pdf     | 1               |  1
select userid, description, 
       sum(callaction = 'VIEWFILE') as 'Number of views',
       sum(callaction = 'DOWNLOAD') as 'Number of Downloads'
from tablename
group by userid, description;