
NETLOGO中的sprout导致模拟速度极慢,netlogo,Netlogo,在我的模型中,这些斑块包含卵、由卵孵化的幼虫和由体重增加到1毫克的幼虫产生的蛹,因此这三个是变量,而不是代理集 to set-up-patches ask patches [ set ppupae n-values 20 [0.1] ] 这些模型工作得很好:模型运行平稳,种群的动态在生物学上是真实的。但我希望蛹在20天大的时候变成成年的气垫蝇。因此,我将其建模如下: to time every 144 [ ask patches with [ sum ppupae > 0.1] [


to set-up-patches

ask patches [

set ppupae n-values 20 [0.1]


to time
every 144 [ ask patches with [ sum ppupae > 0.1] [sprout-hoverflies] ] 

to sprout-hoverflies
every 144 [
sprout item dta ppupae [
set shape "hoverfly"
set size 8

globals [ gtimeeating gtimeeating_honey ginterval gvisits genergy deggs gaphids halive R0 lm m meaninterval sdinterval mean_flowers sd_flowers forag_flow_crop forag_flow_strip alpha lambda test mean_S sd resource b y_g F0 gamma_c c waarde voedsel  food_density number_to_pup larvae_max K_aphids nectar_production dta sigma]
turtles-own[S energy days trip eggs load target memoryF  memoryP timeeating timeeating_honey interval];;R0 net reproducing rate, m list the number of eggs laid /hoverfly per age class
patches-own[ppupae crop pdays flowers nectarflowers fresheggs peggs nl_per_age larvae g visits aphids honeydew l_hatched l_weight_age] ;;lm list with the values of net reproducing rate for every day


to setup

to set-up-globals
  set gvisits n-values 133 [[0]] ;; this sets global variables as lists
  set deggs n-values 133 [[0]]
  set gaphids n-values 133 [[0]]
  set ginterval []
  set halive []
  set m []
  set lm []


to set-up-patches            ;; set-up-patches draws a flower strip with red color and the crop with green color, sets crop variable, flowers,aphids and the appropiate amount of food.
   ask patches[
                        ;;larvae and pdays start with 0 because to add a day (last value on the list +1) a value is needed. And to calculate A index, the have to have the same lenght.
       set pdays [0 ]
       ifelse pxcor = 532 or pxcor = 531 or pxcor = 533 or pxcor = 534 and pycor > 0 and pycor < 132 [
       set pcolor red set crop false] [set pcolor green set crop true]                                                              ;; in case the condition is true it takes first option if not the second, ifelse-value can be used in a reporter, ifelse not.
       ;set peggs n-values 4 [0]
       set peggs n-values 4 [0.1]
       set nl_per_age n-values 20 [0];; number of larvae per age.
       set l_hatched n-values 20 [0.0001];; weight of hatched larvae
       set l_weight_age n-values 20 [0];; weight of hatched larvae + their individual growth per age
       set ppupae n-values 20 [0.1] ;toegevoegd nog kijken of deze ook bij set-up-patches kan
       set larvae 0  ;; larvae biomass
       set aphids 0

    set mean_flowers 125
    set sd_flowers 25
    set nectar_production 0.1
    set K_aphids 1200;carrying capacity of the aphid population (where growth rate = 0)
      if crop = false
      [set flowers round (0.57 * random-normal mean_flowers sd_flowers) set nectarflowers precision (flowers * nectar_production) 5];; (random-normal mean sd) takes a random number from a normal distribution and multiplies it with the surface of one cell (0.57)
      ]                                                                       ;; precision number decimal rounds a number with a number of decimals.

   ask patches with [(pxcor > 3 ) and (pxcor < 1062) and (crop = true) and (pycor > 3) and (pycor < 129)]   ;; infection * 34320 calculates the number of patches infected, infection is not applied to borders o the flower strip.
      [ set aphids round (random-exponential Aphidsmean) if aphids > K_aphids [set aphids K_aphids]]
                                                                                                                               ;; exp = e^
   ask patches with [pxcor < 4 or pxcor > 1061 or pycor < 4 or pycor > 128]      ;;this shows a border with conditions that prevent hoverfies from leaving the field.
      set pcolor 52


to set-up-hoverflies
    create-turtles Hoverflies             ;creates turtles and gives them a random starting position
    ask turtles[
      set shape "hoverfly"
      set size 8
      set color cyan
      set xcor 130 + random 800
      set ycor 10 + random 112
      set energy 0.5 + random-float 0.44
      set eggs 100
      set load round (random-gamma 3000 1) if load >= 3000 [set load 3000]
      set memoryF n-values 50 [1]  ;;n-values reports a list of 50 items all with value [].

      set memoryP n-values 50 [10]
      set interval [0]



to go
  if count turtles < 5
  [;export-plot "Oviposition rate (m)" word "S" word S% "Ovr.txt"
   ;export-plot "Hoverflies alive"  word "S" word S% "Hoval.txt"
   ;export-plot "Net reproducing rate" word "S" word S% "R0.txt"
   ;export-plot "Mean Time eating" word "S" word S% "TE.txt"
   ;export-plot "Visits" word "S" word S% "Visits.txt"
   ;export-plot "Aphids" word "S" word S% "Aphid.txt"
   ;export-plot "Fresh eggs" word "S" word S% "Fd.txt"
   ;export-plot "Mean energy level" word "S" word S% "MEnergy.txt"
    stop]          ;; the model stops when most turtles died

  if  ticks mod  144 = 0 [
   time                                            ;; every 144 ticks it is a new day, days, pdays w, and energy are updated

  ask turtles [
  if energy <= 0 [set ginterval sentence ginterval interval die]
  if load <= 0 [set ginterval sentence ginterval interval die]
  set trip 0


to time

  let DMR 0.004 ;;daily mortality risk
  let E_basic 0.072 ;;basic daily energy need
  set sigma 0.28 ;;prey conversion efficiency
  let f 0.2 ;;maximum predation rate by predator larvae on aphids
  let H 300 ;;Half saturation aphid density
  let ma 0.02 ;;maintenance costs
  let r 0.23 ;; growth rate aphids
  let weight_hatch 0.063 ;hatching weight of eggs
  let weight_max 28 ;;maximum weight of larvae
  let dtl 3;; developmental time of egg to larvae
  set dta 19;; toegevoegd
  let honey_production 0.1
  let decay_honey 0.5

  ask turtles
    [if random-float 1 <= DMR * days [set ginterval sentence ginterval interval die]                     ;;Daily natural mortality risk
    set days days + 1  set energy energy - E_basic set eggs 100 set timeeating 0 set timeeating_honey 0 ;; Some energy is discounted ine the beggining of the day assuming that there is basal metabolism at night
  ask patches with [ (pxcor > 3) and (pxcor < 1062) and (pycor > 3) and (pycor < 129)]
    [set pdays lput (last pdays + 1) pdays
     set g precision (sigma * f * (aphids / (aphids + H)) - ma) 3;; (g) predator larvae growth rate depending on consumption rate.
     set peggs but-last peggs ;;haalt het laatste item van de lijst af omdat die in de volgende developemtal stage gebruikt gaat worden
     set peggs fput fresheggs peggs ;;op de eerste plek in de lijst komt het aantal fresheggs
     set fresheggs 0

     set nl_per_age fput item dtl peggs nl_per_age ;dit is het aantal larven per leeftijdsclasse. dus p(w) in hoverfly IBM explained
     ;set nl_per_age but-last nl_per_age; als ze langer dan 20 dagen een larve blijven en nog niet gepopt zijn sterven ze
     set l_hatched fput (weight_hatch) l_hatched;hier wordt eerste item van de lijst het gewicht van de 0 dagen oude larven.
     set l_hatched but-last l_hatched; als ze langer dan 20 dagen een larve blijven en nog niet gepopt zijn sterven ze
     set l_weight_age fput weight_hatch l_weight_age
     ;set l_weight_age but-last l_weight_age ;anders zei die bij larvae map dat de lijsten niet dezelfde lengte hadden

      set l_weight_age map [i -> (i * e ^ (g * (aphids)*(1 - (i / weight_max))))] l_weight_age
     ;set l_weight_age map [ larvae-growth ->
     ;(larvae-growth * e ^ (g * (aphids)*(1 - (larvae-growth / weight_max))))
     ;] l_weight_age;;dit is het gewicht van de larven per age. dus in hoverfly IBM explained wt+1. door het gebruik van de anonymous procedure 'larvae-growth ->' in combinatie met 'map'
            ;wordt voor ieder item van l_hatched l_weight_age uitgerekend.
            ;gaat dit wel goed? want nu wordt iedere stap in de functie de gewichten van l_hatched gestopt, en dit is dus steeds 0.063 maal de formule, terwijl het moet doorwerken met de
            ;voorgaande groei.
            ;nu geeïndigd met l_weight_age ipv l_hatched

      ;set larvae sum((map * nl_per_age l_weight_age)); hiermee wordt de lijst 'aantal larven / leeftijd' vermenigvuldigt met 'gewicht larven / leeftijd' zodat je het totaal krijgt
                                                     ; de functie map zorgt er hier voor dat je de items uit twee lijsten met elkaar kunt vermenigvuldigen

     set aphids aphids * e ^( r * ( 1 - (aphids / K_aphids))) - larvae * f * (aphids / (aphids + H))
     set honeydew honeydew + honey_production * aphids - decay_honey * honeydew;;honeydew productie is dus 0.1 maal aantal aphids per tijdstap ;nu accumuleert  en decayhet

     if aphids < 0 [set aphids 0];; aphids grow following a logistic curve

     ;set larvae_max filter [weight -> weight = 0.07] l_weight_age ;;filter functie die alleen de larven van gewicht 28 mg eruit haalt
     ;set l_weight_age remove 0.07 l_weight_age
     ;set number_to_pup length larvae_max ;telt hoeveel er zijn van 28 mg
     ;set ppupae fput number_to_pup ppupae ;voegt het aantal van 28 mg toe aan puppae
;     while [
 ;      let n_item 0
  ;     if item n_item l_weight_age > 0.07 [
   ;       set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
    ;      set nl_per_age replace-item 0 l_weight_age 0
     ;     set l_hatched replace-item 0 l_weight_age 0
      ;    set l_weight_age replace-item 0 l_weight_age 0
; ] I know that the code below can be code way more efficient, I tried it with the while loop aboven but it didn't work. I however don't think that the long code is very problematic because the code runs fine without the sprout function that I mentioned in the title

     if item 0 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 0 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 0 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 0 l_weight_age 0
     if item 1 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 1 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 1 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 1 l_weight_age 0
      if item 2 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 2 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 2 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 2 l_weight_age 0
      if item 3 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 3 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 3 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 3 l_weight_age 0
      if item 4 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 4 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 4 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 4 l_weight_age 0
      if item 5 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 5 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 5 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 5 l_weight_age 0
      if item 6 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 6 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 6 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 6 l_weight_age 0
      if item 7 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 7 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 7 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 7 l_weight_age 0
      if item 8 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 8 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 8 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 8 l_weight_age 0
      if item 9 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 9 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 9 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 9 l_weight_age 0
      if item 10 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 10 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 10 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 10 l_weight_age 0
      if item 11 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 11 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 11 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 11 l_weight_age 0
      if item 12 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 12 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 12 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 12 l_weight_age 0
      if item 13 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 13 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 13 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 13 l_weight_age 0
      if item 14 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 14 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 14 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 14 l_weight_age 0
      if item 15 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 15 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 15 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 15 l_weight_age 0
      if item 16 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 16 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 16 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 16 l_weight_age 0
      if item 17 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 17 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 17 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 17 l_weight_age 0
      if item 18 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 18 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 18 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 18 l_weight_age 0
      if item 19 l_weight_age > 0.07 [
        set number_to_pup number_to_pup + 1
        set nl_per_age replace-item 19 l_weight_age 0
        set l_hatched replace-item 19 l_weight_age 0
        set l_weight_age replace-item 19 l_weight_age 0

      set larvae sum((map * nl_per_age l_weight_age)); hiermee wordt de lijst 'aantal larven / leeftijd' vermenigvuldigt met 'gewicht larven / leeftijd' zodat je het totaal krijgt
                                                     ; de functie map zorgt er hier voor dat je de items uit twee lijsten met elkaar kunt vermenigvuldigen

     set ppupae fput number_to_pup ppupae

     set nectarflowers flowers * nectar_production  ;; all flowers are filled with nectar again
     set visits 0
     set number_to_pup 0


  every 144 [
  ask patches with [ sum ppupae > 0.1]

to sprout-hoverflies
  every 144 [
  sprout item dta ppupae [
    set shape "hoverfly"
      set size 8
      set color cyan
      set xcor 130 + random 800
      set ycor 10 + random 112
      set energy 0.5 + random-float 0.44
      set eggs 100
      set load round (random-gamma 3000 1) if load >= 3000 [set load 3000]
      set memoryF n-values 50 [1]  ;;n-values reports a list of 50 items all with value [].

      set memoryP n-values 50 [10]
      set interval [0]


to choose
   set S 1.47 * S% / 100
;      set c 2 ;;shape parameter gamma distribution
 ;     set b 0.3 ;;scale parameter gamma distribution (to be optimized)
  ;    set F0 0
   ;   set food_density mean(memoryF)
    ;  set y_g (food_density - F0) / b
     ; set gamma_c 1; if c=3, then (c-1)! = 2. if c=2, then (c-1)! = 1.
      ;set S ((1 / b * gamma_c) * y_g ^ (c - 1) * exp(-1 * y_g))
  ifelse energy <= S [foraging][oviposition] ;;NL dit betekent <= is less than or equal. Als dit waar is (E<=S) dan wordt gekozen voor foraging, anders voor oviposition


to foraging

  set forag_flow_crop 0.0005
  set forag_flow_strip 0.001

   if ([nectarflowers] of patch-here / (1 + (count turtles-here))) > mean ( memoryF)[eat] ;;Compare food
  set target patch 532 ycor
  face target                                         ;; Search food, A Lévy-flight searching behavior is assumed, first a direction is chosen from a Normal distribution, unprecision (S.D.) increases with denstance form margin.
  right random-normal 0 (5 * distance patch 532 ycor) ;; move probability y cannot be smaller than 0.03333 which is the probability of doing up to 60 cells , this avoids theprobability
  let y random-float 1 if y < 0.003333 [ set y 0.003333];;to be 0 and inderterminacy while calculating the number of steps (l), it also avoids the hoverflt flies more than 15 cells.
  let j round (2 / y)                               ;;l is calculated from the cummulative distribution of a power law.
  while [ j > 0] [                                    ;;Once the number of steps is calculated the hoverfly moves forward and compares the cell for food.
    forward 1
    if xcor < 3 or xcor > 1062 [set ginterval sentence ginterval interval die]  ;;while creates a loop, the agent repeats it until the condition is not fulfilled.
    set j j - 1                                                ;; in case the hoverfly reaches the border doing the Lévy-flight it will leave the field.
    set trip trip + 1
    set visits visits + 1
    ifelse [crop] of patch-here = true  [set energy energy - forag_flow_crop][set energy energy - forag_flow_strip] ;; when the hoverfly is within the flower strip it spends more energy since it searches for flowers, otherwise the energy requirements are lower.
    if trip >= 60 [  set interval replace-item 0 interval (first interval + 1) stop]
    if (nectarflowers / (1 + (count turtles-here))) > mean ( memoryF)[eat];; Compare nectarflowers
                                                                 ;;in case the hoverfly finds a patch better than the internal index it will stop.


to oviposition

  if eggs <= 0 [set energy energy - forag_flow_strip stop]          ;;Rest
  if energy <= 1.25 * S and [honeydew] of patch-here > 4 [eat_honey] ;;als dus energy lager dan de helft van de threshold is én honeydew hoger is dan een waarde (dit kan ook nog memoryH worden) wordt er honeydew gegeten
  if [P] of patch-here > mean (memoryP) and [P] of patch-here > 10 [lay] ;;Compare oviposition
  right random 360                                       ;; Search host, The direction is chosen randomly within 360 degrees.
  let y random-float 1 if y < 0.003333 [ set y 0.003333] ;;The number of cells the hoverfly will travel from a Lévy-flight.
  let j round (2 / y)
  while [j > 0] [
    forward 1
    if xcor < 3 or xcor > 1062  [ set ginterval sentence ginterval interval die]
    set j j - 1
    set trip trip + 1
    set visits visits + 1
    set energy energy - forag_flow_strip                          ;; Searching for host places is the most energy requesting behavior.
    if trip >= 60 [  set interval replace-item 0 interval (first interval + 1) stop]
    set memoryP but-first memoryP                      ;Part for assessing P index Everytime the hoverfly moves it takes information about memoryP
    set memoryP lput P memoryP                         ;;Everytime the hoverfly moves it takes information about memoryP
    if P > mean (memoryP) and P > 10 [lay] ;;Compare oviposition, cells are compared step by step, in case the hoverfly finds a patch better than the internal index it will stop.


to eat_honey
  let a_honey 0.8 ;;honeydew exploration rate: little higher than that of flowers because aphids are closer (same patch) and honeydew is olfactory stimulant
  let Th_honey 0.2 ;;honeydew handling time. higher than that of flowers because hoverflies are not as adapted to consuming honeydew as nectar (higher viscosity, harder to reach, etc.)
  let HV a_honey * honeydew / (1 + Th_honey * a_honey * honeydew) ;;honeydew visitation (numbers / timestep) ;;similar FR to flowers
  if (HV * 0.1) > (1.47 - energy) [set HV (1.47 - energy) * 0.1 ]; if satiated no more honeydew will be consumed
  set honeydew honeydew - HV
  let EAH 0.05 * HV ;;energy reward. Lower than when flowers are consumed because honeydew is likely nutriotionally inferior ;;als test heel hoog gezet

  set energy energy + EAH
  set timeeating_honey timeeating_honey + 1 ;;dit zou ik ook nog kunnen veranderen naar timeeatinghoneydew
  ;; in dit stuk code heb ik de parameters nog niet allemaal aangemaakt in het model. Dit kan later als dit goed blijkt te werken.

to eat
  let a 0.5   ;; flower exploration rate (surface / timestep)
  let Th 0.1  ;; flower handling time (timesteps)
  let FV a * nectarflowers / (1 + Th * a * nectarflowers)   ;; flower visitation (numbers / timestep)
  if (FV * 0.1) > (1.47 - energy) [set FV (1.47 - energy) * 0.1 ] ;; if satiated no more flowers will be visited
  set nectarflowers nectarflowers - FV  ;; less flowers remain with nectar
  let EA 0.1 * FV  ;; nectar consumption

  set energy energy + EA
  set timeeating timeeating + 1
  set memoryF but-first memoryF
  set memoryF lput (nectarflowers / (1 + count turtles-here)) memoryF
   if (first interval) > 0 [set interval fput 0 interval]


to lay
  let ovi_costs 0.002
  set eggs eggs - 1
  set load load - 1
  set fresheggs fresheggs + 1  ;;Lay it lays one egg
  set energy energy - ovi_costs
  set interval replace-item 0 interval (first interval + 1)

to-report P

  report aphids / ( 1 + sum (peggs) + (larvae / sigma)) ;;index P = prey to predator ratio


if  ticks mod  144 = 0 [ time ]


to time
  ask patches with [ sum ppupae > 0.1]
  [ sprout-hoverflies

to sprout-hoverflies
  sprout item dta ppupae
  [ set shape "hoverfly"
    set size 8

to time
  ask patches with [ sum ppupae > 0.1]
  [ sprout item dta ppupae
    [ set shape "hoverfly"
      set size 8