Php 简单文本框架问题

Php 简单文本框架问题,php,Php,基本上,我试图在文本周围创建一个框架,在文本所在的第三行,它不会打印出#,这应该是它周围的“填充” ****************** *################* *#HELLO, JUSTIN!* *################* ****************** 这就是它看起来的样子-在那之后!在$greeting变量中,应该有一个#。代码如下,有人能解释一下为什么会发生这种情况吗 <html> <body><?php $pad =



    $pad = 1;
    $rows = ($pad * 2) + 3;
    $greeting = "HELLO, JUSTIN!";
    $col = strlen($greeting) + (2 * $pad) + 2;

for ($r = 0; $r != $rows; ++$r)
    for ($c = 0; $c != $col; ++$c)
        if ($r == $pad + 1 && $c == $pad + 1)
            echo $greeting;
            $c += strlen($greeting);
            //echo "#";
            if ($r == 0 || $r == $rows - 1 || $c == 0 || $c == $col - 1)
                echo "*";
                echo "#";
    echo "<br />";



$c += strlen($greeting);


$c += strlen($greeting)-1;

尝试使用这个答案是误导性的——在这个for循环中,后增量和前增量具有相同的效果。诚然,您必须从$greeting的长度中减去一,但您的回答暗示原因是递增(如果是这样,为什么不将其更改为post incr?)是的,我最好寻找一种不需要手动减去一的解决方案。我用C++ String,siz()函数编码C++中的完全相同的东西,不需要手工减去。我是初学者,不真正理解它会做什么,或者我将把它放在我的代码中。嗨,贾斯廷,很高兴听到您正在学习一些新的且具有挑战性的东西=)这实际上更像是一个学习挑战:让您的代码做同样的事情,但不要在任何for循环中更改$c或$r的值。搏击俱乐部的第一条规则:不要依附于你的代码。它是免费的(棒极了),你可以很容易地为自己编写一个迷宫(没那么棒),所以从头开始没什么大不了的。抱歉,我的答案很复杂,请在我更改它时等待。再次,寻找不需要手动编辑循环的真正解决方案。
$c += strlen($greeting);
$c += strlen($greeting)-1;
$text = "justin rocks my socks!";  

$asteriskAt = 0;
$poundAt = 1;

$padding_left = 2;
$padding_right = 2;

//table looks like

//row view

//column view

// ^ all the same "table" (anything with x and y, or rows and cols), just different ways of viewing it.

$num_cols = strlen($text) + ($padding_left + $padding_right); //so far so good?

//strlen($text) evaluates to 22
//$num_cols evaluates to 26 ( = 22 + 2 + 2)

for ($c = 0; $c <= $num_cols; ++$c) {
    if ($c == $asteriskAt || $c == $num_cols - $asteriskAt) {
        echo '*';
    if ($c == $poundAt || $c == $num_cols - $poundAt) {
        echo '#';

    if ($c > $poundAt || $c < $num_cols - $poundAt) { 
        // is it clear why I picked this "range" ?
        // if you do $c > 2 || $c < $num_cols - 2
        // you will display something different
        // because the cols and rows are zero-indexed
        // 0123456
        //   ^2 is actually slot #3
        //our thing will look like 
        //compared with
        //01___56 <- (padding dudes)

        $idx = $c - $padding_left;
        echo $text[$idx];
if (X || Y || Z || Q || P || NINE || WOLFHOUNDS || CATS || LION) {
   //this will be incredibly hard to debug, so try to avoid it
   //because it's basically a gateway, a CHANNEL into pandora's box
   //and pandora's heart and soul
   //and it's not fun in pandora's part of the universe
   //although she is just trying to be happy like everyone else
   //and we should not really discredit her opinions
   //but man is this if statement going to be bothersome
   //if one little thing goes wrong
   //and we gotta figure out what caused it