PayPal IPN-如果细节有误怎么办?

PayPal IPN-如果细节有误怎么办?,paypal,paypal-ipn,Paypal,Paypal Ipn,在IPN文件末尾,它说: Important: After you have authenticated an IPN message (that is, received a VERIFIED response from PayPal), you must perform these important checks before you can assume that the IPN is both legitimate and has not already been processed:


Important: After you have authenticated an IPN message (that is, received a VERIFIED response from PayPal), you must perform these important checks before you can assume that the IPN is both legitimate and has not already been processed:
1.Check that the payment_status is Completed.
2.If the payment_status is Completed, check the txn_id against the previous PayPal transaction that you processed to ensure the IPN message is not a duplicate.
3.Check that the receiver_email is an email address registered in your PayPal account.
4.Check that the price (carried in mc_gross) and the currency (carried in mc_currency) are correct for the item (carried in item_name or item_number).

如果其中一项检查失败,你该怎么办?我们是否应该以某种方式调用PayPal API来“拒绝”交易?

大多数商店会将未通过这些检查的订单/交易标记为可能的欺诈或类似行为。 订单状态应提高处理订单的员工的意识-仔细查看应显示哪些检查失败,并可以启动进一步的操作







谢谢-所以简短的回答是退款交易或联系贝宝可能的欺诈企图。关于何时以及如何联系PayPal,是否有任何指导原则?e、 g.如果每天超过x次?