Php 如何创建从txt文件反馈数据的textarea

Php 如何创建从txt文件反馈数据的textarea,php,html,Php,Html,晚上好。 首先,我为自己刚刚接触web开发领域而道歉。我正在尝试创建一个可以输入文本的文本区域,刷新页面后,该文本将显示在文本区域上方,以便我可以引用它 我正在分阶段工作,到目前为止,我真的很难将用户输入从html转换到php,然后重新插入到该页面上。 有人能解释一下怎么做吗 我的代码包括在下面 <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>HTML php<

晚上好。 首先,我为自己刚刚接触web开发领域而道歉。我正在尝试创建一个可以输入文本的文本区域,刷新页面后,该文本将显示在文本区域上方,以便我可以引用它

我正在分阶段工作,到目前为止,我真的很难将用户输入从html转换到php,然后重新插入到该页面上。 有人能解释一下怎么做吗


<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>HTML php</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- link to      CSS sheet -->
<h1>HTML php</h1>

// Gather Data from Form

 $HTMLNotes = $_POST['HTML_notes'];


 $filename = $DOCUMENT_ROOT.'First Website/HTML/Html_Notes.txt';

 //Add Name Information to File

 $fp = fopen($filename, 'a');   //opens the file for appending

 $output_line = $HTMLNotes.'|'."\n";

 fwrite($fp, $output_line);


 print "<h3>$HTMLNotes Added to File</h3>";


<div class="container clearfix">


//Reading info from file

//Table of names --------------------------

    $display = "";
    $line_ctr = 0; //line counter

    $fp = fopen($filename, 'r'); //opens the file for reading

        $line = fgets($fp); //gets one line at a time

        if (feof($fp)) //eof = end of file


        $line_ctr_remainder = $line_ctr % 2; //modulus of 2 and returns the   remainder so even will always return 0

        list($HTMLNotes) = explode('|', $line);

            print "<p>".$HTMLNotes."</p>";
            print "</tr>\n";  //added newline
               //added newline


    fclose ($fp );

    print $display; //this prints the table rows



HTML php
HTML php



    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link href="../CSS/Style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- link to CSS sheet -->
    <link href="../CSS/normalise.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- link to normalised CSS form, this keeps standard normal elements for browsers. -->


        <div class="container clearfix">
            <a href="../index.html" title="Return to home" id="Logo">
                <img src="../IMAGES/Logo.gif" alt="Logo">


                    <li><a href="../index.html">HOME</a></li>
                    <li><a href="HTML.html">HTML</a></li> 
                    <li><a href="CSS.html">CSS</a></li>
                    <li><a href="LINKS.html">LINKS</a></li>
        </div> <!-- end div container -->   


    <div id="mainheader"> <!--hero -->
            <div class="container clearfix">
                <div id="Title">

                    <h1>HTML Resources and References</h1>

                </div> <!--end of title -->

                    <img src="../IMAGES/BigHTML.png" alt="Large HTML Logo" id="HTML-image">
            </div> <!-- end of container -->
    </div> <!--end of mainheader -->

</header> <!--end of header -->

<div id="content" class="container clearfix">

<form method="post" action="HTML.php">

    HTML notes:<br />
    <textarea name="HTML_notes" rows="7" cols="130">

        <input type="submit" class="Btn Btn-small" value="Submit Information">


</div> <!-- end of content -->

<div id="LowerSection">
        <div class="container clearfix">
            <h4>Sign up on the website to find out more information</h4>
                <input type="email" placeholder="Enter your email here">
                <input type="submit" class="Btn Btn-small" value="Sign up">
        </div> <!-- end of container-->

    </div> <!-- end of LowerSection -->

        <div class="container clearfix">
            <p id="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2015 AaronMurphy</p> <!--   using the & with a word reduces errors and creates symbols -->

                    <li><a href="../index.html">HOME</a></li>
                    <li><a href="HTML.html">HTML</a></li> 
                    <li><a href="CSS.html">CSS</a></li>
                    <li><a href="LINKS.html">LINKS</a></li>
        </div> <!-- end of conatiner -->


HTML资源和参考 HTML注释:


版权与复制;2015 AaronMurphy
