
Gnuplot图形在图像顶部透明的应用,plot,gnuplot,Plot,Gnuplot,我想在png图形的顶部绘制为透明的,在Gnuplot中没有轴。如果可以在那里安装legend,那就太好了。 它的代码基于我在gnuplot中的许多讨论 这就是这个数字的来源 我想在(2014,83.3)的这个数字中应用它,或者只是大致达到起点。 数据来源:芬兰2030年能源愿景,VTT和p。25 . 尝试基于克里斯托夫的评论和他的回答。 可读代码 set terminal qt size 560,270; set margins 0,0,0,0; set multiplot; # J

我想在png图形的顶部绘制为透明的,在Gnuplot中没有轴。如果可以在那里安装legend,那就太好了。 它的代码基于我在gnuplot中的许多讨论


我想在(2014,83.3)的这个数字中应用它,或者只是大致达到起点。 数据来源:芬兰2030年能源愿景,VTT和p。25 .

尝试基于克里斯托夫的评论和他的回答。 可读代码

set terminal qt size 560,270; 
set margins 0,0,0,0;
set multiplot; 

# Just plotting here 
set xrange [2014:2050]; 
set yrange [40:125]; 
set datafile separator " -"; 
set key autotitle columnhead;  
set offset 1,1,0,0; 
d(x) = -0.504 * x + 1097.984; 
c(x) = 83.3; inc(x) = 0.439 * x - 800.65; 
plot d(x) t "Decreasing -0.5\%/yr", c(x), inc(x) t "Increasing +0.5\%/yr", for [i=2:6:2] "model1_range_linear.dat" using 1:(0.5*(column(i)+column(i+1))):(0.5*(column(i+1)-column(i))) with yerror; 

set tmargin at screen 0.2; 
set bmargin at screen 0.15; 
unset border; unset tics; 
unset key;  
set autoscale xy; 
plot 'kulutus_energia_suomi_90_30.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage; 
unset multiplot;



set terminal qt size 560,270; set margins 0,0,0,0; set multiplot; set xrange [2014:2050]; set yrange [40:125]; set datafile separator " -"; set key autotitle columnhead; set offset 1,1,0,0; d(x) = -0.504 * x + 1097.984; c(x) = 83.3; inc(x) = 0.439 * x - 800.65; plot d(x) t "Decreasing -0.5\%/yr", c(x), inc(x) t "Increasing +0.5\%/yr", for [i=2:6:2] "model1_range_linear.dat" using 1:(0.5*(column(i)+column(i+1))):(0.5*(column(i+1)-column(i))) with yerror; set tmargin at screen 0.2; set bmargin at screen 0.15; unset border; unset tics; unset key; set autoscale xy; plot 'kulutus_energia_suomi_90_30.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage; unset multiplot;



  • 将png打印为全尺寸背景图像(我选择终端窗口的大小与原始图像的大小完全相同):

  • 检查图像中打印边框的位置,并相应地设置gnuplots边距,以便[2014:2040]的xrange位于图像中的正确位置。对于yranges,我使用了与png中相同的方法(顶部可能是110)

  • 完整的脚本是

    set terminal qt size 845,578
    set multiplot
    # plot the png as full-size background image
    set margins 0,0,0,0
    set autoscale xfix
    set autoscale yfix
    plot 'kulutus_energia_suomi_90_30.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage
    # now plot the lines on top
    height = 578.0
    width = 845.0
    # borders in pixel
    left = 50.0
    right = 646.0
    top  = 515.0
    bottom = 96.0
    set tmargin at screen top/height
    set bmargin at screen bottom/height
    # get the position of 2014 on the png, assumes that left is 1990 and right is 2040
    set lmargin at screen left/width + (right - left)/width * 24.0/50.0
    set rmargin at screen right/width
    set xrange [2014:2040]
    set yrange [0:110]
    set datafile separator " -"
    d(x) = -0.504 * x + 1097.984
    c(x) = 83.3
    inc(x) = 0.439 * x - 800.65
    unset key
    unset tics
    unset border
    plot d(x) t "Decreasing -0.5\%/yr" lw 2, \
         c(x) lw 2, \
         inc(x) lw 2 t "Increasing +0.5\%/yr", \
         for [i=2:6:2] "model1_range_linear.dat" using 1:(0.5*(column(i)+column(i+1))):(0.5*(column(i+1)-column(i))) with yerror
    unset multiplot


    set terminal qt size 845,578
    set multiplot
    # plot the png as full-size background image
    set margins 0,0,0,0
    set autoscale xfix
    set autoscale yfix
    plot 'kulutus_energia_suomi_90_30.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage
    set terminal qt size 845,578
    set multiplot
    # plot the png as full-size background image
    set margins 0,0,0,0
    set autoscale xfix
    set autoscale yfix
    plot 'kulutus_energia_suomi_90_30.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage
    # now plot the lines on top
    height = 578.0
    width = 845.0
    # borders in pixel
    left = 50.0
    right = 646.0
    top  = 515.0
    bottom = 96.0
    set tmargin at screen top/height
    set bmargin at screen bottom/height
    # get the position of 2014 on the png, assumes that left is 1990 and right is 2040
    set lmargin at screen left/width + (right - left)/width * 24.0/50.0
    set rmargin at screen right/width
    set xrange [2014:2040]
    set yrange [0:110]
    set datafile separator " -"
    d(x) = -0.504 * x + 1097.984
    c(x) = 83.3
    inc(x) = 0.439 * x - 800.65
    unset key
    unset tics
    unset border
    plot d(x) t "Decreasing -0.5\%/yr" lw 2, \
         c(x) lw 2, \
         inc(x) lw 2 t "Increasing +0.5\%/yr", \
         for [i=2:6:2] "model1_range_linear.dat" using 1:(0.5*(column(i)+column(i+1))):(0.5*(column(i+1)-column(i))) with yerror
    unset multiplot