Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/1/php/239.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

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Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
谷歌日历API,PHP,获取刷新令牌失败_Php_Api_Google Api_Google Calendar Api_Google Api Php Client - Fatal编程技术网


谷歌日历API,PHP,获取刷新令牌失败,php,api,google-api,google-calendar-api,google-api-php-client,Php,Api,Google Api,Google Calendar Api,Google Api Php Client,我试图在PHP中使用Google日历API来访问一个中央帐户。这个想法是,其他用户可以向这个中央帐户添加事件(他们不必登录到谷歌帐户),所以我想永久访问这个帐户 首先,我做了。我登录了我的帐户,一切都正常运行了一段时间。后来,我的访问令牌过期了,现在,$client->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($client->getRefreshToken())抛出逻辑异常:刷新令牌必须作为setAccessToken的一部分传入或设置。我发现$client->getR




$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('Google Calendar API PHP Quickstart');
$client->setScopes(implode(' ', array(Google_Service_Calendar::CALENDAR) ) );
$client->setAuthConfig(__DIR__ . '/../config/client_secret.json');

$credentialsPath = __DIR__ . '/../config/calendar-php-quickstart.json';
$accessToken = json_decode(file_get_contents($credentialsPath), true);

// Refresh the token if it's expired.
if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
    file_put_contents($credentialsPath, json_encode($client->getAccessToken()));




if($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {    


                   // Refresh the token if it's expired.
                    if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
                        // save refresh token to some variable
                        $refreshTokenSaved = $client->getRefreshToken();

                        // update access token

                        // pass access token to some variable
                        $accessTokenUpdated = $client->getAccessToken();

                        // append refresh token
                        $accessTokenUpdated['refresh_token'] = $refreshTokenSaved;

                        // save to file
                        file_put_contents($credentialsPath, json_encode($accessTokenUpdated));

我将分享我最终开始工作的代码。我使用一个前端web应用程序来获得初始授权,然后将该代码传递给一个php web服务,以存储在数据库中供以后使用

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

class to provide google calendar api functions.
returns information to mobile web app in json format
class Calendar

    private $client;
    private $clientsecretgoogle = '{input secret here}';
    private $clientIDgoogle = '{input client ID here}';
    private $objDatabase;
    private $queryParams;
    private $params;

    public function __construct($params)

        $this->client = new Google_Client();
        $this->client->setAccessType('offline'); //this seems to be important for refresh tokens to update
        $this->objDatabase = new Database();//connect to dbase


    public function getAuthorizationRefreshTokensGoogle($authCode, $userID)

        Get access_token and refresh token from returned auth code
        I'm getting this on the front end and then storing in dbase table
        Could have used the basic php library here but this worked so I stuck with it
        $oauth_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token?code=' . $authCode . '&client_secret=' . $this->clientsecretgoogle . '&client_id=' . $this->clientIDgoogle . '&redirect_uri=postmessage&grant_type=authorization_code';
        //using curl
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $oauth_url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $return = curl_exec($ch);

        $return = json_decode($return);
        // You can dump the vars to see the object

        //insert into table for later retrieval
         $strSQL = "insert ignore into tbloauth(oauth_usr_id,oauth_vendor,oauth_token,oauth_refresh_token,oauth_token_expire)VALUES
        //check for existence of refresh token in response
        //if not there then replace only the access_token
        //if there then replace access, refresh
            $strSQL .= "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE oauth_token=VALUES(oauth_token), oauth_token_expire=VALUES(oauth_token_expire)";
            $strSQL .= "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE oauth_token=VALUES(oauth_token),oauth_refresh_token=VALUES(oauth_refresh_token), oauth_token_expire=VALUES(oauth_token_expire)";
        //translate expire time NOW + 3600
        $expire = (time() + $return->expires_in);
        if (!$return->refresh_token) {
            $return->refresh_token = '';

        $this->queryParams = array($userID, 'google', $return->access_token, $return->refresh_token, $expire);
        $this->objDatabase->insertQuery($strSQL, $this->queryParams);

        //you should now have a record now containing the access_token,refresh token, expire date



   List calendars
    function listCalendarsGoogle()

        //1. Get tokens from database for the current user
        //2. Set access token with returned results

        //check for expired token and refresh if necessary
        if($this->client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
            $access_token = $this->client->getAccessToken();
            $strSQL="update tbloauth set oauth_token=? where oauth_vendor='google' and oauth_usr_id=? limit 1";


        //3.init calendar 
        $calendar = new Google_Service_Calendar($this->client);

        //4. list calendars of primary
        $calendarList = $calendar->calendarList->listCalendarList('primary');

        return json_encode($calendarList);

    get access token for vendor(google in this case) using usr_id of user
    which is passed to the class from the web app

    public function getUserAccessToken($usr_id,$vendor){

        $strSQL="select tbloauth.*,oauth_token as access_token,oauth_refresh_token as refresh_token from tbloauth where oauth_usr_id=? and oauth_vendor=? ";
        //echo $this->objDatabase->parms($strSQL,$this->queryParams);
        return $aResult;

    Insert Event into google using event info posted by web app

    public function insertEventGoogle(){

        //check if expired
        //if expired then fetch new token with current token
        //update dbase with new token
        //this would be cleaner separated into another method
        //called before each list or insert calendar function

        if($this->client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
            $access_token = $this->client->getAccessToken();
            $strSQL="update tbloauth set oauth_token=? where oauth_vendor='google' and oauth_usr_id=? limit 1";


        //init calendar 
        $calendar = new Google_Service_Calendar($this->client);
        //event info
        $event = new Google_Service_Calendar_Event(array(
            'summary' => $this->params['event_name'],
            'location' => $this->params['event_location'],
            'description' => $this->params['event_desc'],
            'start' => array(
                'dateTime' => date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime($this->params['event_start_date'].' '.$this->params['event_start_time'])),
                'timeZone' => 'America/New_York',
            'end' => array(
                'dateTime' => date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime($this->params['event_end_date'].' '.$this->params['event_end_time'])),
                'timeZone' => 'America/New_York',
            'reminders' => array(
                'useDefault' => FALSE,
                'overrides' => array(
                    array('method' => 'email', 'minutes' => 24 * 60),
                    array('method' => 'popup', 'minutes' => 10),
        //calendar id - default primary
        $calendarId = 'primary';
        //insert event
        $event = $calendar->events->insert($calendarId, $event);
        //return confirm msg
        $msg=array('msg'=>'Event Created: '.$this->params['event_name']);
        return json_encode($msg);
