
利用PHP的数组函数优化值对象,php,arrays,Php,Arrays,我在值对象中有以下两种方法: public final function unlockableLetters() { return [ [], ['A', 'B'], ['C'] ][$this->level]; } public final function unlockedLetters() { return [ [], ['A', 'B'], ['A', 'B',


public final function unlockableLetters()
    return [
        ['A', 'B'],

public final function unlockedLetters()
    return [
        ['A', 'B'],
        ['A', 'B', 'C'],

在级别0时,返回[]。 在第1级返回A和B。 在2级返回C。 第二个返回未锁定的元素

在级别0时,返回[]。 在级别1返回A和B.//NULL+A+B 级别2返回A、B和C.//A+B+C 有一种方法可以使用php的数组函数创建从索引0到当前$this->level的unlockLetters返回的数组的合并





// add a property so we can reference it - you might want to adjust
// the visibility to private or public depending on its nature
protected $unlockableLetters = [
    ['A', 'B'],

public final function unlockLetters()
    // just return the reference to the letters for the level
    return $this->unlockableLetters[$this->level];

public final function unlockedLetters()
    // slice off the array of latters from the lowest level 
    // to the current one - note the +1 since array_slice
    // wants a length and our offsets are 0-based and thus length-1
    $data = array_slice($this->unlockableLetters, 0, $this->level+1);

    // use array reduce to build a single array that has
    // all the letters for levels 0 --> $this->level
    return array_reduce($data, function ($merged, $datum) {
       return array_merge($merged, $datum);
    }, []);




// add a property so we can reference it - you might want to adjust
// the visibility to private or public depending on its nature
protected $unlockableLetters = [
    ['A', 'B'],

public final function unlockLetters()
    // just return the reference to the letters for the level
    return $this->unlockableLetters[$this->level];

public final function unlockedLetters()
    // slice off the array of latters from the lowest level 
    // to the current one - note the +1 since array_slice
    // wants a length and our offsets are 0-based and thus length-1
    $data = array_slice($this->unlockableLetters, 0, $this->level+1);

    // use array reduce to build a single array that has
    // all the letters for levels 0 --> $this->level
    return array_reduce($data, function ($merged, $datum) {
       return array_merge($merged, $datum);
    }, []);


public final function unlockableLetters() {
    $unlockables = [
        ['A', 'B'],
    return array_reduce(array_slice($unlockables, 0, $this->level + 1), function($carry, $item){
        return array_merge($carry, $item);
    }, []);


public final function unlockableLetters() {
    $unlockables = [
        ['A', 'B'],
    return array_reduce(array_slice($unlockables, 0, $this->level + 1), function($carry, $item){
        return array_merge($carry, $item);
    }, []);

我同意其他开发者的观点。 问题不清楚。 但我的猜测是:

public final function unlockLetters()
    $arr =  [
        ['A', 'B'],
    return $arr[$this->level];

public final function unlockedLetters()
    $arr = [
        ['A', 'B'],
        ['A', 'B', 'C']
    return $arr[$this->level];

我同意其他开发者的观点。 问题不清楚。 但我的猜测是:

public final function unlockLetters()
    $arr =  [
        ['A', 'B'],
    return $arr[$this->level];

public final function unlockedLetters()
    $arr = [
        ['A', 'B'],
        ['A', 'B', 'C']
    return $arr[$this->level];
