Php 将$\请求值传递给Datatable Ajax脚本

Php 将$\请求值传递给Datatable Ajax脚本,php,jquery,datatables,Php,Jquery,Datatables,我正在使用DataTables,希望将请求值传递给php脚本。 Firebug报告未定义的索引。 以下是PHP脚本: $sIndexColumn = "opportunity_acccount_id"; $sTable = "opportunities_base"; $sWhere = "opportunity_acccount_id = '$_REQUEST['account_id']'"; 以下是初始化表的JavaScript: var oTable = $('#opport

我正在使用DataTables,希望将请求值传递给php脚本。 Firebug报告未定义的索引。 以下是PHP脚本:

  $sIndexColumn = "opportunity_acccount_id";
  $sTable = "opportunities_base";
  $sWhere = "opportunity_acccount_id = '$_REQUEST['account_id']'";

 var oTable = $('#opportunities_table').dataTable( {
              // "aoColumnDefs": [
              //     { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] }
              // ],
            "aaSorting": [[0, 'asc']],
            "bProcessing": true,
            "bServerSide": true,
            "sAjaxSource": "../includes/functions/opportunity_json.php",
            "fnServerParams": function ( aoData ) {
                        aoData.push( { "name": "acct_id", "value": "3" } );

                    "aoColumns": [
            { "mData": "0" },
            { "mData": "2" },
            //Begin actual rows
            { "mData": "6" },
            { "mData": "10" },
            { "mData": "12" },
            { "mData": "8" },
            { "mData": "4" },
          "sDom": '<"dt-panelmenu clearfix"Tfr>t<"dt-panelfooter clearfix"ip>',
                "oTableTools": {
                    "sSwfPath": "scripts/plugins/datatables/extensions/TableTools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"


var\u dump($sWhere)
var\u dump($sQuery)

我能弄明白。 目标是在Ajax请求中传递一个初始化DataTable的变量,这样我就只能显示与传递的帐户ID相关的结果。 以下是Ajax请求:

  var acct_id = $('#acct_id').val();
  var oTable = $('#opportunities_table').dataTable( {
      // "aoColumnDefs": [
      //     { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] }
      // ],
    "aaSorting": [[0, 'asc']],
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "sAjaxSource": "../includes/functions/opportunity_json.php",
    "fnServerParams": function ( aoData ) {
                    aoData.push( {"name": "account_id", "value": acct_id} );
            "aoColumns": [
    { "mData": "0" },
    { "mData": "2" },
    //Begin actual rows
    { "mData": "6" },
    { "mData": "10" },
    { "mData": "12" },
    { "mData": "8" },
    { "mData": "4" },

  "sDom": '<"dt-panelmenu clearfix"Tfr>t<"dt-panelfooter clearfix"ip>',
        "oTableTools": {
            "sSwfPath": "scripts/plugins/datatables/extensions/TableTools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"



    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . ("/../db_connection.php");
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . ("/../functions/common-functions.php");

    global $connection;
    $account_id = $_REQUEST['acct_id'];

    $aColumns = array(
        'opportunity_id', 'opportunity_name', 'opportunity_stage_id',
        'opportunity_close_date', 'opportunity_acccount_id', 'opportunity_amount',
        'opportunity_type', 'opportunity_owner_id', 'opportunity_contact_id',

    $sIndexColumn = "opportunity_acccount_id";
    $sTable       = "opportunities_base";

    function fatal_error($sErrorMessage = '')
        header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error');

    $sLimit = "";
    if (isset($_GET['iDisplayStart']) && $_GET['iDisplayLength'] != '-1') {
        $sLimit = "LIMIT " . intval($_GET['iDisplayStart'])
            . ", " . intval($_GET['iDisplayLength']);

    $sOrder = "";
    if (isset($_GET['iSortCol_0'])) {
        $orderBy = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < intval($_GET['iSortingCols']); $i++) {
            if ($_GET['bSortable_' . intval($_GET['iSortCol_' . $i])] == "true") {
                $orderBy[] = "`" . $aColumns[intval($_GET['iSortCol_' . $i])] . "` "
                    . ($_GET['sSortDir_' . $i] === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc');

        $sOrder = "ORDER BY  " . implode(', ', $orderBy);

     * Filtering
    $sWhere = "";

    if (isset($_GET['sSearch']) && $_GET['sSearch'] != "") {
        $where = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
            $where[] = "`" . $aColumns[$i] . "` LIKE '%" . mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_GET['sSearch']) . "%'";

        $sWhere = "WHERE (" . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')';

    /* Individual column filtering */
    $where = array("opportunity_acccount_id = $account_id");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
        if (isset($_GET['bSearchable_' . $i]) && $_GET['bSearchable_' . $i] == "true" && $_GET['sSearch_' . $i] != '') {
            $where[] = "`" . $aColumns[$i] . "` LIKE '%" . mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_GET['sSearch_' . $i]) . "%'";
    if (count($where)) {
        $sWhere = ($sWhere === '' ? 'WHERE ' : $sWhere . ' AND ') . implode(' AND ', $where);

     * SQL queries
     * Get data to display
    $sQuery = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS <code>" . str_replace(" , ", " ", implode("`, `", $aColumns)) . "</code>     FROM   $sTable

    $rResult = mysqli_query($connection, $sQuery) or die("Error: " . mysqli_error($connection));

    /* Data set length after filtering */
    $sQuery = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()";

    $rResultFilterTotal = mysqli_query($connection, $sQuery) or die("Error: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    $aResultFilterTotal = mysqli_fetch_array($rResultFilterTotal);
    $iFilteredTotal     = $aResultFilterTotal[0];

    /* Total data set length */
    $sQuery = "SELECT COUNT(`" . $sIndexColumn . "`)
          FROM   $sTable

    $rResultTotal = mysqli_query($connection, $sQuery) or die("Error: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    $aResultTotal = mysqli_fetch_array($rResultTotal);
    $iTotal       = $aResultTotal[0];

     * Output
    $output = array(
        "sEcho"                => intval($_GET['sEcho']),
        "iTotalRecords"        => $iTotal,
        "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iFilteredTotal,
        "aaData"               => array()

    while ($aRow = mysqli_fetch_array($rResult)) {

        $row = array();
        //$row[] =  $OpenAccountTasks;
        $row[] = '<img src="../assets/advanced-datatable/examples/examples_support/details_open.png">';

        for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
            if ($aColumns[$i] == "opportunity_name") {
                /* Special output formatting for 'version' column */
                //$row[] = ($aRow[ $aColumns[$i] ]=="0") ? '-' : $aRow[ $aColumns[$i] ];
                $row[] = '<a href="AccountProfile.php?acctname=' . $aRow[$aColumns[$i]] . '">' . $aRow[$aColumns[$i]] . '</a>';

            if ($aColumns[$i] == "opportunity_stage_id") {
                $opportunity_stage_name = get_opportunity_stages($aRow['opportunity_stage_id']);
                $row[]                  = $opportunity_stage_name;

            if ($aColumns[$i] == "opportunity_owner_id") {
                $opportunity_owner = get_user_info($aRow['opportunity_owner_id']);

                while ($owner_id = mysqli_fetch_array($opportunity_owner)) {
                    $row[] = $owner_id['user_full_name'];

            if ($aColumns[$i] == "opportunity_contact_id") {
                $opportunity_contact = get_contact_info($aRow['opportunity_contact_id']);
                while ($contact = mysqli_fetch_array($opportunity_contact)) {
                    $row[] = $contact['contact_fname'] . ' ' . $contact['contact_lname'];

            } else if ($aColumns[$i] != ' ') {
                /* General output */
                $row[] = $aRow[$aColumns[$i]];
        $output['aaData'][] = $row;

    echo json_encode($output);
  var acct_id = $('#acct_id').val();
  var oTable = $('#opportunities_table').dataTable( {
      // "aoColumnDefs": [
      //     { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] }
      // ],
    "aaSorting": [[0, 'asc']],
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "sAjaxSource": "../includes/functions/opportunity_json.php",
    "fnServerParams": function ( aoData ) {
                    aoData.push( {"name": "account_id", "value": acct_id} );
            "aoColumns": [
    { "mData": "0" },
    { "mData": "2" },
    //Begin actual rows
    { "mData": "6" },
    { "mData": "10" },
    { "mData": "12" },
    { "mData": "8" },
    { "mData": "4" },

  "sDom": '<"dt-panelmenu clearfix"Tfr>t<"dt-panelfooter clearfix"ip>',
        "oTableTools": {
            "sSwfPath": "scripts/plugins/datatables/extensions/TableTools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"

   $account_id = $_REQUEST['account_id'];
  if ( isset($account_id)  && $account_id != "" ) {

    if ($sWhere) $sWhere .= " AND opportunity_acccount_id=".mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $account_id );

    else $sWhere = " WHERE opportunity_acccount_id=".mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $account_id );