NServiceBus nuget软件包安装3.5?

NServiceBus nuget软件包安装3.5?,nservicebus,nuget-package,Nservicebus,Nuget Package,我对Nuget和NServiceBus(主要是NServiceBus)非常困惑。我正在使用命令: install-package NServiceBus 是否安装版本3.5.0.0?我觉得很奇怪,因为我想它应该是最新的版本?所以我尝试了这个命令: install-package NServiceBus -version 这给我带来了无法解析依赖项NServiceBus>4.5.0的错误 有什么想法我需要做什么来安装这个,为什么它重定向和安装一个旧版本 干杯,各位。我刚刚测试了


install-package NServiceBus

install-package NServiceBus -version




PM> Install-Package NServiceBus
Attempting to resolve dependency 'NServiceBus.Interfaces (≥ 4.6.1)'.
Installing 'NServiceBus.Interfaces 4.6.1'.
You are downloading NServiceBus.Interfaces from NServiceBus Ltd, the license agreement to which is available at http://particular.net/LicenseAgreement. Check the package for additional dependencies, which may come with their own license agreement(s). Your use of the package and dependencies constitutes your acceptance of their license agreements. If you do not accept the license agreement(s), then delete the relevant components from your device.
Successfully installed 'NServiceBus.Interfaces 4.6.1'.
Installing 'NServiceBus 4.6.1'.
You are downloading NServiceBus from NServiceBus Ltd, the license agreement to which is available at http://particular.net/LicenseAgreement. Check the package for additional dependencies, which may come with their own license agreement(s). Your use of the package and dependencies constitutes your acceptance of their license agreements. If you do not accept the license agreement(s), then delete the relevant components from your device.
Successfully installed 'NServiceBus 4.6.1'.

Type 'get-help about_NServiceBus' to see all available NServiceBus commands.

Adding 'NServiceBus.Interfaces 4.6.1' to ClassLibrary1.
Successfully added 'NServiceBus.Interfaces 4.6.1' to ClassLibrary1.
Adding 'NServiceBus 4.6.1' to ClassLibrary1.
Successfully added 'NServiceBus 4.6.1' to ClassLibrary1.

您正在使用的visual studio的版本是什么?项目的.net版本设置为什么?使用VS 2013并基于.net 4.5创建了一个控制台应用程序。请查看此处