Nunit 如何使用BDD构造CRUD测试

Nunit 如何使用BDD构造CRUD测试,nunit,automated-tests,bdd,crud,specflow,Nunit,Automated Tests,Bdd,Crud,Specflow,我在试图找出构建CRUD测试的最佳方法时陷入了一个进退两难的境地。在我的应用程序中,用户可以创建多种类型的“任务”。我当前的实现如下所示: Scenario: Create Task-Type A Given I am on a user's profile page And Have access to create tasks When I create a new task with a unique title and description Then The confirmation


Scenario:  Create Task-Type A
Given I am on a user's profile page
And Have access to create tasks
When I create a new task with a unique title and description
Then The confirmation prompt should display

Scenario:  Read the Task-Type A
Given A new task was created
When I search the text on the page for the unique title
Then I should find the task
And All the details of the task should match what was created

Scenario:  Update the Task-Type A
Given A task exists
And I have opened the edit dialog
When I make the following changes:
| title | description | date | save |
| ""    | ""          | ""   | yes  |
Then all the saved changes should match the task details

Scenario: Delete the Take-Type A
Given A task exist
When I select the option to delete
And I confirm deletion process
Then The Task should no longer exist in the list




有关最佳实践(IMHO)-请参阅Kent Beck文章:




Feature: Example
    Scenario: Process Task A
        Given I create Task A
        When I read Task A
        Then I update Task A
        Then I delete Task A



    [scenario name]

    [scenario name]



Scenario:  Create Task-Type A
Given I am on a user's profile page
And Have access to create tasks
When I create a new task with a unique title and description
Then The confirmation prompt should display

Given A new task was created
When I search the text on the page for the unique title
Then I should find the task
And All the details of the task should match what was created

Given A task exists
And I have opened the edit dialog
When I make the following changes:
| title | description | date | save |
| ""    | ""          | ""   | yes  |
Then all the saved changes should match the task details

Given A task exist
When I select the option to delete
And I confirm deletion process
Then The Task should no longer exist in the list