Php 异常的原因,而不是处理它们,但我已经更新,以包括关于排除异常处理的说明。从OOP显示的代码中,$epoch是一个有效值数组。如果这些值是timestampints,是的,那是行不通的,我个人发现DateTime构造远不如其他DateTime方法灵活。谢谢!

Php 异常的原因,而不是处理它们,但我已经更新,以包括关于排除异常处理的说明。从OOP显示的代码中,$epoch是一个有效值数组。如果这些值是timestampints,是的,那是行不通的,我个人发现DateTime构造远不如其他DateTime方法灵活。谢谢!,php,arrays,foreach,Php,Arrays,Foreach,异常的原因,而不是处理它们,但我已经更新,以包括关于排除异常处理的说明。从OOP显示的代码中,$epoch是一个有效值数组。如果这些值是timestampints,是的,那是行不通的,我个人发现DateTime构造远不如其他DateTime方法灵活。谢谢!只是想让你知道,作者一直是。现在已删除的答案解决了问题,这导致OP现在遇到的时间戳数组出现问题。@fyrye再次感谢。我看到了你关于数组迭代的帖子,这是一个很好的解释,我不想对你的答案进行讨论,但我想对问题上显示的具体错误(仅)进行分类和澄清。

// getting controller ap info //

foreach ($ligowave->result as $index => $obj) {
    $name[]      = $obj->name;
    $status[]    = $obj->status;
    $uptime[]    = $obj->uptime;
    $last_seen[] = $obj->last_seen;

// time settings //

$epoch = $uptime;
$uptimetime = (new DateTime("@$epoch"))->format(' H:i:s');

$epoch = $last_seen;
$lastseendate = (new DateTime("@$epoch"))->SetTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'))->format(' d-m-Y H:i:s');

if ($status == "up") {
    echo $name;
    echo " is up, ";
    echo "uptime is:" . $uptimetime;
} else {
    echo $name;
    echo " is down, ";
    echo "device is last seen:" . $lastseendate;
return array($name, $status, $epoch, $uptimetime, $lastseendate);

    // getting controller ap info //

        $values = [];
        foreach ($ligowave->result as $index => $obj) {
            //convert the unix timestamps to DateTime objects
            $uptime = (new DateTime('@' . $obj->uptime));
            $last_seen = (new DateTime('@' . $obj->last_seen))->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));

            //store the return values into an array
            $values[] = $value = [
                'name' => $obj->name,
                'status' => $obj->status,
                'uptimetime' => $uptime->format('H:i:s'),
                'lastseendate' => $last_seen->format('d-m-Y H:i:s')

            //output each of the statuses
            printf('%s is %s, ', $obj->name, $obj->status);
            if ('up' === $obj->status) {
                echo 'uptime is: ' . $value['uptimetime'];
            } else {
                echo 'device is last seen: ' . $value['lastseendate'];

        return $values;
foo is up, uptime is: 10:20:54
bar is down, device is last seen: 01-06-2019 08:22:30
array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'name' => 'foo',
    'status' => 'up',
    'uptimetime' => '10:20:54',
    'lastseendate' => '05-06-2019 11:16:21',
  1 => 
  array (
    'name' => 'bar',
    'status' => 'down',
    'uptimetime' => '10:20:54',
    'lastseendate' => '01-06-2019 08:22:30',

$uptime = (new DateTime('@' . $obj->uptime))->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
$last_seen = (new DateTime('@' . $obj->last_seen))->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
$values[] = $value = [
    'name' => $obj->name,
    'status' => $obj->status,
    'lastseendate' => $last_seen->format('d-m-Y H:i:s'),
    'uptimetime' => $uptime->diff($last_seen)->format('%a.%H:%I:%S'), //DD.HH:MM:SS

foo is up, uptime is: 12.22:48:26
$epoch = $uptime;

      * Uptime appears to be a numeric array of time string values 
      * Therefore go for the first one. 
      * You may want to wrap this code in a loop to catch each one.  
     $uptimeTime = new DateTime("@".(string)$epoch[0]);
catch (Exception $ex){
     * If you wish to ignore these errors simply leave this block empty
    error_log("There was a problem on line ".__LINE__."! ".print_r($ex));
 * By default UTC timestamps are not zoned.   
// $uptimeTime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));

$uptimeTimeOutput = $uptimeTime->format('H:i:s');
 * $uptimeTimeOutput is the correctly formatted date from $epoch[0]
 print $uptimeTimeOutput;