Php Symfony2 FOSUserBundle文件上传(个人资料图片)提示?

Php Symfony2 FOSUserBundle文件上传(个人资料图片)提示?,php,symfony,fosuserbundle,symfony-forms,Php,Symfony,Fosuserbundle,Symfony Forms,我正准备在一个使用FOSUserBundle的symfony2项目中尝试向我的用户实体添加一个profile picture字段。我觉得这应该非常简单,但是,我还没有找到任何有用的文档来解释如何做 目前,我正计划将一个未映射字段添加到我的表单对象(我从通用的ProfileEditform扩展而来),它接受一个上传的文件。然后,我将为FOSUserEvents::PROFILE\u EDIT\u SUCCESS或FOSUserEvents::PROFILE\u EDIT\u COMPLETED创建

的symfony2项目中尝试向我的用户实体添加一个profile picture字段。我觉得这应该非常简单,但是,我还没有找到任何有用的文档来解释如何做






替代方法似乎是向表单本身添加事件侦听器。有没有人对哪一个更好有经验?谢谢分享。我有个问题。如果您想在配置文件编辑模板中显示用户照片,您如何做到这一点?如何在细枝模板中调用用户实体方法。Cheesey cute.S,我认为这是一个与捆绑继承更相关的问题。您必须“覆盖”捆绑包,然后在捆绑包的命名空间中为新表单和控制器创建一个新模板。我希望下面的文档能有所帮助!(我必须很快回复,如果有问题一定要回复!)值得注意的是,默认情况下,sonata edit profile或fos user profile edit forms不会将enctype设置为“多部分/表格数据”。如果没有此选项,该解决方案将无法工作。@DomWeldon我收到此错误
// DAWeldonExampleBundle/Entity/User.php
namespace DAWeldon\Example\UserBundle\Entity;

use FOS\UserBundle\Model\User as BaseUser;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Util\SecureRandom;

 * @ORM\Entity()
 * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
 * @ORM\Table(name="fos_user")
class User extends BaseUser
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
    protected $lastEdited;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
     * @Assert\NotBlank(message="Please enter your surname.", groups={"Registration", "Profile"})
    protected $surname;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
     * @Assert\NotBlank(message="Please enter your forename.", groups={"Registration", "Profile"})
    protected $forename;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
    protected $nickname;

     * @Assert\File(maxSize="2048k")
     * @Assert\Image(mimeTypesMessage="Please upload a valid image.")
    protected $profilePictureFile;

    // for temporary storage
    private $tempProfilePicturePath;

     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
    protected $profilePicturePath;

    public function __construct()
        // your own logic

     * Get id
     * @return integer 
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * Set surname
     * @param string $surname
     * @return User
    public function setSurname($surname)
        $this->surname = $surname;

        return $this;

     * Get surname
     * @return string 
    public function getSurname()
        return $this->surname;

     * Set forename
     * @param string $forename
     * @return User
    public function setForename($forename)
        $this->forename = $forename;

        return $this;

     * Get forename
     * @return string 
    public function getForename()
        return $this->forename;

     * Asks whether the user is granted a particular role
     * @return boolean
    public function isGranted($role)
        return in_array($role, $this->getRoles());

     * Set nickname
     * @param string $nickname
     * @return User
    public function setNickname($nickname)
        $this->nickname = $nickname;

        return $this;

     * Get nickname
     * @return string 
    public function getNickname()
        return $this->nickname;

     * Get the best way to address this person
     * @return string
    public function getBestAddress() {
        if (empty($this->getNickname()) and empty($this->getForename()) && empty($this->getSurname())) {
            return $this->getUsername();
        elseif (empty($this->getNickname())) {
            return $this->getForename().' '.$this->getSurname();
        else {
            return $this->getNickname();

     * Sets the file used for profile picture uploads
     * @param UploadedFile $file
     * @return object
    public function setProfilePictureFile(UploadedFile $file = null) {
        // set the value of the holder
        $this->profilePictureFile       =   $file;
         // check if we have an old image path
        if (isset($this->profilePicturePath)) {
            // store the old name to delete after the update
            $this->tempProfilePicturePath = $this->profilePicturePath;
            $this->profilePicturePath = null;
        } else {
            $this->profilePicturePath = 'initial';

        return $this;

     * Get the file used for profile picture uploads
     * @return UploadedFile
    public function getProfilePictureFile() {

        return $this->profilePictureFile;

     * Set profilePicturePath
     * @param string $profilePicturePath
     * @return User
    public function setProfilePicturePath($profilePicturePath)
        $this->profilePicturePath = $profilePicturePath;

        return $this;

     * Get profilePicturePath
     * @return string 
    public function getProfilePicturePath()
        return $this->profilePicturePath;

     * Get the absolute path of the profilePicturePath
    public function getProfilePictureAbsolutePath() {
        return null === $this->profilePicturePath
            ? null
            : $this->getUploadRootDir().'/'.$this->profilePicturePath;

     * Get root directory for file uploads
     * @return string
    protected function getUploadRootDir($type='profilePicture') {
        // the absolute directory path where uploaded
        // documents should be saved
        return __DIR__.'/../../../../web/'.$this->getUploadDir($type);

     * Specifies where in the /web directory profile pic uploads are stored
     * @return string
    protected function getUploadDir($type='profilePicture') {
        // the type param is to change these methods at a later date for more file uploads
        // get rid of the __DIR__ so it doesn't screw up
        // when displaying uploaded doc/image in the view.
        return 'uploads/user/profilepics';

     * Get the web path for the user
     * @return string
    public function getWebProfilePicturePath() {

        return '/'.$this->getUploadDir().'/'.$this->getProfilePicturePath(); 

     * @ORM\PrePersist()
     * @ORM\PreUpdate()
    public function preUploadProfilePicture() {
        if (null !== $this->getProfilePictureFile()) {
            // a file was uploaded
            // generate a unique filename
            $filename = $this->generateRandomProfilePictureFilename();

     * Generates a 32 char long random filename
     * @return string
    public function generateRandomProfilePictureFilename() {
        $count                  =   0;
        do {
            $generator = new SecureRandom();
            $random = $generator->nextBytes(16);
            $randomString = bin2hex($random);
        while(file_exists($this->getUploadRootDir().'/'.$randomString.'.'.$this->getProfilePictureFile()->guessExtension()) && $count < 50);

        return $randomString;

     * @ORM\PostPersist()
     * @ORM\PostUpdate()
     * Upload the profile picture
     * @return mixed
    public function uploadProfilePicture() {
        // check there is a profile pic to upload
        if ($this->getProfilePictureFile() === null) {
        // if there is an error when moving the file, an exception will
        // be automatically thrown by move(). This will properly prevent
        // the entity from being persisted to the database on error
        $this->getProfilePictureFile()->move($this->getUploadRootDir(), $this->getProfilePicturePath());

        // check if we have an old image
        if (isset($this->tempProfilePicturePath) && file_exists($this->getUploadRootDir().'/'.$this->tempProfilePicturePath)) {
            // delete the old image
            // clear the temp image path
            $this->tempProfilePicturePath = null;
        $this->profilePictureFile = null;

     * @ORM\PostRemove()
    public function removeProfilePictureFile()
        if ($file = $this->getProfilePictureAbsolutePath() && file_exists($this->getProfilePictureAbsolutePath())) {

     * Set lastEdited
     * @param \DateTime $lastEdited
     * @return User
    public function setLastEdited($lastEdited)
        $this->lastEdited = $lastEdited;

        return $this;

     * Get lastEdited
     * @return \DateTime 
    public function getLastEdited()
        return $this->lastEdited;

     * @ORM\PrePersist()
     * @ORM\PreUpdate()
    public function setLastEditedValueAsNow() {
        $this->setLastEdited(new \DateTime());

// DAWeldonExampleBundle/Form/Type/ProfileFormType.php
namespace DAWeldon\Example\UserBundle\Form\Type;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

class ProfileFormType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        // add your custom field

    public function getParent()
        return 'fos_user_profile';

    public function getName()
        return 'readypeeps_user_profile';