
PHP、MySQL:只需显示一次父名称。。差不多了,但还是有问题,php,mysql,group-by,grouping,Php,Mysql,Group By,Grouping,我有一个包含所有汽车名称的父类别,由表“parent”中的parent_name表示。对于这些父母中的每一位来说,可能有任意数量的汽车模型&它们都放在一张名为“模型”的表格中。每个模型都可以有任意数量的图像&通过模型id作为外键引用。我的任务是只显示一次所有父级名称(如在一个组中),同时列出该父级下的所有模型,仅显示一个对应的图像。父\u名称不应显示多次 我的实验: //Table parent parent_id parent_name 1 Par1 2



//Table parent

parent_id   parent_name
    1        Par1
    2       Par2

//Table model

model_id    parent_id   model_name
    1            1       Model1
    2           2       Model2
    3           1       Model3
    4           1       Model4
    5            2       Model5

//Table model_images

image_id    model_id
    1            1
    2           1
    3           1
    4            2
    5           3
    6           3    
Par1    ---> This is the parent. Needs to be shown only once.
Model1  -->  This is a model. List all models that belong to this parent. 
image_id 1 -> Show only 1 image of the model (model may have multiple images but I need just one) 

Model3  -->  This is a model.
image_id 5  -> Show only 1 image of the model    

Model4  -->  This is a model.
No Image    -> Note that no image exists for this model. So we show "No Image" text.


Par2    ---> This is the parent. Needs to be shown only once.
Model2  -->  This is a model.
image_id 4  -> Show only 1 image of the model

Model5  -->  This is a model.
No Image   -> Note that no image exists for this model. So we show "No Image" text.
我基本上试着写两个查询。一种方法是左键联接“models”上的“parent”表并按parent\u id使用GROUP,然后在while循环中,通过使用model\u id字段联接models和images表,编写另一个查询以仅获取1个图像。但这样做只列出一个模型,即使有多个模型。因此,我尝试使用GROUP BY parent_id,model_id。使用它确实会显示所有模型,但同时也会重复显示parent_名称&我需要在整个页面中仅显示一次parent_名称。您可以说,我正在尝试将模型名称分组到父项下&在单个父项下显示所有模型,并且仅显示模型的一个图像。如果我能避免多次显示家长的名字,问题就会解决


//Table parent

parent_id   parent_name
    1        Par1
    2       Par2

//Table model

model_id    parent_id   model_name
    1            1       Model1
    2           2       Model2
    3           1       Model3
    4           1       Model4
    5            2       Model5

//Table model_images

image_id    model_id
    1            1
    2           1
    3           1
    4            2
    5           3
    6           3    
Par1    ---> This is the parent. Needs to be shown only once.
Model1  -->  This is a model. List all models that belong to this parent. 
image_id 1 -> Show only 1 image of the model (model may have multiple images but I need just one) 

Model3  -->  This is a model.
image_id 5  -> Show only 1 image of the model    

Model4  -->  This is a model.
No Image    -> Note that no image exists for this model. So we show "No Image" text.


Par2    ---> This is the parent. Needs to be shown only once.
Model2  -->  This is a model.
image_id 4  -> Show only 1 image of the model

Model5  -->  This is a model.
No Image   -> Note that no image exists for this model. So we show "No Image" text.

//Table parent

parent_id   parent_name
    1        Par1
    2       Par2

//Table model

model_id    parent_id   model_name
    1            1       Model1
    2           2       Model2
    3           1       Model3
    4           1       Model4
    5            2       Model5

//Table model_images

image_id    model_id
    1            1
    2           1
    3           1
    4            2
    5           3
    6           3    
Par1    ---> This is the parent. Needs to be shown only once.
Model1  -->  This is a model. List all models that belong to this parent. 
image_id 1 -> Show only 1 image of the model (model may have multiple images but I need just one) 

Model3  -->  This is a model.
image_id 5  -> Show only 1 image of the model    

Model4  -->  This is a model.
No Image    -> Note that no image exists for this model. So we show "No Image" text.


Par2    ---> This is the parent. Needs to be shown only once.
Model2  -->  This is a model.
image_id 4  -> Show only 1 image of the model

Model5  -->  This is a model.
No Image   -> Note that no image exists for this model. So we show "No Image" text.




$query = '  SELECT     *
            FROM       parent AS p
            LEFT JOIN  model AS m
            ON = m.parent_id
            LEFT JOIN  model_images AS m_i
            ON         m.model_id = m_i.model_id';

$array = array();

    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
        $array[$row['parent_name']][$row['model_id']] = $row;



  'Par 1' => 
      [0] => Array(
        'parent_id' => 1,
        'parent_name' => 'Par 1',
        'model_id' => 1,
        'model_name' => 'Model 1',
      [1] => Array(...)
    'Par 2' => Array(...)

foreach($par\u name=>$models的数组){
”; echo“Model ID:”.$models[0]['Model_ID']。,Model Name:“.$models[0]['Name'];//替换为所需的输出 }


从我在第一段中读到的内容来看,我不明白为什么只想显示一次父项名称(我解释为只应显示一行)。我相信您可以使用mysql的array_accum aggregate(或其他任何名称)将父级的所有模型分组到一列中,并将每个模型的一个图像分组到另一列中,但这并没有什么优势。至于其余的——tl;dr,但如果您想要SQL查询,则应以表格形式显示所需的输出。@谢谢您的回复。我之所以只想展示一次,是因为我试图将所有模型分组到一个父模型下。因此,如果100个模型以10个模型/父对象的速率共享10个父对象,那么我不想显示父对象的名称100次(因为我们有100个模型),我只想显示每个父对象的名称一次&显示与该父对象对应的10个模型。我真的不在乎这是否需要在表或基于div的布局中显示。我只需要输出。除了父名称不断重复之外,我几乎做到了这一点&我需要避免这种情况。好的,我现在明白了,您不一定只想在SQL中执行这种冗余削减。考仔的答案看起来不错。它仍然会获取100行,但是它会将它们分组到一个PHP数组下。谢谢你的回复。很抱歉,我不理解您提供的代码(这是因为我不了解基于OOPS的编程)。我也编辑了我的问题以反映同样的情况。你能用非面向对象的方式给我看一下吗?@Denver如果你不想使用面向对象,只需使用
mysqli\u query
mysqli\u fetch\u assoc