Node.js 聚合查询运算符,不包括具有重复键的值MongoDB

Node.js 聚合查询运算符,不包括具有重复键的值MongoDB,node.js,mongodb,express,mongoose,aggregation-framework,Node.js,Mongodb,Express,Mongoose,Aggregation Framework,我实施了一个系统,其中有两种类型的价格: 特定于确定客户的价格clientId、productId 许多客户常见的价格feeId、productId 我的模式是灵活的,即有clientId为1的价格和feeId为2的价格。但它们都必须有一个productId 只有一个价格具有相同的productId和相同的clientId var schema = new Schema({ feeId: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Fee'},


特定于确定客户的价格clientId、productId 许多客户常见的价格feeId、productId 我的模式是灵活的,即有clientId为1的价格和feeId为2的价格。但它们都必须有一个productId


var schema = new Schema({
    feeId: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Fee'},    
    clientId: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Client'},
    productId: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Product', required:true},
    price: {type: Number, required: true}


          'from': 'products',
          'localField': 'productId',
          'foreignField': '_id',
          'as': 'product'
      $unwind: '$product'
      $match: {
        $and: [
            "": new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.familyId)
            $or: [
              {"clientId": new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.clientId)},
              {"feeId": {$exists: true, $ne: null}}


  "title": "Precio",
  "body": [
      "_id": "5a0974c7347eff02c784e5bd",
      "price": 8,
      "productId": "5a0970f9347eff02c784e5b1",
      "clientId": "59f350dfb8634f659680299e",
      "product": {
        "_id": "5a0970f9347eff02c784e5b1",
        "erpId": "12345",
        "name": "Entrecot Entero",
        "description": "Pieza entera",
        "weight": null,
        "photoURL": "",
        "familyId": "59e721e8b8634f65967eabf4"
      "client": {
        "_id": "59f350dfb8634f659680299e",
        "contactName": "Pablo 2",
        "NIF": "12345678Z",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2a$10$gXn.G/q4ar3wbjSyBCu0XOVud0HL5l3d.2WXNab4cCfB3uToncQLm",
        "orders": [],
        "erpId": "14123",
        "IBAN": "ES6621000418401234567891",
        "photoURL": "",
        "company": "Cárnicas Paco",
        "deliveryMode": "Prueba",
        "paymentMode": "Prueba",
        "active": true,
        "feeId": "59e78d76b8634f65967ec1b3",
        "phone": "620859192",
        "fee": "59e78d76b8634f65967ec1b3",
        "shippingAddresses": [
            "province": "Asturias",
            "city": "Grado",
            "postalCode": 33820,
            "street": "Calle Asturias, 14 3°DCHA",
            "_id": "5a097de74c468c17af16d18e"
            "province": "adfasd",
            "city": "adsfasd",
            "postalCode": 23423,
            "street": "asdfasd",
            "_id": "5a097de74c468c17af16d18d"
        "billingAddress": {
          "province": "adfasd",
          "city": "adsfasd",
          "postalCode": 23423,
          "street": "asdfasd"
      "_id": "5a0c0d91e5127378570f13b0",
      "price": 14,
      "productId": "5a09ac68e640a63e0520301f",
      "clientId": "59f350dfb8634f659680299e",
      "product": {
        "_id": "5a09ac68e640a63e0520301f",
        "erpId": "2355",
        "name": "Prueba",
        "description": "25",
        "weight": 25,
        "photoURL": "",
        "familyId": "59e721e8b8634f65967eabf4"
      "client": {
        "_id": "59f350dfb8634f659680299e",
        "contactName": "Pablo 2",
        "NIF": "12345678Z",
        "email": "",
        "password": "$2a$10$gXn.G/q4ar3wbjSyBCu0XOVud0HL5l3d.2WXNab4cCfB3uToncQLm",
        "orders": [],
        "erpId": "14123",
        "IBAN": "ES6621000418401234567891",
        "photoURL": "",
        "company": "Cárnicas Paco",
        "deliveryMode": "Prueba",
        "paymentMode": "Prueba",
        "active": true,
        "feeId": "59e78d76b8634f65967ec1b3",
        "phone": "620859192",
        "fee": "59e78d76b8634f65967ec1b3",
        "shippingAddresses": [
            "province": "Asturias",
            "city": "Grado",
            "postalCode": 33820,
            "street": "Calle Asturias, 14 3°DCHA",
            "_id": "5a097de74c468c17af16d18e"
            "province": "adfasd",
            "city": "adsfasd",
            "postalCode": 23423,
            "street": "asdfasd",
            "_id": "5a097de74c468c17af16d18d"
        "billingAddress": {
          "province": "adfasd",
          "city": "adsfasd",
          "postalCode": 23423,
          "street": "asdfasd"





    $match: { // keep this as your first stage as it will leverage an index on "clientId" (there should be one!) and limit the number of documents to process by the following stages nicely
        $or: [ // we want to consider all prices that
            { "clientId": new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.clientId) }, // are either for the chose client
            { "clientId": null } // or null - so valid for all clients
}, {
    $sort: {
        "clientId": -1 // nulls will be at the end of our list so we can use $first later in the next stage in to pick the right price that should take precedence
}, {
    $group: {
        _id: { "productId": "$productId" }, // look at all products individually
        "doc": { // take the first document per "productId" that hit the $group stage (the preceding $sort stage is needed for this to do the right thing)

            $first: "$$ROOT"
}, {
    $project: { // restore target structure
        "_id": "$doc._id", // you may or may not need this field
        "price": "$doc.price",
        "productId": "$_id.productId",
        "clientId": "$doc.clientId",
} /* here you may want to include the $lookup stage if  you need the product information */ ])

    $match: { // keep this as your first stage as it will leverage an index on "clientId" (there should be one!) and limit the number of documents to process by the following stages nicely
        $or: [ // we want to consider all prices that
            { "clientId": new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.clientId) }, // are either for the chose client
            { "clientId": null } // or null - so valid for all clients
}, {
    $sort: {
        "clientId": -1 // nulls will be at the end of our list so we can use $first later in the next stage in to pick the right price that should take precedence
}, {
    $group: {
        _id: { "productId": "$productId" }, // look at all products individually
        "doc": { // take the first document per "productId" that hit the $group stage (the preceding $sort stage is needed for this to do the right thing)

            $first: "$$ROOT"
}, {
    $project: { // restore target structure
        "_id": "$doc._id", // you may or may not need this field
        "price": "$doc.price",
        "productId": "$_id.productId",
        "clientId": "$doc.clientId",
} /* here you may want to include the $lookup stage if  you need the product information */ ])