Mysql 需要帮助将数据集从多行转换为单行吗

Mysql 需要帮助将数据集从多行转换为单行吗,mysql,sql,database,Mysql,Sql,Database,我有一个数据库MySQL,它保存了我们一些客户的成本记录。每个客户的商品成本不同。任何给定的成本记录都有一个生效日期范围,即成本在给定的时间范围内有效。以下是一些示例数据: Customer ItemNumber EffectDate Counter Cost ABC123 ITEM101 2011-12-01 0 $1.00 ABC123 ITEM101 2011-12-10 0


Customer    ItemNumber    EffectDate    Counter    Cost
ABC123      ITEM101       2011-12-01          0    $1.00
ABC123      ITEM101       2011-12-10          0    $1.20
ABC123      ITEM101       2011-12-10          1    $1.25
DEF456      ITEM101       2011-11-15          0    $1.10
DEF456      ITEM101       2011-12-01          0    $1.12


Customer    ItemNumber    EffectiveBegin    EffectiveEnd    Cost
ABC123      ITEM101       2011-12-01        2011-12-09      $1.00
ABC123      ITEM101       2011-12-10        2099-12-31      $1.25
DEF456      ITEM101       2011-11-15        2011-11-30      $1.10
DEF456      ITEM101       2011-12-01        2099-12-31      $1.12



Areas where there might be problems:

    1) B.effectiveDate-1 - Hoping B.EffectDate-1 when B.EffectDate is null 
       will retrun null so coalesce will return 12/31/2099.
    2) '12/31/2099' may need to be cast to date data type.
    3) Hoping mySQL supports date-1 to subtract 1 day.
    4) Replace "TABLE" with your table name

1) Joins to self in order to get begin & End for Effective dates. Excludes same
   date entries.
2) subtracts 1 from B.effectdate when customer item has multiple entries to 
   get "End"
3) Only joins records where customer, item match AND B.Counter is the MAX counter. 
   (Key if multiple entires)
4) Uses cost from B if exists, otherwise uses A.

    Select A.Customer, A.ItemNumber, A.EffectDate as EffectiveBegin, 
            coalesce(B.effectDate-1,'12/31/2099') as EffectiveEnd, 
            coalesce(B.cost, A.cost) as Cost
    FROM Table A
    LEFT JOIN Table B 
      ON A.Customer=B.Customer 
     and A.ItemNumber = B.ItemNumber 
     and A.EffectDate < B.EffectDate
     and B.Counter = (SELECT max(C.Counter) 
                      FROM Table C 
                      WHERE C.Customer = A.customer 
                        and C.ItemNumber = A.ItemNumber)



Areas where there might be problems:

    1) B.effectiveDate-1 - Hoping B.EffectDate-1 when B.EffectDate is null 
       will retrun null so coalesce will return 12/31/2099.
    2) '12/31/2099' may need to be cast to date data type.
    3) Hoping mySQL supports date-1 to subtract 1 day.
    4) Replace "TABLE" with your table name

1) Joins to self in order to get begin & End for Effective dates. Excludes same
   date entries.
2) subtracts 1 from B.effectdate when customer item has multiple entries to 
   get "End"
3) Only joins records where customer, item match AND B.Counter is the MAX counter. 
   (Key if multiple entires)
4) Uses cost from B if exists, otherwise uses A.

    Select A.Customer, A.ItemNumber, A.EffectDate as EffectiveBegin, 
            coalesce(B.effectDate-1,'12/31/2099') as EffectiveEnd, 
            coalesce(B.cost, A.cost) as Cost
    FROM Table A
    LEFT JOIN Table B 
      ON A.Customer=B.Customer 
     and A.ItemNumber = B.ItemNumber 
     and A.EffectDate < B.EffectDate
     and B.Counter = (SELECT max(C.Counter) 
                      FROM Table C 
                      WHERE C.Customer = A.customer 
                        and C.ItemNumber = A.ItemNumber)




select p.Customer, p.ItemNumber, p.EffectDate, coalesce(e.effectdate - interval 1 day, curdate()) EffectiveEnd, p.Cost
from (
  select customer, itemnumber, effectdate, max(counter) counter
  from prices
  group by customer, itemnumber, effectdate
) c
left outer join prices p
  on p.customer = c.customer 
  and p.itemnumber = c.itemnumber 
  and p.effectdate = c.effectdate
  and p.counter = c.counter
left outer join prices e
  on e.customer = p.customer 
  and e.itemnumber = p.itemnumber 
  and e.effectdate > p.effectdate
  and e.counter = p.counter



select p.Customer, p.ItemNumber, p.EffectDate, coalesce(e.effectdate - interval 1 day, curdate()) EffectiveEnd, p.Cost
from (
  select customer, itemnumber, effectdate, max(counter) counter
  from prices
  group by customer, itemnumber, effectdate
) c
left outer join prices p
  on p.customer = c.customer 
  and p.itemnumber = c.itemnumber 
  and p.effectdate = c.effectdate
  and p.counter = c.counter
left outer join prices e
  on e.customer = p.customer 
  and e.itemnumber = p.itemnumber 
  and e.effectdate > p.effectdate
  and e.counter = p.counter

计数器是否与您尝试构建的查询相关?你似乎只关心日期范围,对吧?计数器是相关的,因为给定开始日期,我只需要与该日期最高计数器相关的成本。例如,10月12日ABC123的ITEM101有两条记录-计数器0,成本为1.20美元;1号柜台的价格是1.25美元。我只需要花费1.25美元。计数器是否与您试图构建的查询相关?你似乎只关心日期范围,对吧?计数器是相关的,因为给定开始日期,我只需要与该日期最高计数器相关的成本。例如,10月12日ABC123的ITEM101有两条记录-计数器0,成本为1.20美元;1号柜台的价格是1.25美元。我只需要花1美元。25@thomasbosonix指出我遗漏了一些东西你确定你有想要的结果吗?或者离得足够近,你就能得到你想要的东西?@thomas bosonix指出我遗漏了一些东西你确定你得到了你想要的结果吗?或者离得足够近你就能得到你想要的?