
如何在php中实现双消去算法?,php,tournament,double-elimination,Php,Tournament,Double Elimination,在此,我附加了一些代码片段,我已经实现了这些代码片段,但它仍然不起作用 参赛者代表参赛队伍的名字 在比赛中。 事件给了我们最终的结果。 轮数基本上用作区分团队数量案例的变量 $competitors = array( "Louisville", "Duke", "Gonzaga", "Kansas", "Indiana", "Ohio State" ); $rounds = log( count( $competitors ), 2 ) + 1;


参赛者代表参赛队伍的名字 在比赛中。 事件给了我们最终的结果。 轮数基本上用作区分团队数量案例的变量

$competitors = array(
    "Ohio State"

$rounds = log( count( $competitors ), 2 ) + 1;

// round one
for( $i = 0; $i < log( count( $competitors ), 2 ); $i++ )
    $seeded = array( );
    foreach( $competitors as $competitor )
        $splice = pow( 2, $i );

        $seeded = array_merge( $seeded, array_splice( $competitors, 0, $splice ) );
        $seeded = array_merge( $seeded, array_splice( $competitors, -$splice ) );
    $competitors = $seeded;
$events = array_chunk( $seeded, 2 );

if( $rounds > 2 )
    $round_index = count( $events );

    // second round
    for( $i = 0; $i < count( $competitors ) / 2; $i++ )
        array_push( $events, array(
            array( 'from_event_index' => $i, 'from_event_rank' => 1 ), // rank 1 = winner
            array( 'from_event_index' => ++$i, 'from_event_rank' => 1 )
        ) );

    $round_matchups = array( );
    for( $i = 0; $i < count( $competitors ) / 2; $i++ )
        array_push( $round_matchups, array(
            array( 'from_event_index' => $i, 'from_event_rank' => 2 ), // rank 2 = loser
            array( 'from_event_index' => ++$i, 'from_event_rank' => 2 )
        ) );
    $events = array_merge( $events, $round_matchups );

    for( $i = 0; $i < count( $round_matchups ); $i++ )
        array_push( $events, array(
            array( 'from_event_index' => $i + count( $competitors ) / 2, 'from_event_rank' => 2 ),
            array( 'from_event_index' => $i + count( $competitors ) / 2 + count( $competitors ) / 2 / 2, 'from_event_rank' => 1 )
        ) );

if( $rounds > 3 )
    // subsequent rounds
    for( $i = 0; $i < $rounds - 3; $i++ )
        $round_events = pow( 2, $rounds - 3 - $i );
        $total_events = count( $events );

        for( $j = 0; $j < $round_events; $j++ )
            array_push( $events, array(
                array( 'from_event_index' => $j + $round_index, 'from_event_rank' => 1 ),
                array( 'from_event_index' => ++$j + $round_index, 'from_event_rank' => 1 )
            ) );

        for( $j = 0; $j < $round_events; $j++ )
            array_push( $events, array(
                array( 'from_event_index' => $j + $round_index + $round_events * 2, 'from_event_rank' => 1 ),
                array( 'from_event_index' => ++$j + $round_index + $round_events * 2, 'from_event_rank' => 1 )
            ) );

        for( $j = 0; $j < $round_events / 2; $j++ )
            array_push( $events, array(
                array( 'from_event_index' => $j + $total_events, 'from_event_rank' => 2 ),
                array( 'from_event_index' => $j + $total_events + $round_events / 2, 'from_event_rank' => 1 )
            ) );

        $round_index = $total_events;


if( $rounds > 1 )
    // finals
    array_push( $events, array(
        array( 'from_event_index' => count( $events ) - 3, 'from_event_rank' => 1 ),
        array( 'from_event_index' => count( $events ) - 1, 'from_event_rank' => 1 )
     ) );
The problem I am facing in this:

 - No of cases I am getting are higher than actual. Like for n matches I obtain (2n-1) matches
 - In some cases there are decimal values which appear to be invalid data
 - Using this algorithm, I need to generate a bracket