Php 要在查找集合中查找的数组值

Php 要在查找集合中查找的数组值,php,Php,存储在数据库中的数据如下所示,其中下午、晚上是列名,逗号分隔的字符串是它们的值 morning = 'Fri,Sun'; afternoon = 'Thrs,Fri,Sat,Sun'; evening = 'Thrs,Fri,Sat,Sun'; 此查询可用于: AND ( FIND_IN_SET( 'Sat', posts.afternoon ) OR FIND_IN_SET( 'Sat', posts.evening ) ) 但我想要这样的东西,但我知道不能: AN


morning = 'Fri,Sun';   
afternoon = 'Thrs,Fri,Sat,Sun';
evening = 'Thrs,Fri,Sat,Sun';

AND (    FIND_IN_SET( 'Sat', posts.afternoon )
      OR FIND_IN_SET( 'Sat', posts.evening ) )

AND (    FIND_IN_SET( 'Fri','Sat', posts.afternoon )
      OR FIND_IN_SET( 'Thrs','Fri','Sat', posts.evening ) )

AND ( FIND_IN_SET ('Fri', posts.afternoon) OR FIND_IN_SET ('Sat', posts.afternoon) OR FIND_IN_SET ('Sat', posts.evening))

    JSON formatted data received via ajax
    $return = '{"avail":["Wed-2,Thrs-2","Thrs-3"]}';

    In the above -1 means for monrning, -2 for afternoon and -3 for evening.I'm categorising them below.'
    $avail = $data['avail'];
    $days = array();
    $cols = array();

    $size = sizeof($avail);
    if(($avail != "")&&($size > 1)){
    $periods = array();
    foreach($avail as $v){
        list($day, $column) = explode("-", $v); // make sure you validated the data to avoid errors
       $periods[$column][] = "'" . mysql_escape_string($day) . "'"; //strtolower// PHP would automatically create an empty array if $periods[$column] was not defined
    $intToCol = array(1 => "morning", 2 => "afternoon", 3 => "evening");
    // $periods should now be identical to ["2" => ["'sun'", "'mon'"], "3" => ["'sun'"]]

    $conditions = array();
    foreach($periods as $int => $days){
        $dayString = implode(",", $days);
        $conditions[] = " FIND_IN_SET ($dayString,  posts." . $intToCol[$int].")" ;
    $add_here = "AND (" . implode(" OR ", $conditions) . ")";
    }else if(($avail != "")&&($size == 1))
        foreach($avail as $k=>$v)

                $array = explode('-', $v);
                $day =$array[0]; // Wed
                $column =  $array[1]; // 2

                if($column == 1)
                $col = "morning";

                if($column == 2)
                    $col = "afternoon";
                if($column == 3)
                    $col = "evening";


        $add_here = " posts.".$col." = '".$day."' ";

        $sql = "SELECT * , (3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN(('$lat' - lat) *  pi()/180 / 2), 2) +COS('$lat' * pi()/180) * COS(lat * pi()/180) * POWER(SIN(('$lon' - lon) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))) as distance  from posts WHERE posts.subname LIKE '%$subject%' AND posts.pricing <= '$rate' ".$add_here."".$IsTutionCentre." GROUP BY posts.UUID having  distance <= '$distance' order by distance";

        $stmt =connection::$pdo->prepare($sql);
            while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { 
                   $place[] = $row;
                   $_SESSION['subject'] = $place;

        //send back to ajax call  made page
        echo json_encode($place);




where setcolumn like '%p,q%'