
如何通过html、json和php中的输入帖子添加到列表中?(不使用数据库)?,php,html,json,Php,Html,Json,我已经为此挣扎了一段时间。我认为我的逻辑中缺少了一部分,我无法理解它是什么。我正在尝试使用Html、json和php制作一个todo应用程序。如何将输入值存储为数组,然后作为待办事项列表进行回显 <form method="POST" action="TodoAppChallenge.php"> <p> <label for="wordsGoHere">type your ta


<form method="POST" action="TodoAppChallenge.php">
        <label for="wordsGoHere">type your task here</label>
        <input type="text"  id ="wordsGoHere" name="wordsGoHere">
    <input type="submit" name="pressHere" value="           add Your Task               ">

      <th>Your Tasks</th>
            $wordsGoHere = array(
            'wordsGoHere' => $_POST['wordsGoHere'],
      );    //i think my mistake is somewhere around here
            $data = $wordsGoHere;
            $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
            file_put_contents('extra.json', $data);
            $data = file_get_contents('extra.json');
            $data = json_decode($data);
            foreach($data as $row){
            echo "
    }} else {
      echo 'add a Task';



   // get the tasks, note the 'true' flag on the json decode so you have an array rather than an object

    $tasks = json_decode(file_get_contents('extra.json'), true);
    //keep things simple - use the same array and just add the new value to it

    $tasks[] = $_POST['wordsGoHere'];

    //print out your values
    foreach($tasks as $task){
        echo "
                    <ul><li>" . $task . "</li></ul>

    //using the same array prepare to save it
    $tasks = json_encode($tasks, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

    //save the data
    file_put_contents('extra.json', $tasks);

} else {
    echo 'add a Task';



  • 将表单处理向上移动,以避免出现“标题已发送…”错误
  • 打开错误报告
  • 使用合理、简单的语言变量名
  • 让阵列尽可能简单





ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');

// Always do these 2 things on every request.

// 1. Start your session

// 2. Initialize the session array if it hasn't been initialized already.
// This only happens once per session.
if (!isset($_SESSION['todo'])) {
    $_SESSION['todo'] = [];

// Now you are free to start writing and reading from your session.

// Check if the request is coming in via POST.
// Do your processing up top above your HTML otherwise you can run into "Headers already sent..." errors.

    // This is what the user typed in.
    $input = $_POST['wordsGoHere'];

    // @todo do your validation here.

    // Put the user's input in the session.
    $_SESSION['todo'][] = $input;

// Finally, read out the contents from your session so your form has access to it.
$dataFromSession = $_SESSION['todo'];

<form method="POST">
        <label for="wordsGoHere">type your task here</label>
        <input type="text" id="wordsGoHere" name="wordsGoHere">

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Your Task">
            Your Tasks

    <?php foreach ($dataFromSession as $item): ?>

                <?= $item; ?>

    <? endforeach; ?>




ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');

// Initialize your JSON file by ensuring the file actually exists. If it doesn't, create an empty file.
if (!file_exists('extra.json')) {
    file_put_contents('extra.json', '[]');

// Now you are free to start writing and reading from your JSON file.

// Check if the request is coming in via POST.
// Do your processing up top above your HTML otherwise you can run into "Headers already sent..." errors.

    // This is what the user typed in.
    $input = $_POST['wordsGoHere'];

    // @todo do your validation here.

    // Read the current state of the file.
    $contents = file_get_contents('extra.json');
    $dataFromFile = json_decode($contents, true);

    // Push the new value on the end of the array.
    $dataFromFile[] = $input;

    // Write the array back to the file.
    $json = json_encode($dataFromFile, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
    file_put_contents('extra.json', $json);

// Finally, read out the latest contents from your file so your form has access to it.
$contents = file_get_contents('extra.json');
$dataFromFile = json_decode($contents, true);

<form method="POST">
        <label for="wordsGoHere">type your task here</label>
        <input type="text" id="wordsGoHere" name="wordsGoHere">

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Your Task">
            Your Tasks

    <?php foreach ($dataFromFile as $item): ?>

                <?= $item; ?>

    <? endforeach; ?>


ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');

// Initialize your JSON file by ensuring the file actually exists. If it doesn't, create an empty file.
if (!file_exists('extra.json')) {
    file_put_contents('extra.json', '[]');

// Now you are free to start writing and reading from your JSON file.

// Check if the request is coming in via POST.
// Do your processing up top above your HTML otherwise you can run into "Headers already sent..." errors.

    // This is what the user typed in.
    $input = $_POST['wordsGoHere'];

    // @todo do your validation here.

    // Read the current state of the file.
    $contents = file_get_contents('extra.json');
    $dataFromFile = json_decode($contents, true);

    // Push the new value on the end of the array.
    $dataFromFile[] = $input;

    // Write the array back to the file.
    $json = json_encode($dataFromFile, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
    file_put_contents('extra.json', $json);

// Finally, read out the latest contents from your file so your form has access to it.
$contents = file_get_contents('extra.json');
$dataFromFile = json_decode($contents, true);

<form method="POST">
        <label for="wordsGoHere">type your task here</label>
        <input type="text" id="wordsGoHere" name="wordsGoHere">

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Your Task">
            Your Tasks

    <?php foreach ($dataFromFile as $item): ?>

                <?= $item; ?>

    <? endforeach; ?>