Php 正在验证电子邮件地址是否存在

Php 正在验证电子邮件地址是否存在,php,mysql,Php,Mysql,我是PHP的新手。我的目标是向在我的系统中注册的用户发送电子邮件 $msg= " Hi $gen./$lName, copy and paste this code in order to activate your account copy and paste this code:$num" ; $email = "$emailadd"; $name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc."; $subject = "Account Activation";


$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );

$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );
$mail\u header=“From:”.$name.\r\n”;
$sendmail=mail($email,$subject,$message,$mail\u header);

$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );




$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );


$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );

$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );

$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );
您可以使用Google API让您的用户使用其帐户登录,而不是验证电子邮件地址。也可以以类似的方式使用OpenID。尽管如此,这也不是100%完美。但是希伊,没有什么是100%。我们都尽可能多地做自己想做的事。就这样

$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );


$msg= " Hi $gen./$lName,  copy and paste this code in order to activate  
your account copy and paste this code:$num" ;
$email = "$emailadd";
$name= "GoodFaith Network Marketing Inc.";
$subject = "Account Activation";
$message = wordwrap($msg,70) ;
$sender = "";
$mail_header="From: ".$name."<". $sender. ">\r\n";
$sendmail=mail($email, $subject,$message, $mail_header );