Oracle 跳过多个自然联接中的值

Oracle 跳过多个自然联接中的值,oracle,Oracle,我正在编写一个代码,以更好地格式化我已经确认的使用自然连接的输出。我得到的输出(如下所示)与我使用另一个代码得到的正确输出几乎是完美的,只是它遗漏了连接“内部”的值。我知道在自然连接方法中会跳过这一点,但我不确定如何让它显示出来 使用自然连接代码 select * from ( select * from ((select part_num, num as a0 from Parts where num = :asm0) natural left



    select * from

    select * from
    ((select part_num, num as a0   from Parts where num = :asm0) 
    natural left join 
    (select part_num, num as a1   from Parts where num = :asm1)
    natural left join
    (select part_num,  num as a2 from Parts where num = :asm2)
    natural left join
    (select part_num,  num as a3 from Parts where num = :asm3))
    where a1 is null or a2 is null or a3 is null


    select * from
    ((select part_num, num as a0   from Parts where num = :asm0) 
    natural right join 
    (select part_num, num as a1   from Parts where num = :asm1)
    natural right join
    (select part_num,  num as a2 from Parts where num = :asm2)
    natural right join
    (select part_num,  num as a3 from Parts where num = :asm3))
    where a0 is null

    Number            A0          A1            A2              A3
    351-2927-060                 944-3234-016   944-3234-212    944-3234-242
    351-2930-330    944-3234-010                944-3234-212    
    351-2930-430                **Should have 016 here**        944-3234-242   
    351-3487-344                                944-3234-212    944-3234-242

    Number          A's
    351-2927-060    944-3234-242
    351-2930-330    944-3234-010
    351-2930-330    944-3234-212
    351-2930-430    944-3234-016 shows the missing number
    351-2930-430    944-3234-242
    351-3487-344    944-3234-212
    351-3487-344    944-3234-242 



select * from
(select part_num, num as a0   from Parts where num = :asm0) 
natural full join 
(select part_num, num as a1   from Parts where num = :asm1)
natural full join
(select part_num,  num as a2 from Parts where num = :asm2)
natural full join
(select part_num,  num as a3 from Parts where num = :asm3)
where a0 != any(a1,a2,a3) or a1 != any (a2,a3) or a2 != any(a3)