Pdf 以编程方式从文本数据生成注释记号幻灯片

Pdf 以编程方式从文本数据生成注释记号幻灯片,pdf,text,applescript,keynote,Pdf,Text,Applescript,Keynote,我编写了一个用于处理教堂礼拜歌的数据库web应用程序,我正在尝试添加一个模块来输出选定的歌曲,以便投影歌词。我最初认为我的所有用户都在使用Powerpoint,它可以导入一个简单的文本文件,每行前面都有0-5个选项卡(0-tab行成为新幻灯片的标题,一个或多个选项卡表示一个“要点”,其级别对应于多少个选项卡)。因此,我的模块目前输出这样一个文本文件,演示者将打开一个Powerpoint模板,按照他们想要的方式进行歌曲演示,插入文本文件作为新幻灯片的“大纲”,然后瞧。下面是一个在Powerpoin





似乎暗示可能可以使用Applescript(听起来像是iWorks相当于Office的VBA),但由于我没有Mac电脑,这将需要长时间借用别人的电脑来学习语言和开发/测试脚本(除非它足够简单,以至于你们中的一位愿意为我准备一些东西). 想法





-- *** I'd like to use relative path so it would be portable, but (path to home folder as text) gave errors ***
property SambiDBTextFile : "/Users/Rachel/Desktop/Songs.txt"

property masterSlideName : "Lyrics" -- custom master slide based on "Title & Bullets"

-- ** If I can use paragraph styles, I won't need these ***
property TextSizes : {32, 28, 20}
property TextColours : {"white", {63222,57568,41634}, {63222,57568,41634}}
property TextFonts : {"Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", "Arial Italic", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro"}

-- ** This is what I really want to use, but I don't know if I can ***
property TextStyles : {"Main Lyrics", "Romaji Lyrics", "Song Credits"}

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
set notes to paragraphs of (read SambiDBTextFile)

tell application "Keynote" to tell current document

    -- *** Check for master slide existence, and substitute if absent ***
    set masterSlideList to the name of every master slide
    if masterSlideName is not in masterSlideList then
        -- *** Create master slide? Nah, probably not possible ***
        display alert ("Master Slide") message "Master slide '" & masterSlideName & "' not found; using 'Title & Bullets' instead."
        set masterSlideName to "Title & Bullets"
    end if

    -- Create slides with content from Keynote text file
    repeat with i from 1 to number of notes
        if item i of notes is "" then exit repeat -- EOF

        -- Get the text (without tabstops) and the level of indentation
        set [TextContent, TabValue] to [last text item, number of rest of reverse of text items] of item i of notes

        if TabValue is 0 then -- Indicates title of new slide
            set current slide to make new slide with properties {base slide:master slide masterSlideName}
            set object text of the default title item to TextContent
        else -- TabValue is not 0, indicating lyrics
            if TabValue > 3 then set TabValue to 3

            -- *** I have no idea if this will work, but the point is to append
            set object text of default body item to object text of default body item & TextContent & return

            -- *** Style the line just added ***
            -- *** Plan A: use paragraph styles (not sure if I can do this) ***
            set paragraph style of paragraph ((count of paragraphs of default body item) - 1) of default body item to item TabValue of TextStyles

            -- *** Plan B: hardcoded styling (uncomment if above line doesn't work) ***
            --tell paragraph ((count of paragraphs of default body item) - 1) of default body item
                --set its color to item TabValue of TextColours
                --set its font to item TabValue of TextFonts
                --set its size to item TabValue of TextSizes
            --end tell
        end if
    end repeat
end tell


    property KeynoteTextFile : "/Users/CK/Desktop/Keynote.txt"

    property PresentationTitle : "My Presentation"
    property _W : 1024 -- The width of each slide
    property _H : 768 -- The Height of each slide

    -- Text properties for the cover title and each slide title
    property CoverTextStyle : {font:"Arial Bold", color:"white", size:96}
    property TitleTextStyle : {font:"Arial Bold", color:"white", size:48}

    -- Spacing above and below the title of each slide
    property TitleMargins : {top:30, bottom:100}
    -- Spacing between lines in the body of each slide
    property VerticalSpacing : 75

    -- Text properties for the body of each slide for
    -- each level of tabulation
    property Tabulations : {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5}
    property TextSizes : {32, 28, 24, 20, 16}
    property TextColours : {"white", "blue", "green", "magenta", "orange"}
    property TextFonts : {"Arial", "Arial Italic", "Times New Roman Bold", ¬
        "Times New Roman Bold Italic", "Times New Roman Italic"}

    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
    set notes to paragraphs of (read KeynoteTextFile)

    -- Create new presentation with cover slide
    tell application "Keynote" to tell (make new document with properties ¬
        {document theme:theme "Black", width:_W, height:_H})

        set MyPresentation to it

        set base slide of current slide to master slide "Blank"

        tell the first slide to ¬
            set CoverTitle to make new text item ¬
                with properties {object text:PresentationTitle}

        set properties of object text of the CoverTitle to CoverTextStyle
    end tell

    -- Create slides with content from Keynote text file
    repeat with i from 1 to number of notes
        if item i of notes is "" then exit repeat -- EOF

        -- Get the text (without tabstops)
        -- and the level of indentation
        set [TextContent, TabValue] to ¬
            [last text item, number of rest of reverse of text items] ¬
                of item i of notes

        if TabValue is 0 then -- Indicates title of new slide
            tell application "Keynote"

                tell (make new slide at end of slides of MyPresentation) to ¬
                    set Title to make new text item ¬
                        with properties {object text:TextContent}

                set properties of object text of the Title to TitleTextStyle
                copy position of Title to [_x, _y]
                set position of Title to [_x, |top| of TitleMargins]

            end tell
        else -- TabValue is not 0, indicating slide content
            if TabValue > 5 then set TabValue to 5

            tell application "Keynote" to tell current slide of MyPresentation
                set n to number of text items

                set T to make new text item with properties ¬
                    {object text:TextContent}

                tell object text of T
                    set its color to item TabValue of TextColours
                    set its font to item TabValue of TextFonts
                    set its size to item TabValue of TextSizes
                end tell

                set position of T to ¬
                    [(item TabValue of Tabulations) * _W, ¬
                        VerticalSpacing * n + (|bottom| of TitleMargins)]

            end tell
        end if
    end repeat

    -- Go to first slide of presentation and bring Keynote
    -- into the foreground
    tell application "Keynote"
        set current slide of MyPresentation to first slide of MyPresentation
    end tell
以下是my Keynote.txt文件中的一些行:




    property KeynoteTextFile : "/Users/CK/Desktop/Keynote.txt"

    property PresentationTitle : "My Presentation"
    property _W : 1024 -- The width of each slide
    property _H : 768 -- The Height of each slide

    -- Text properties for the cover title and each slide title
    property CoverTextStyle : {font:"Arial Bold", color:"white", size:96}
    property TitleTextStyle : {font:"Arial Bold", color:"white", size:48}

    -- Spacing above and below the title of each slide
    property TitleMargins : {top:30, bottom:100}
    -- Spacing between lines in the body of each slide
    property VerticalSpacing : 75

    -- Text properties for the body of each slide for
    -- each level of tabulation
    property Tabulations : {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5}
    property TextSizes : {32, 28, 24, 20, 16}
    property TextColours : {"white", "blue", "green", "magenta", "orange"}
    property TextFonts : {"Arial", "Arial Italic", "Times New Roman Bold", ¬
        "Times New Roman Bold Italic", "Times New Roman Italic"}

    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
    set notes to paragraphs of (read KeynoteTextFile)

    -- Create new presentation with cover slide
    tell application "Keynote" to tell (make new document with properties ¬
        {document theme:theme "Black", width:_W, height:_H})

        set MyPresentation to it

        set base slide of current slide to master slide "Blank"

        tell the first slide to ¬
            set CoverTitle to make new text item ¬
                with properties {object text:PresentationTitle}

        set properties of object text of the CoverTitle to CoverTextStyle
    end tell

    -- Create slides with content from Keynote text file
    repeat with i from 1 to number of notes
        if item i of notes is "" then exit repeat -- EOF

        -- Get the text (without tabstops)
        -- and the level of indentation
        set [TextContent, TabValue] to ¬
            [last text item, number of rest of reverse of text items] ¬
                of item i of notes

        if TabValue is 0 then -- Indicates title of new slide
            tell application "Keynote"

                tell (make new slide at end of slides of MyPresentation) to ¬
                    set Title to make new text item ¬
                        with properties {object text:TextContent}

                set properties of object text of the Title to TitleTextStyle
                copy position of Title to [_x, _y]
                set position of Title to [_x, |top| of TitleMargins]

            end tell
        else -- TabValue is not 0, indicating slide content
            if TabValue > 5 then set TabValue to 5

            tell application "Keynote" to tell current slide of MyPresentation
                set n to number of text items

                set T to make new text item with properties ¬
                    {object text:TextContent}

                tell object text of T
                    set its color to item TabValue of TextColours
                    set its font to item TabValue of TextFonts
                    set its size to item TabValue of TextSizes
                end tell

                set position of T to ¬
                    [(item TabValue of Tabulations) * _W, ¬
                        VerticalSpacing * n + (|bottom| of TitleMargins)]

            end tell
        end if
    end repeat

    -- Go to first slide of presentation and bring Keynote
    -- into the foreground
    tell application "Keynote"
        set current slide of MyPresentation to first slide of MyPresentation
    end tell
This is a Title
    This is indented by 1 tab
    So is this
        This is indented by 2 tabs
            This is 3 tabs
    Back to 1 tab